This essay aims to describe hitherto unknown notes of aesthetics lectures given by August Gottlieb Meißner (1753-1807) at Prague University. It compares these notes (made by a certain Wagner, and deposited in the Wienbibliothek im Rathaus) with notes deposited in Czech libraries, and seeks to determine their place chronologically amongst notes made by others attending Meißner’s lectures over the years. The most important difference in content between the earlier known notes and Wagner’s is Meißner’s negative attitude towards the Schlegel brothers. This attitude slightly alters our existing notion of his views on the relationship between literature and morality. Taken alone, the collections of notes in Czech libraries had led one to conclude that this Prague ordinarius was an ardent libertine, who dared, even at a conservative Austrian university, to push for the autonomy of art, including a thorough split between art and morality, regarding not only works of art, but also, to a certain extent, the artists themselves. By contrast, the Vienna MS as a matter of priority restricts this split to art, and limits it to the higher, moral aims of the artist as citizen. His approach to questions of morality and to the Schlegel brothers demonstrates that while Meißner considered himself part of the liberally enlightened current of contemporaneous literature, which made moving the emotions the central aim of art, he was no longer an adherent of upandcoming Romanticism with its extreme conviction about unlimited authorial liberty, which stemmed from the philosophical Idealism of the times. This attitude to the Schlegel brothers also suggests that Wagner attended Meißner’s lectures in aesthetics and rhetoric in the winter of 1800/1., Tomáš Hlobil., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Úvod: Tři jednonukleotidové polymorfismy (SNP) v NOD2/CARD15 genu (3020insC, R702W, G908R) jsou pro Crohnovu chorobu významným rizikovým faktorem. Jejich diagnostické a terapeutické využití v klinické praxi je však doposud limitované. Cílem studie byla analýza možné asociace těchto polymorfismů s rizikem reoperací a posouzenísouvislosti s fenotypem onemocnění. Metody: U 76 pacientů s Crohnovou chorobou a minimální délkou trvání nemoci 5 let byly testovány tři sekvenční varianty NOD2/CARD15 genu (R702W, G908R, 3020insC). Anamnestická a klinická data, včetně chirurgické léčby byly retrospektivně získány ze zdravotnické dokumentace a prospektivně doplňovány podle protokolu studie. Analyzovány byly souvislosti mezi vybranými genovými polymorfismy, nutností reoperací a fenotypem nemoci. Výsledky: U 24 pacientů (32 %) se našla alespoň jedna sledovaná varianta v NOD2/CARD15 genu. 25 pacientů (33 %) bylo reoperováno, 51 (67 %) představovalo kontrolní skupinu. Trend vyšší četnosti reoperací ve skupině s genovou mutací nedosáhl statistické významnosti (p=0,2688). Dva ze čtyř homozygotů (50 %) nesoucích variantu 3020insC byli opakovaně operováni. Neprokázali jsme signifikantní rozdíly mezi soubory s wild formou a mutovanou formou NOD2/8CARD15 genu s ohledem na věk v době diagnózy (p=0,4356), formu onemocnění (p=0,6610) a lokalizaci (p=0,4747) podle Montrealské klasifikace. Závěr: Polymorfismy v NOD2/CARD genu signifikantně neovlivnily četnost reoperací, homozygoti nesoucí mutaci 3020insC genu však představovali vysoce rizikovou skupinu. Fenotyp onemocnění signifikantně nesouvisel s přítomností vyšetřovaných sekvenčních variant., Introduction: Three NOD2/CARD15 gene variants (3020insC, R702W, G908R) have been identified as genetic risk factors for Crohn’s disease patients. However the diagnostic and therapeutic relevance for clinical practice remains limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between these variants, the risk of reoperation and disease phenotype. Methods: In 76 Crohn’s disease patients (41 female, 35 male) with a minimum 5 year follow-up, three polymorphisms of the NOD2/CARD15 gene (R702W, G908R, 3020insC) were tested. Detailed clinical and medical history including surgical procedures and reoperations were obtained by reviewing the medical charts and completed prospectively. Association between the need for reoperation, disease phenotypes and gene variants were analyzed. Results: 24 patients (32%) showed at least one NOD2/CARD15 mutation. 25 patients (33%) required reoperation, 51 (67%) represented the control group. The expected trend that patients with NOD2/CARD15 variants have a higher frequency of reoperations was not confirmed to a level of statistical significance (p=0.2688). Two of the four patients (50%) with the 3020insC variant required further surgery. We did not confirm any association between NOD2/CARD15 mutations and age at diagnosis (p=0.4356), behavior (p=0.6610), or localization (p=0.4747) according to the Montreal classification. Conclusion: NOD2/CARD15 polymorphisms did not significantly affect the reoperation rate. Homozygosity for the 3020insC variant in the NOD2/CARD15 gene is associated with a high risk of reoperation. NOD2/CARD15 gene variants are not significantly associated with specific disease phenotypes., and L. Martínek, T. Kupka, J. Šimová, P. Klvaňa, M. Bojková, M. Uvírová, P. Dítě, J. Dvořáčková, J. Hoch, P. Zonča
Background: Non-adherence to treatment in seniors with dementia is a frequent and potentially dangerous phenomenon in routine clinical practice which might lead to the inappropriate treatment of a patient, including the risk of intoxication. There might be different causes of non-adherence in patients with dementia: memory impairment, sensory disturbances, limitations in mobility, economical reasons limiting access to health care and medication. Non-adherence leads to serious clinical consequences as well as being a challenge for public health. Aim: to estimate prevalence of non-adherence in seniors with dementia and to study correlation between cognitive decline and non-adherence. Subjects and Methods: Prospective study, analyzing medical records of seniors with dementia admitted to the inpatient psychogeriatric ward in the Kromeriz mental hospital from January 2010 to January 2011. Cognitive decline measured by MMSE, prevalence of Non-adherence to treatment and reasons for patient Non-adherence were studied. Results: Non-adherence to any treatment was detected in 31.3% of seniors; memory impairment was the most common cause of non-adherence to treatment. Conclusion: In conclusion, non-adherence to treatment in the studied group of seniors with dementia correlates with the severity of cognitive impairment – a higher cognitive decline correlates with a higher risk of non-adherence to treatment. and J. Lužný, K. Ivanová, L. Juríčková