Studie Tomáše Hlobila se zabývá náplní přednášek estetika Johanna Heinricha Dambecka, které Dambeck přednášel během svého pedagogického působení na pražské univerzitě., This article examines contemporaneous reports about two versions of lectures in aesthetics, which were given at Prague University by Johann Heinrich Dambeck (1774–1820). They were recorded by the publisher Joseph Adolf Hanslik (1785–1859) in a manuscript summary in 1819 and a two-volume book published in 1822 and 1823. The article presents a comparison of the two sources in order to determine which parts of the commentary originate with Dambeck and which with Hanslik. Considering the large scope and the bibliographical nature of the chief part of the appendices to the book, the author of the article concludes that they originated not with Dambeck, but with Hanslik., Tomáš Hlobil., Rubrika: Studie, and Německé resumé na s. 130, anglický abstrakt na s. 123.
This article presents a critical evaluation of the growing popularity of online social surveys for the exploration of attitudes and behaviours within higher educational institutions. More specifically this article addresses a number of key issues: the construction of representative online samples, and the presentation of the results from an institutional census constructed from an online survey with a low response rate. The improper use of statistical significance tests, and the reporting of systematic errors when quota sampling is employed in surveys is also discussed. This study compares and evaluates four recent academic surveys: (a) the Czech wave of the EUROSTUDENT IV survey fielded by SC&C, (b) A Research Survey on Academic Staff at Czech Colleges and Universities undertaken by SC&C in 2009, (c) surveys of students and (d) employees at Palacky University Olomouc undertaken by the newly established Laboratory of Social Research. This article shows that an improper interpretation of online surveys resulted in a missrepresention of the views of university students and academic staff on the state of Czech higher education and opinions concerning different tertiary education reform measures., Dan Ryšavý., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Válečné konflikty vždy zdůrazní význam potravinářství a potravinářského výzkumu, což plně platilo i ve 2. světové válce. V následující, tzv. studené válce se otázka zabezpečení dostatečných a trvanlivých zásob potravin pro vojsko i civilní obyvatelstvo stala opět mimořádně důležitým tématem, na nějž se soustředil zájem badatelů. Významnou roli v Československu sehrál jeden ze zakladatelů moderního konzervárenství u nás, brněnský rodák a moravský patriot Vladimír Kyzlink (29. února 1915-3. ledna 2008). and Martin Franc.