The Czech BIORAF project employs the techniques of green chemistry for biomass utilization to high added-value products and energy sources. Refining it results in food supplements, fodders and fertilizers, new-generation biofuels and energy from the biomass of microbial, plant or animal origin. Biorefining is a unique approach for a new sustainable substitution of fossil fuels minimizing an adverse effect on the environment while exploiting the whole volume of biomass. and Pavel Topka.
Dr. Ľubomíra Balková of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of Charles University is one of three winners of the L'Oreal - UNESCO for Women in Science, organized annually. Academic bulletin presents her winning research project on the application of combinatorics in cryptology and its practical applications, such as the security of credit cards. and Ľubomíra Balková.
Pracovník Fakulty technologické Univerzity Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně prof. Ing. Martin Zatloukal, Ph.D., DSc., obhájil disertaci Aplikovaná reologie pro polymery: Od charakterizace k modelování a tokovým nestabilitám a získal vědecký titul „doktor chemických věd“. Prof. Zatloukal přispěl k rozvoji aplikované reologie polymerních tavenin, navrhl a aplikoval inovativní experimentální metodiky umožňující pochopení vlivu tahového toku a tlaku na tokové chování polymerních tavenin, vyvinul nové konstituční rovnice pro polymerní taveniny, které poskytují možnost rozlišit topologii polymerů, a vytvořil nový přístup pro modelování nestabilit volného povrchu polymerních tavenin v oblasti silně nelineární viskoelasticity. and Martin Zatloukal.
Ceremonial inauguration of Tokamak Compass-D that Czech Republic obtained as gift from Great Britain took place in April 1 2008 by participation e.g. chairman of AS CR Václav Pačes, ambasador of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Linda Joy Duffield, director of Association EUROATOM-IPP.CR Hardo Bruns and director of UKAEA Fusion Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith. A Tokamak Compass-D is a machine producing a toroidal magnetic field for confining a plasma. It is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices and the most researched candidate for producing fusion energy. and Marina Hužvárová.