Před více než 150 lety Josef Loschmidt, později uznávaný fyzik, publikoval práci, v níž velice jasným a správným způsobem znázornil strukturu téměř čtyř stovek převážně organických chemických sloučenin a zejména jako první objasnil cyklickou strukturu benzenu. Bohužel tato jeho práce byla přehlížena a postupně zapomenuta, v evidentní neprospěch dalšího vývoje organické strukturní chemie., More than 150 years ago Josef Loschmidt, later a distinguished physicist, published a booklet in which he clearly and correctly depicted the structure of almost four hundred mainly organic chemical compounds, and above all deduced the cyclic structure of benzene. Unfortunately, this work was disregarded and gradually forgotten, which had a negative impact on the later development of organic chemistry., Miroslav Novák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Leaf senescence is always associated with decline in photosynthesis, consequently a loss of cellular sugar. On the other hand, execution of senescence program needs energy and leaves, therefore, tend to collect sugars from other sources to sustain energy homeostasis. This sugar reprogramming induced by loss of sugar involves operation of a complex catabolic network. The exact molecular mechanism of induction and regulation of the network, however, is not fully resolved but the current literature available suggests sugar starvation as a signal for induction of several senescence-associated genes including the genes coding for the enzymes for degradation of cellular constituents and their conversion to respiratory sugars. The late expression of genes coding for the cell wall hydrolases and enhancement in the activity of these enzymes late during senescence are indicative of the cell wall polysaccharides as the last source of sugars to sustain energy homeostasis for execution of the senescence program., B. Biswal, J. K. Pandey., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Advanced atherosclerotic changes can often resist even to very aggressive treatment. Although basic mechanisms of its origin and development are known, some important steps in this process are still waiting for more detailed explanation. Therefore, in addition to already proved aggressive lowering of LDL cholesterol, appropriate timing of atherosclerosis treatment is of the essence. Revealing different stages of atherosclerotic process, less or more sensitive to treatment is of primary importance; however, its detection is complicated by several facts including not exactly identifiable periods of quiescence and progression of atherosclerotic process. One of populations, study of which could add valuable information regarding this problem , are women in menop ausal transition. Previously unsuccessful therapy with hormone replacement therapy is restudied with focus on the time of/after menopause. Now, it is supposed to be favorable in women soon, approximately less than 8 years, after menopause. In addition, the same principle - optimal timing of the intervention of traditional cardiovascular risk factors, especially lipids, could be also of importance. Therefore, menopausal transition could be optimal period for the intervention in women at risk. However, this a pproach is to be proved by evidence from controlled prospective studies focused on lifestyle and/or pharmacological intervention., J. Piťha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Carbon dioxide concentration and light conditions may greatly vary between mountainous and lowland areas determining the photosynthetic performance of plants species. This paper aimed to evaluate the photosynthetic responses of Lotus corniculatus, growing in a mountain and a lowland grassland, under low and high radiation and CO2 concentration. Net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and intercellular CO2 concentration were measured while the water-use efficiency and the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence were calculated. Photosynthetic response curves to different levels of radiation and intercellular CO2 partial pressure were estimated. Our results showed that high radiation and CO2 concentration enhanced
water-use efficiency of plants at both sites, enabling them to use more efficiently the available water reserves under drought conditions. The increase of radiation and CO2 concentration would enhance the photosynthetic performance of the mountainous population of L. corniculatus, which overall seems to express higher phenotypic plasticity., P. Kostopoulou, M. Karatassiou., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Historicky první lotyšské předsednictví v Radě EU v 1. pololetí roku 2015 se uskuteční pod logem mlýnského kamene: symbolu zdroje potravy a prosperity, jakož i inovací, dynamického pohybu a růstu. Lotyšsko si stanovilo na základě priorit společných pro předchozí předsednictví Itálie a nadcházejícího Lucemburska (finanční stabilita, růst EU, zaměstnanost, digitální agenda a posílení úlohy EU ve světě) tři hlavní cíle: konkurenceschopná, digitální a angažovaná Evropa. and Anna Vosečková.