The article deals with commemorations of the death of Tomáš G. Masaryk, the first president of Czechoslovakia. The funeral, its organization, and the location of Masaryk's grave reflected a new - predominantly nationalist-military-legionnaire - concept of the traditions of the Czechoslovak state. In the politically turbulent Europe of the late 1930s, it provided an opportunity to solidify the Czechoslovak national identity and to represent multinational state as unified. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
The general theory of relativity (GRT) should be considered at present as a necessary framework for the construction of accurate dynamical ephemerides (relativistic celestial mechanics) and In the discussion of high-precision observations (relativistic astrometry). The main achievements of recent years and the most promising investigations are related to experimental foundation of the theory of gravitation, gravltational radiation treated as the subject of celestial mechanics, mathematical correctness and physical meaning of the equatlons of motion, astronomical reference systems, time scales, astronomical units of measurements, reduction of astronomical observations.