Příspěvek pojednává o využití výpočetní techniky ve fyzikálních vědách, speciálně o aplikaci evolučních algoritmů v problematice deterministického chaosu. V obou ukázkových studiích jsou použity jak klasické evoluční algoritmy, tak algoritmy moderní. Veškeré údaje byly získány mnohonásobně opakovanými simulacemi, jejichž výsledky jasně poukazují na robustnost a životaschopnost použitých metod. Získaná řešení a postupy k nim vedoucí uvedené v článku jsou diskutovány pouze na úrovni informativního charakteru; pro nastudování plného popisu jsou na konci příspěvku uvedeny potřebné odkazy., Ivan Zelinka, Roman Šenkeřík, Zuzana Oplatková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Kinetic equations for the distribution function of dust particles in mass and element spaces are formulated. Erosive as well as catastrophic collisions are taken into account. Sputtering is also included and radiative effects are considered. Initial conditions are derived from the Interplanetary Flux Model for mass distribution, and fan or cosine models for spatial density.
A meteoroid stream generally considered to be an elliptical ring of relatively small thickness. Such shape is attributable to meteoroid streams in an early stage of their evolution. Differences in planetary perturbations influencing the meteoroid particles ejected from the parent body from various points in its orbit at different velocities and time can result in a significant thickening
of the stream. Our studies on the evolution of the short-period meteoroid streams have shown that these streams can produce several couples of showers active indifferent seasons of the year.
Realistic N-body simulations of open clusters are discussed and compared with main observed cluster features. Most of the models have 1000 bodies with initial masses following a power law mass function of slope α = -2.75. Instantaneous mass loss from stellar evolution; a smooth linearized galactic tidal field and transient shocks by encounters with extended interstellar clouds of different mass-spectrum, density and space concentration are included. Close approaches between particles are treated by a two-body regularization technique that allows to follow binary evolution in detail. Good agreement is found between the distribution of lifetime for galactic clusters and the life of the models. It is found that the combined action of evolutionary mass loss and binaries (for 1000 star clusters with a realistic mass function) is enough to arrest the core collapse. Tidal heating shapes the halo of the cluster and produces a distinctive density and velocity distribution. Encounters with standard clouds do not alter the life-time of the clusters; while giant molecular clouds produce a catastrophic disruption. Mass segregation and preferential escape of light stars can account for the depletion of low luminosity stars in the better observed central region of clusters. Work on the primordial stages of evolution of clusters during star formation is reviewed, and linked to work on
N-body clusters.
Simultaneous observations of the H-alpha and Ca II K floccular lines show that during the first three days of the newly formed flocculi the temperature grows gradually, while the density is practically constant. During the following days an increase in density is observed, The phase of increasing density does not occur in the case of faint flocculi. The K-line analysis of the six newly - formed sunspots indicates that the average cooling upward velocity equals 15 ms”' . An increase in sunspot induction was observed at the time of the flares (46 spots, Fig. 5).
The article focuses on the debates among the East European intellectuals in the 1980's and 90's. Their discussions about Central Europe from the middle and second half of the 1980's is summed up and the shock caused by meeting the phenomena of flourishing nationalism and national-chauvinism in political processes following the fall of the Soviet Union is analyzed.
At the end of 2009 European Commission carried out an evaluation of success of growth projects realized under the 5th framework program, which ended between 2004 and 2008. Out of 726 audited projects 7 successful ones representing different industrial branches were chosen. Among them was a project NACODRY, which in the Czech Republic represents SHM as a dominant industrial partner., Evropská komise provedla koncem r. 2009 vyhodnocení úspěšnosti projektů 5. rámcového programu Growth, které byly ukončeny v období let 2004-2008. Ze 726 hodnocených projektů bylo vybráno 7 úspěšných, jež reprezentují různá odvětví průmyslu. Mezi vybranými byl i projekt NACODRY, který v České republice reprezentuje společnost SHM jako dominantní průmyslový partner., and Převzato z MM Průmyslové spektrum 3, 2010, str. 14 - 15
Evropa se nachází pod tlakem silné imigrace. Nejde přitom o nic nového, v pravěku docházelo k migracím poměrně často a lze říci, že z dnešního pohledu náš genofond spíše obohatily. Pro budoucí identitu příchozích je podstatné, jak se k nim budeme nyní chovat, protože identita se vytváří vždy v interakcích., Europe is under a relatively strong immigration pressure. However, this is nothing new; prehistoric migrations occurred quite often and we can retrospectively summarize they rather enriched our gene pool. Since the identity of immigrants is always created in interactions, it is essential how we treat these people right now., and Viktor Černý, Martin Hájek.