In the 19th century, the town of Příbor and its environs was one of the regions with an extended crib making tradition. Towards the end of the 20th century, after a long pause, a brand new production of the cribs was started there. However, the craftsmen did not take up the previous tradition. Although several crib makers with their peculiar style work nowadays in Příbor and its environs, the
personality of Antonín Jařabáč is indispensable and dominant in
this respect. He was born in 1910 in a provincial milieu of the village of Klokočov near Příbor. The works of Antonín Jařabáč are chacterized especially by their handicraft values. Besides the figure and ornamental sculptures, it is possible to consider the crib making as a sort of peak of the carving self-fulfilment of Antonín Jařabáč. Even the other contemporary crib makers from Příbor take up the work of Antonín Jařabáč. Thus during a short period, there a specific group of people who may be designated, according to their territorial relevance, as the Příbor crib makers appeared handicraftsmen. However, Antonín Jařabáč remains for the local inhabitants the most significant representative of the present crib creators.
Spreading of school chronicles in the second half of the 19th century allows collection of information from larger geographic areas.Despite being significantly different in terms of length and nature of records, individual chronicles represent a valuable source of information for researchers. Authors of the chronicles were teachers, through whom we find out more about the lives of school children, troubles of teachers in the 19th century or about disputes accompanying attempts to build own schools in municipalities, but also about municipalities themselves, national and international events and natural disasters.The paper focused on festivities in a social group of the municipality from the perspective of school chronicles as a unique and not quite yet explored source. Thanks to these records, it is possible to rebuild the course of official visits of high state and church representatives, sanctification of buildings or celebrations of Christmas trees, but mainly the position of the school and its involvement in social life. Thanks to the chronological recording, the development of the festive life in the municipality can be observed, and despite the fact that it is primarily a source from the school environment, information recorded in it is of indisputable importance for the creation of a complex view of the culture and life in a municipality in the 19th century.
Optical fiber sensors can bring many advantages to biological, medical or environmental applications. They offer small size, immunity to electro-magnetic field and limited unwanted interaction with measured sample. One of the key parameters monitored in biological systems is the acidity of environment expressed as pH. The article deals with development of an optical pH-sensor with tapered fiber probes. The principle of the sensor is based on measurement of fluorescence emission of hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-pyrene trisulfonic acid trisodium salt (HPTS, pyranine) at two different excitation wavelengths (405 nm and 450 nm). The sensor was sensitive to pH in range from 5.5 to 7.5 with resolution of ± 0.15 pH unit and the tapered fiber probes allowed in-vivo measurement in microscopic biological samples. and Optické vláknové senzory mohou přinést řadu výhod při využití v oblastech biologie, medicíny či v ochraně životního prostředí. Vyznačují se malými rozměry a odolností vůči elektromagnetickému poli, přičemž nežádoucí ovlivnění měřených vzorků je u nich též velmi omezeno. Jedním z důležitých parametrů sledovaných u biologických systémů je kyselost prostředí, vyjádřená jako pH. Článek popisuje vývoj optického pH -senzoru využívajícího zúžené vláknové sondy. Princip měření je založen na sledování emise fluorescence sodné soli kyseliny hydroxypyren-1,3,6-pyrentrisulfonové (pyranin) při excitaci dvěma odlišnými vlnovými délkami (405 nm a 450 nm). Senzor vykazoval citlivost na pH v rozsahu od 5,5 do 7,5, přičemž dosažené rozlišení činilo ±0,15 pH jednotky. Použití zúžených vláknových sond pak umožnilo in-vivo měření v mikroskopických biologických vzorcích.