S myšlenkou vytvořit vlastní evoluci a její úspěšnou implementaci přišel Thomas Ray, biolog z Delawarské univerzity. Na počátku 90. let minulého století vytvořil systém zvaný Tierra (Země). Šlo o počítačový systém několika krátkých vzájemně si konkurujících programů. Programy se množily, v systému docházelo k mutacím a díky tomu k evoluci. V tomto systému Thomas Ray mj. pozoroval vznik parazitismu, kdy některé programy zkrátily svůj kód a k životu používaly kód programů jiných. Dalším významným systémem byla Avida, vyvinutá na Michigan State University, kde byl pozorován vznik složitých funkcí, a systém Amoeba, ve které byl pozorován vznik samoreplikujících struktur z náhodného počátečního kódu., The idea of creating an own self-evolution and its successful implementation came from Thomas Ray, a biologist at the University of Delaware, In the early 90s of the last century he created a computer system of short competing programs called Tierra (Earth) where programs reproduce and mutations occur. Thomas Ray observed the creation of parasitism, where some programs shorten their code length and the missing parts used from other programs. Another important system Avida was developed at Michigan State University, where the creation of new complex functions was observed and the system Amoeba, in which the emergence of self-replicating structures from random initial code was observed., Vladimír Scholtz., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Czech White-Nose Syndrome Team together with international collaborators discovered mechanisms of tolerance that protect Palearctic bats from white-nose syndrome (WNS), the disease that caused mass die-off in North America. The discovery raises hope for a better future of bats in North American ecosystems. White-nose syndrome (WNS) is caused by a generalist pathogen Pseudogymnoascus destructans with the worst possible characteristics of an infectious fungal agent. The generalist nature of the WNS fungus means that it can infect any bat hibernating in a contaminated cave or mine and, moreover, it may remain viable and virulent, waiting for its hosts until the next hibernation period. Harmless to humans, the WNS fungus kills hibernating North American bats in winter. However, loss of voracious insectivorous bats from agricultural ecosystems may result in economic costs required for increased pest control. Without mass die-offs of bats harbouring the WNS agent in Europe, the response to disease is an enigma. To study the survival crossroads, the Czech WNS Team focused on the relationship between pathogen quantity and disease under natural conditions. High disease prevalence together with high fungal loads in absence of bat population declines in Eurasia indicates disease tolerance mechanisms, where hosts limit harm inflicted by the pathogen but do not hinder its growth. The tolerance mechanisms revealed by the Czech WNS Team is a function of bat adaptation to the presence of the pathogen. and Natália Martínková.
The article defends the possibility of using evolutionary schemes in historical sciences, as models for interpreting cultural-historical changes. It points out the possibilities for maintaining certain space within master narratives for explaining the theories of partial developmental processes. The demographic data could, then, be used as hypothetical indicators of the processes of cultural-historical change., Jan Horský., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Příspěvek pojednává o využití výpočetní techniky ve fyzikálních vědách, speciálně o aplikaci evolučních algoritmů v problematice deterministického chaosu. V obou ukázkových studiích jsou použity jak klasické evoluční algoritmy, tak algoritmy moderní. Veškeré údaje byly získány mnohonásobně opakovanými simulacemi, jejichž výsledky jasně poukazují na robustnost a životaschopnost použitých metod. Získaná řešení a postupy k nim vedoucí uvedené v článku jsou diskutovány pouze na úrovni informativního charakteru; pro nastudování plného popisu jsou na konci příspěvku uvedeny potřebné odkazy., Ivan Zelinka, Roman Šenkeřík, Zuzana Oplatková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Hexamerins are hemocyanin-related haemolymph proteins that are widespread in insects and may accumulate to extraordinarily high concentrations in larval stages. Hexamerins were originally described as storage proteins that provide amino acids and energy for non-feeding periods. However, in recent years other specific functions like cuticle formation, transport of hormones and other organic compounds, or humoral immune defense have been proposed. During evolution, hexamerins diversified according to the divergence of the insect orders. Within the orders, there is a notable structural diversification of these proteins, which probably reflects specific functions. In this paper, the different possible roles of the hexamerins are reviewed and discussed in the context of hexamerin phylogeny., Thorsten Burmester, and Lit