(Statement of Responsibility) Jednota ku povzbuzení průmyslu v Čechách, Název z obálky, Otisk ze 47. výroční zprávy Jednoty., and Nad názvem: Jednota ku povzbuzení průmyslu v Čechách
This study analyses the first partnerships of women and men in the Czech Republic and focuses on a comparison of family behaviour before and after the politically and socially important watershed of 1989. The authors investigate the type of first partnership (cohabitation versus marriage) and its timing. It can be assumed that significant changes in partnership behaviour exhibit a different pattern according to educational group, and moreover that differences in the timing and type of first partnership might also be expected from the point of view of gender. Given the increasing proportion of children born outside wedlock, attention is devoted to the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on partnership strategies. The data used in the paper are taken from the ‘Generations and Gender Survey’ carried out in the Czech Republic in 2008. The retrospective character of these data provides information on partnership careers in the context of other significant life events., Anna Šťastná, Jana Paloncyová., Rubrika: Stati, 1 tabulka, 1 schéma, 5 grafů, Poznámky na str. 29 (4), Biografické poznámky o autorkách článku na str. 15, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 16
(Statement of Responsibility) František Dvořáček, Obsahuje rejstřík, and Obsahuje přívazek: Všeobecný zákon o nakažlivých nemocech zvířecích ze dne 6. srpna 1909 č. 177 a prováděcí nařízení k tomuto zákonu, vydaná dne 15. října 1909 č. 178 ř.z.
The treatise deals with the language of the earliest redaction of the Old Bohemian Annals written in Czech, which were issued i.a. through the merit of the author of this article. The focus of attention are six texts from the middle of the fifteenth century; the objective of the treatise is to verify from the position of a linguist the validity of the conclusions on the filial relations between the individual annals, which were formulated by the historian P. Čornej, to date the texts more precisely and formulate the specific language features of the individual annals. The article discusses the linguistic phenomena typical, or on the other hand exceptional, for the annals and the period of their origin, namely from all of the linguistic levels (ortography and phonetics, morphology, syntax, stylistics, lexis). Through the analysis, it was proved that the annals capture many times a distinctly archaic form of the Czech language, predominantly on the lower levels. On the other hand, progress is recorded in the lexis, which reacts to the social development most flexibly. The opinion of filial relations between the manuscripts is in agreement with the opinion of the historian. and Alena M. Černá.
Retransplantace plic je v současné době akceptovaným řešením selhání štěpu u pacientů po transplantaci plic. Za 15 let trvání programu transplantace plic v České republice byla první retransplantace provedena 1. 8. 2012. Předmětem sdělení je kazuistika pacientky s lymfangioleiomyomatózou, která poprvé podstoupila transplantaci levé plíce 4. 10. 1998. Postupem času došlo po 12 letech opět k rozvoji chronické respirační insuficience na podkladě syndromu obliterující bronchiolitidy. Pacientka byla znovu zařazena na čekací listinu k retransplantaci a 1. 8. 2012 byla provedena úspěšná transplantace pravé plíce., Nowadays, lung re-transplantation is an acceptable method of treatment in patients with graft failure after lung transplantation. During the 15-year duration of the lung transplant program in the Czech Republic, the first re-transplantation was performed on 1. 8. 2012. This article presents the case report of a female patient with lymphangioleiomyomatosis who underwent single lung transplantation on the left side on 4. 10. 1998. Over 12 years, based on bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome, she developed chronic respiratory insufficiency again. The patient was re-listed on the waiting list and on 1. 8. 2012, successful single-lung transplantation on the right side was performed., and J. Pozniak, J. Kolařík, D. Myšíková, J. Šimonek, J. Schützner, P. Pafko, R. Lischke