Článek ukazuje pohled na utváření novověké koncepce pokroku v dílech Bernarda Le Boviera de Fontenelle. Idea pokroku byla poprvé přesně zformulována právě ve Fontenellových pracích. Podnětem pro Fontenellovy úvahy byla intelektuální debata querelle des anciens et des modernes. Tato diskuze měla rozhodnout o nadřazenosti novověku nad antikou nebo naopak. Fontenelle se debaty účastnil a závěry, k nimž došel, dovršily jeho teorii pokroku, jíž se věnoval nejen téměř ve všech pracích, ale též ve chvalořečích., This paper presents a view of the constitution of the early modern idea of progress in works of Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle. The idea of progress was for the first time framed in Fontenelle’s works. The intellectual discussion Querelle des anciens et des modernes was the cue of Fontenelle’s considerations. This dispute had to decide the predominance of moderns under the anciens, or the anciens under the moderns. Fontenelle participated on this debate, and his conclusions had been an important part of his theory of progress proposed in his works and panegyrics., and Dagmar Zajíčková.
289 Forbush Decrease effects (FD) were processed, for 207 of which corresponding flares were determined. The following parameters of FDs were determined from cosmic ray recordings at the Alert station: start of FD, time of first or second minimum value, the time lag of the beginning of FD behind the source flare, the
duration of the descending phase, the decrease of FD in per cent, the duration of the whole decrease effect and the rate of decline phase. The occurrence of FDs in the years of solar cycle No. 21 and the distribution of source flares over the solar disc was demonstrated (including NS oř EW asymmetry). In the II part will be
published the statistical distribution of the individual parameters of FDs and their mutual relations. The values of the FD parameters are also related to the importance and also to the longitudinal position of the flares. Some results of studied relations were used for interpretations of the characteristics and shape of the magnetic plasma cloud.
Based on the dependence of the maximum relative RM-number of the add 11-year cycle on the RM of the previous even cycle it is forecast that RM should exceed 200 in the next 11-year sunspot cycle No. 23. and Published in Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechosl. 42 (1991), 157-158
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