This paper considers various approaches to love and morality in Protestant society in the late 18th century, as illustrated in Czechlanguage religious and educational literature (Korunka, aneb Wjnek Pannenský wssechněm pobožným a sslechetným Pannám toho Gazyku užjwagjcým, Litomyšl 1784; Kazatel Domovnj, Brno 1783). Our focus is on divine love, man’s love of God, marital love, parental and filial love, and definitions of immorality. We also examine some contemporary reactions to religious and educational writings in the memoirs of one of their readers, the rural preacher and Bible scholar Tomáš Juren (1750-1829), as well as the differences between the Christian confessions in their attitude to the emotions., Sixtus Bolom-Kotari., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The almanacs represented an important source and constituent part of the popular culture in the „long“ nineteenth century. The text focuses on the by now slightly studied almanacs of Czech Protestants and, as a supplement, also contains its register. First Protestant calendars were published after the authorization of Protestant denominations at the end of the eighteenth century, but due to the economic weakness of these minorities soon ceased to exist. The next wave of their publishing was connected with liberalism of the middle of the nineteenth century and the social emancipation of Protestants. But the defeat of the revolution of 1848 again caused their demise. Systematic publishing of Protestant almanacs took place only in the last third of the nineteenth century, when their principal role was the gradual deepening of the confessional consciousness. From the beginning of the twentieth century these almanacs were used in the efforts for uniting of Czech Lutheran and Reformed Churches. This union was realized after the constitution of Czechoslovakia in the year 1918. Later Protestant almanacs were mostly regular ecclesiastical yearbooks without broader implications.
The paper deals with the topic of evangelical preachers of the Helvetic and the Augsburg Confession coming from the Hungarian part of the Habsburg Monarchy, after the Patent of Toleration was issued, and establishing tolerance evangelical congregations in Bohemia and Moravia. Based on studying the sources of particular tolerance Czech congregations (for example Moraveč, Humpolec, Dvakačovice, Lozice, Raná, Sány, Prague), the process of forming a new social stratum of the petty intelligentsia, whose creation was conditioned by the Enlightenment reforms, is outlined. The text shows how the Hungarian preachers made the first contacts with the emerging evangelical communities, gives an idea of the circumstances of their arrival, describes the way of their adapting to an unfamiliar environment and their effort to stabilize the congregations. These particular findings are generalized in order to define some common characteristics typical of this group of Enlightenment intellectuals., Gabriela Krejčová Zavadilová a Hana Stoklasová., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Though the evidence of rapid variability in early-type stars is rather old, we have passed through the ignition stages of a more recent information explosion on this subject. This explosion started with introduction of new detectors capable to detect even very subtle variations. But the old evidence based on much important changes remains. Different types of rapid variability in 0, B, UR and CP2 stars and their relation are discussed.
The paper presents a contrastive Czech–Spanish study concentrating on reportative markers. Methodologically, it is based on the cognitive theories of mental spaces and grounding, with the primary focus on the Spanish counterparts of the Czech prý, and the secondary focus on the Czech counterparts of the Spanish dizque. The analysis is conducted using the parallel corpus InterCorp and presents evidentiality as a complex category, which is closely related to tense and evaluative modality. The translation respondents of prý and dizque in both languages display significant variability. The corpus data reveal that notions attributed to them are expressed in a complex way in the other language, pointing out that grammatical and lexical elements such as sequence of tenses and diminutive suffixes can convey notions similar to those conveyed by adverbial hearsay markers or verba dicendi. and Článek se zaměřuje na kontrastivní česko-španělskou analýzu reportativních částic. Metodologicky vychází z kognitivních teorií mentálních prostorů a groundingu, přičemž pozornost je zaměřena primárně na španělské protějšky českého prý, ve druhém plánu také na české protějšky španělského dizque. Analýzy vycházejí z jazykového materiálu pocházejícího z korpusu InterCorp a prezentují evidencialitu jakožto komplexní kategorii, která je blízce spjatá s kategoriemi času a evaluativní modality. Překladatelské protějšky prý a dizque vykazují v obou jazycích velkou variabilitu, přičemž data z korpusu dokazují, že významy, které v sobě tyto částice zahrnují, jsou v druhém jazyce často vyjádřeny komplexním způsobem. Časová souslednost nebo deminutivní sufixy v některých kontextech vyjadřují podobné významové odstíny, jaké přisuzujeme adverbiálním částicím označujícím externí zdroj informace nebo slovesům mluvení.
S myšlenkou vytvořit vlastní evoluci a její úspěšnou implementaci přišel Thomas Ray, biolog z Delawarské univerzity. Na počátku 90. let minulého století vytvořil systém zvaný Tierra (Země). Šlo o počítačový systém několika krátkých vzájemně si konkurujících programů. Programy se množily, v systému docházelo k mutacím a díky tomu k evoluci. V tomto systému Thomas Ray mj. pozoroval vznik parazitismu, kdy některé programy zkrátily svůj kód a k životu používaly kód programů jiných. Dalším významným systémem byla Avida, vyvinutá na Michigan State University, kde byl pozorován vznik složitých funkcí, a systém Amoeba, ve které byl pozorován vznik samoreplikujících struktur z náhodného počátečního kódu., The idea of creating an own self-evolution and its successful implementation came from Thomas Ray, a biologist at the University of Delaware, In the early 90s of the last century he created a computer system of short competing programs called Tierra (Earth) where programs reproduce and mutations occur. Thomas Ray observed the creation of parasitism, where some programs shorten their code length and the missing parts used from other programs. Another important system Avida was developed at Michigan State University, where the creation of new complex functions was observed and the system Amoeba, in which the emergence of self-replicating structures from random initial code was observed., Vladimír Scholtz., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Czech White-Nose Syndrome Team together with international collaborators discovered mechanisms of tolerance that protect Palearctic bats from white-nose syndrome (WNS), the disease that caused mass die-off in North America. The discovery raises hope for a better future of bats in North American ecosystems. White-nose syndrome (WNS) is caused by a generalist pathogen Pseudogymnoascus destructans with the worst possible characteristics of an infectious fungal agent. The generalist nature of the WNS fungus means that it can infect any bat hibernating in a contaminated cave or mine and, moreover, it may remain viable and virulent, waiting for its hosts until the next hibernation period. Harmless to humans, the WNS fungus kills hibernating North American bats in winter. However, loss of voracious insectivorous bats from agricultural ecosystems may result in economic costs required for increased pest control. Without mass die-offs of bats harbouring the WNS agent in Europe, the response to disease is an enigma. To study the survival crossroads, the Czech WNS Team focused on the relationship between pathogen quantity and disease under natural conditions. High disease prevalence together with high fungal loads in absence of bat population declines in Eurasia indicates disease tolerance mechanisms, where hosts limit harm inflicted by the pathogen but do not hinder its growth. The tolerance mechanisms revealed by the Czech WNS Team is a function of bat adaptation to the presence of the pathogen. and Natália Martínková.