Accumulation of glycollate or glyoxylate on irradiation of leaf discs in the presence of a-hydroxypyridinemethane sulfonate (a-HPMS) oř glycidate, respectively, was studied in C3-C4 intermediates of Altemanthera species (A. ficoides, A. tenellá) and Paríhenium hysíerophorus in comparison with the partem in C3 or C4 species. The levels of these two photorespiratory metabolites were reduced in the intermediates (< 75 % of that in C3) while being very low in the C4 species (about 10 % of that in C3). The inhibitory effect of bicarbonate on the glycollate or glyoxylate accumulation was pronounced in the C3 species (60 % inhibition), moderate in the intermediates (about 45 %), and very low (< 2 %) in the C4 plants. The negligible effect of bicarbonate on these photorespiratory metabolites in the C4 species is expected to be due to their C4 acid-based C02-concentrating mechanism. In the presence of 5 mM bicarbonate, the levels of glycollate and glyoxylate in the C3 species were similar to those in the C3-C4 intermediates. We speculate that a high intemal CO2 pool, possibly due to an efficient CO2 recycling/refixation mechanism, may be an additional reason besides the partial reduction in photorespiratory enžymic capacity for reduced levels of photorespiratory glycollate/glyoxylate in C3-C4 intermediates.Accumulation of glycollate or glyoxylate on irradiation of leaf discs in the presence of a-hydroxypyridinemethane sulfonate (a-HPMS) oř glycidate, respectively, was studied in C3-C4 intermediates of Altemanthera species (A. ficoides, A. tenellá) and Paríhenium hysíerophorus in comparison with the partem in C3 or C4 species. The levels of these two photorespiratory metabolites were reduced in the intermediates (< 75 % of that in C3) while being very low in the C4 species (about 10 % of that in C3). The inhibitory effect of bicarbonate on the glycollate or glyoxylate accumulation was pronounced in the C3 species (60 % inhibition), moderate in the intermediates (about 45 %), and very low (< 2 %) in the C4 plants. The negligible effect of bicarbonate on these photorespiratory metabolites in the C4 species is expected to be due to their C4 acid-based C02-concentrating mechanism. In the presence of 5 mM bicarbonate, the levels of glycollate and glyoxylate in the C3 species were similar to those in the C3-C4 intermediates. We speculate that a high intemal CO2 pool, possibly due to an efficient CO2 recycling/refixation mechanism, may be an additional reason besides the partial reduction in photorespiratory enžymic capacity for reduced levels of photorespiratory glycollate/glyoxylate in C3-C4 intermediates.
In this article we present some of the problems connected with the formation of the First Czechoslovak Republic from the legal point of view. Our aim is to point out that the First Czechoslovak Republic could not arise for the Slovaks on the 28th of October, 1918. Our argumentation is firstly based on the historical discussion (descriptive level) which was held in the past, but at the same time we try to formulate conclusions applicable on other similar cases within nowadays discussion (prescriptive level). In the beginning of the article we analyse the thesis according to which the First Czechoslovak Republic was created on the 28th of October, 1918, while trying to come to terms with the arguments that support this legal fiction. Consequently we analyze the thesis that the First Czechoslovak Republic could not be legally created for the Slovaks on the 28th of October, 1918, because at that time the Czechoslovak Republic did not execute its effective power on the Slovak territory. To support this thesis we use also the stable practice of the Supreme Administration Court. At the end of the article, we try to summarize all the previous arguments and draw the attention to the lack of explanatory power of the legal fiction claiming that the Czechoslovak Republic was created on the 28th of October, 1918., Štefan Siskovič, Miriam Laclavíková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The article draws on the theory of reflexive modernisation (Beck, Giddens) and suggests that the crisis of the welfare state in Europe is triggering a need to strengthen European civil society. Following this idea it is argued that there are pathological elements in the process of the formation of European national identities currently (previously) under way, wherein the constructions of identities are prevailingly negative. It is suggested that Europeans need to maintain and foster feelings of mutuality and belonging in order to protect achieved economic welfare, political liberties, and cultural diversity, and to increase their political and cultural capacity to tackle the challenges of globalisation. First, the author examines the context of identity formation within the process of modernisation, and second, he discusses the arguments put forth in Erik Erikson's well-known theory of identity formation, in order to explore the preconditions, forms, and possibilities of political identity formation within the EU, especially the dynamics between the public sphere and identity-forming processes.
