The project ETHNOFOLK, fuded by the UE Structural Funds through the Central Europe Programme, integrates central Europe countries (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Austria and Hungary) and aims to present the Central European folk culture heritage and potential of its actual and future preservation and presentation. The project planned outcome will be an extensive web portal presenting samples of folk architecture, costumes, music, songs, customs, devotion, etc. in visual, audio as well as video form. As another important goal, the Portal will offer numerous results of an ethnographic nature focusing on the essetial scietific background of cultural and visual anthropology theory. The project extends from May 1, 2001 to April 30, 2014 when the Portal is to be launched in a multilingual format. and Matěj Kratochvíl.
Conceiving of the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss as a sort of ethnological parallel to the Linguistic Circle of Prague, the author is dealing with the possibilities and results of Lévistraussian application and inspiration derived from the Praguian phonology. Nevertheless: whereas Nicolai S. Trubetzkoy’s influence seems to be dominating in the Elementary Structures of Kinship, the Mythologiques as a whole manifest a very massive and autonomous development of one Jakobsonian concept known as a primary triangle under the form of culinary triangle.