This study presents the recommended documentation methodology in archaeological practice, heritage conservation and other fields relating to historical and cultural heritage. It tests various methods of digital documentation, in terms of their accuracy, time required, technology operator requirements, etc. It formulates rules for the creation of 3D models using multi-image photogrammetry, as the most effective method of digital documentation in archaeological practice. It presents a series of criteria to compare this method with other digital documentation procedures used in archaeological situations, at heritage sites and on artefacts. The recommended methodology was developed based on experience from research at the Great Moravian hillfort of Mikulčice-Valy and has been verified at a number of other sites.
A series of common antenna observations using different Doppler receiver pairs has been evaluated with the Cross Doppler Count method. Results for four pairs of Magnavox MX 1502 and one pair of JMR 1A type receiver evaluations are presented. It is shown that the error interoduced by the receiver noise into the 4.6s Doppler counts is generally less than 0.04/2 count RMS (3 cm/2).
Do mozaiky dedikací letošnímu 125. výročí Akademie věd (více k 125. výročím Akademie věd ČR - Můj svět zázraků - na patří knižní portrét s výstižným názvem Volnomyšlenkář, dále upřesněným podtitulem Osudy a postoje molekulárního genetika Jana Svobody z pera Libuše Koubské. Vydalo Nakladatelství Academia v edici Paměť. and Marina Hužvárová.