Studie je rozvržena do dvou částí. V části první se pojednává obecných otázkách vztahu formy a funkce v tzv. otázkách zjišťovacích. Formálním aspektem tohoto druhu otázek je především: kladný nebo záporný predikát, slovní druh podmětu (zájmeno nebo substantivum) a jeho pozice ve větě, slovosled podmětu a predikátu (slovosled „přímý“, nebo inverzní) a užívání partikulí a jejich pozice ve větě. Již samotnou kombinací (mj.) těchto formálních vlastností vzniká poměrně složitý obraz celého subsystému dané oblasti gramatiky. Ten je pak mnohonásobně komplikován vztahem dané specifické otázkové formy a její komunikativní funkce (ilokuce). Další větné komplikace pak vznikají v pohledu kontrastivním, neboť jazyky se tu v mnoha ohledech nikoli nepodstatně odlišují. Tato odlišnost má pak vliv i na překlady, jak jsme zjistili i naším korpusovým studiem (viz tabulky).
Ve druhé části studie je podán poměrně detailní přehled obecných i specifických komunikativních funkcí daného typu otázek. Obecně se rozlišují: otázky podivové (You stopped at the Islands7 (suprised)), apelové (s mnoho podtypy, např. Can’t you be strong Peter7), asertivní (se dvěma podtypy: Isn’t it lovely? a Est-ce que ce sont des seins de dix dollars?) a zjištovaci (v užším slova smyslu) se dvěma hlavními podtypy: dubitativní a non-dubitativní.
Since 1989, Prague has become a major destination for gay tourists and for sex tourists of all orientations from Western countries. To date, relatively little attention from policy or social theory perspectives has focused on males involved in sex work in Czech Republic. Based on the author's fieldwork in the gay community in Prague during 1999-2002 with follow-up visits in 2004-2006, this article looks at the experiences of young men (especially gay-identified men) involved in homosexual sex work in Prague, describes their relationship to the mainstream gay scenes in Prague in several phases since the mid-1990s, and discusses problems they face. Findings include the following: 1) Transactional sex exists on a continuum - ranging from one-time explicit exchanges of sex for money, through flirting for drinks, to longer-term relationships strongly motivated by financial considerations. 2) The latter types provide both a potential point of entry to sex work and a point of contact or plausible deniability on the gay mainstream. 3) Young men involved in various forms of sex work provide one of the major encounter points between Western tourists and native Czechs and Slovaks; this has been aggressively marketed in Western Europe and North America since the mid-1990s by por-nographers, both Czech and foreign. 4) Male sex work does not generally provide a long-term career in Czech Republic; many former sex workers appear to end up in jobs such as bartending or as tour guides, where they can use their language skills and customer service experience.
Fotodynamická terapia (PDT, photodynamic therapy) je jednou z najmodernejších a najperspektívějších terapeutických metód pri liečení nádorových ochorení. Princíp PDT je založený na deštrukcii nádoru, ktorá nastane po podaní fotosenzibilizátora (FTS) a následnom ožiarení nádoru, v ktorom sa nachádza FTS [1]-[4]. Selektívna akumulácia a retencia FTS v nádorových tkanivách, v porovnaní s okolitým zdravým tkanivom, vedie k selektívnej deštrukcii nádoru, pričom okolité zdravé tkanivo ostáva nepoškodené. Takáto selektivita je jednou z najväčších výhod tejto metódy, ktorá umožňuje v istých prípadoch nahradiť chemoterapiu, rádioterapiu, či chirurgický zákrok při liečbě nádorových ochorení. PDT má oproti ostatným "klasickým" prístupom k liečbě rakoviny (chirurgia, chemoterapia, rádioterapia) tieto následujúce výhody: I) zanedbateĺné vedĺajšie efekty, II) nízka úroveň komplikácii počas a po terapeutickom zákroku, III) vyššia kvalita života pacienta, IV) možnosť terapie mimo zdravotníckeho zariadenia, V) možnosť opakovanej liečby, VI) možnosť diagnostiky a terapie v jednom kroku, VII) nižšie finančné náklady liečby v porovnaní s chemoterapiou a rádioterapiou., Pavol Miškovský, Daniel Jancura, Jozef Uličný, Gabriela Fabríciová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury