Autonomy of science and art is an ideal of every civilized society. The distance between a certain society and this ideal depends on a large number of parameters, among which cultural enlightenment and consciousness of the main protagonists in realization of these two areas seem to be most important. Unfortunately, Serbia cannot boast with a high level of independency of creative processes. Nowadays, in formal sense, they enjoy a higher level of autonomy in terms of the state ideology; however, at the same time, they are essentially and basically restricted by it. The very notion of autonomy here is related to financial and, more than this, to ideological independence of free and creative thought, that is to the question to which extent scientific creativity manage to transcend current cultural-historical-social context and to find universal regularities of human civilization in it. Intensity of social changes and postmodern market ideologies are reflected both at official scientific policy and at internal determination of context and concept of ethnological/anthropological researching which quite often become trapped in the shallow of topicality.
Jako dobový dokument zde nejdříve přinášíme podstatné části Šafránkova vlastního životopisu, jež vydal vlastním nákladem v roce 1936. Tato, dnes naprosto běžná sebeprezentace vyvolala u starší generace univerzitních fyziků podrážděnou reakci. Důkaz o tom nalezeneme v příslušné (zde rovněž přetištěné) autobiografie Vladimíra Nováka. Je velmi pravděpodobné, že Novák na Šafránka přenesl svou averzi k některým fyzikům starší generace, jmenovitě profesorům Felixovi a Posejpalovi. Třetím dokumentem je ukázka z knihy právě vydané nakladatelstvím Academia, v niž autorka líčí události provázející Šafránkovy přednášky ve Společnosti pro šíření vědeckých a politických znalostí v padesátých letech., Jaroslav Šafránek ; úvod redakce společný dalším dvěma článkům je uveden na straně 318., and Části Šafránkova vlastního životopisu [Curriculum vitae. Vlastním nákladem, Praha 1935, s. 5-8, 13-28]
Cíl. Měření přesvědčení, která se vztahují ke zdraví, má u pacientů ve zdravotnictví velký význam. Cílem studie bylo ověřit faktorovou strukturu české verze dotazníku Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale (MHLCS, verze B) a její invarianci. Metoda. N = 549 dospělých respondentů vyplnilo MHLCS v online průzkumu. Pomocí konfirmační faktorové analýzy byly ověřovány tři modely založené na předchozích studiích a dále byla ověřována invariance měření v závislosti na pohlaví, věku a času (šest měsíců). Výsledky. Žádný z navržených modelů nevykazoval dostatečnou shodu s daty. Proto byl navržen modifikovaný třífaktorový model, který vykázal přijatelnou shodu s daty a byl striktně invariantní ve vztahu k pohlaví, věku i času. U faktorů Vlivní druzí a Náhoda byl nalezen slabý efekt věku. Závěr. Českou verzi MHLCS lze považovat za validní a reliabilní nástroj, s výjimkou faktoru Náhoda, který vykazoval nízkou reliabilitu. and Aim. Measuring patients’ health-related beliefs is of high importance in health care. The aim of the study was to test the factor structure of the Czech version of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale (MHLCS) Form B and its measurement invariance. Method. N = 549 adults answered the MHLCS in an online survey. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to test three competing models based on previous studies and to assess measurement invariance of the MHLCS across gender, age, and time (six months). Results. None of the hypothesized models fit the data; therefore, a modified three-factor model was proposed that demonstrated an acceptable fit and was strictly invariant with respect to gender, age, and time. A small age effect was found on the Powerful Others and Chance factors. Conclusion. The Czech MHLCS can be considered a valid and reliable measure, except for the Chance factor, which had low reliability.
This study explores the collection of Czech books in the Strängnäs Cathedral Library. The books were taken to Sweden as war booty at the end of the Thirty Years’ War and are today the most compactly preserved collection of books of Czech provenance in Sweden. This so-called war library, which the Chapter received as a gift from Queen Christina I, was not seen by the new administrators as an integral part of the Church’s property. This paper aims to answer two questions: First, when and how the Chapter’s mental barrier broke down; second, what factors played a role in the reorganisation of Cathedral Library in 1764–1765 and the selection of books for the auction sale. To answer these questions, I analysed the manuscript catalogue of the Cathedral Library from the 1750s and the printed auction catalogue of 1764. In addition, I surveyed preserved copies, particularly those auctioned by the Cathedral Library. My findings reveal that it took more than a century for the looted books to integrate into the new cultural environment in Strängnäs. Their merger with the original Cathedral Library did not take place until the 1750s and 1760s as part of a reorganisation aimed at creating a modern historical collection. This reorganisation included massive disposal of books, a large amount of which came from the Czech book spoils. The research findings also indicate that the war origin played no significant role in their selection and sale. The fate of the Czech book spoils in Strängnäs represents a complex case of incorporating books from war booty into a new cultural environment. The study is one of the first contributions to the question of the so-called second life of Czech book spoils in Sweden.
This study summarizes the current state of archaeological knowledge of Slavic settlement in the so-called Czech Silesia that is currently regarded as the southern part of the historical Upper Silesia located mostly in the territory of today’s Poland. It is in this region that the Slavic tribe of the Golensizi mentioned by the so-called Bavarian Geographer is generally agreed to have settled. The study focuses on the period between the 8th and 10th/11th centuries as older records of Slavic presence are now known yet. It is not only based on results of previous research, but also brings in new findings. Three basic settlement components are monitored: strongholds, burial grounds and open settlements, which together make up an interconnected structure. Attention is paid mainly to localities where a long-term archaeological research was carried out and that provided us with material of good informative value. The aim of this study is to offer a historical interpretation of events that happened in the region during the aforementioned period.