Čeští a němečtí odborníci v oboru historie, sociální geografie, ekonomie, politologie, teologie a orientalistiky promluvili ve veřejné panelové diskusi „Uprchlíci a my: Česká očekávání a německá zkušenost“, kterou za účasti německého velvyslance Arndta Freiherra Freytaga von Loringhovena uspořádala Učená společnost ČR 19. dubna 2016 v budově Akademie věd ČR. Následná rozsáhlá debata prokázala velký zájem veřejnosti o tuto tematiku. Zveřejňujeme úvodní slovo prof. Jaroslava Pánka z Historického ústavu AV ČR v původním znění, které na diskusi muselo být vzhledem k omezenému času značně zkráceno. and Jaroslav Pánek.
Measuring of shape deviances, a surface roughness or a surface defects belongs to newly formed requirements in a serial production, especially in production of precise automotive parts. Methods, which are used so far, usually does not meet such requirements - their measuring capacity is not suitable, they cannot check a whole or at least a significant segment of a surface in a short time, they do not cover all the mentioned measuring parameters in one device, they are highly dependent on vibrations and fluctuation of temperature, etc. All of this can be solved using optical contactless dispersive methods. and Měření tvarových úchylek, drsnosti a často i povrchových defektů patří k novým požadavkům sériové výroby, zejména přesných autodílů. Dosud používané metody tyto požadavky většinou nesplňují - nevyhovují výkonem, neumožňují v krátkém čase oskenovat celou kontrolovanou plochu nebo alespoň její část, nezaručí jedním systémem proměřit uvedené parametry, jsou citlivé na vibrace, kolísání teploty atd. Problém je řešitelný až pomocí bezkontaktních optických disperzních metod.
Simple 3D distributions of the interplanetary dust cloud deríved from observations in the visible and distributions suggested by IR investigators are compared. Predictions of visual brightness based on IR models are falrly compatible with observations for large (ε<70°) elongations but not close to the Sun. Some reasons for this behaviour and first steps towards more realistic models are díscussed.
Observations of photometric and spectroscopic data for open clusters and associations have been intensive during the last few years. Incentives are many:
- each cluster is an object for which the state of evolution and other
characteristics can be studied much better than for individual stars
- the systems of open clusters and associations in our own and other galaxies give information about the recent evolution of the galaxies themselves
- the clusters and associations are sensors of the conditions in interstellar space
Collections of observed data have been made by Alter, Ruprecht, Balazs, Vanysek and White in the comprehehsive Prague-Budapest card catalogues. My own efforts in this direction have resulted in computer readable catalogue of open cluster data, of which the 5th edition appeared recently. In collaboration with K. Janes and C.
Tilley of Boston University, I have now entered weight classes. The purpose of these is to monitor the reliability of conclusions based on cluster data. It seems that physical systems of 10-1000 stars can be divided into three categories;
- associations and unbound open clusters
- bound open clusters in the disk
- old open clusters
Properties such as age, linear diameter and abundances are discussed for these categories on the basis of the data contained in the Lund catalogue. The galactic distribution of young clusters and associations shows the existence of complexes inside the thin disk. The system of old open clusters seems to back up the concept of a thick disk.
Předkládaná studie se věnuje specifikům dětské výpovědi. Mapuje možné zdroje její nespolehlivosti (nízká schopnost zapamatovat si a vybavit si události, vysoká sugestibilita, snadnost vzniku falešných vzpomínek, neporozumění pro procesy a interakce v okolí, možnost záměrného lhaní). Jsou uvedeny některé postupy, které mohou pomoci zkvalitnit, nebo naopak znehodnotit informace, podané dítětem. Schopnost dítěte porozumět své vlastní motivaci, prožívání a chování, stejně tak jako chování a prožívání jiných lidí je často zpochybňována. Ukazuje se však, že dětský úhel pohledu na události, které zažívá, a na sociální interakce, kterým je vystaveno, je obohacující. Přináší smysluplné informace, je jedinečný a přispívá jak k pochopení prožívání a chování dítěte a jeho aktuálních potíží, tak ke hlubšímu porozumění rodinným vztahům a jiným skutečnostem., The present study maps the possible sources of unreliability of child,s testimony (lower ability to remember and recall events, high suggestibility, easier formation of false memories, misunderstanding of the processes and interactions in surroundings, probability of deliberate lying) as well as its potential benefits in research and counselling practices. There are some procedures that can help improve or conversely depreciate information given by child. Child,s ability to understand their own motivation, experience and behaviour as well as behaviour and feelings of others are often questioned. But despite all mentioned risks, child,s testimony is very useful not only in judicial proceedings in which the child may be the only witness to the events but also in psychological research and counselling. It turns out that a child is more sensitive to some aspects of family life (conflicts) than an adult and gives even more accurate information than its parents. Child,s view of family life is important for understanding its behaviour and experience., Xenie Uholyeva., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The aim of the present paper is to examine certain philosophical issues which have set the tone of the philosophical reflection in eighteenth century France in relation to a specific case study: that of the "wild child" known as Victor of Aveyron. Found in 1800 in central France, Victor was later transferred to the Parisian Institute of the DeafMutes, where he became the object of educational activities of JeanMarc Itard, a medical expert known for his works on the problem of hearing loss. Through a brief critical examination of the most notorious philosophical texts dealing both with the question of wild children and deafness (namely by Rousseau, Diderot and Condillac), we attempt to show that the specificity of Itard’s educational method consists in an application of the sensualist approach towards the human individual (as it is exemplified especially in the work of Condillac) on a concrete human subject, considered as a tangible proof of the inexistence of innate ideas. On this basis, we sketch several broader questions concerning the status of anomaly in the eighteenth century philosophical thought (namely, wild children and deafness), as well as some hypotheses on education and its fantasmatic aspects in general., Josef Fulka., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy