The article is written in the form of a review paper containing four fundamental color classification systems for the digital imaging colorimetry. Such a branch is based commonly on exploitation of a digital three-channel color camera adapted for objective color measurements and connected with an evaluational and processing PC. The relevant fundamental color (colorimetric) classification systems under consideration in this article are: the additive color system (R,G,B), the subtractive color system (C,M,Y), the CIE color system (X,Y,Z) and the CIE color system (L*,a*,b*). and Článek je napsán v přehledné formě obsahující čtyři základní klasifikační systémy barev pro digitální zobrazovací kolorimetrii. Tento obor je obvykle založen na využití digitální tříkanálové barevné kamery upravené pro objektivní měření barev a spojené s vyhodnocovacím a zpracovávacím počítačem. Příslušné základní barevné (kolorimetrické) klasifikační systémy, uvažované v tomto článku, jsou: aditivní barevný systém (R,G,B), subtraktivní barevný systém (C,M,Y), CIE barevný systém (X,Y,Z) a CIE barevný systém (L*,a*,b*).
The objective of the texti s to draw attention to the connections that
concerned and still concern the formulation of ethical codes in social sciences. Discussions that - in the first half of the 20th century - were focused on (1) the protection of science against power (political) press of the society (2) the protection of the society against the abuse of science for power (political) decision and practice and (3) the protection of participants in a scientific research against the danger of their harm as a consequence of their participation in the research, were followed by the acceptance of ethical codes in many social scientific disciplines in the second half of the 20th century. Ethical codes in social disciplines take into account the principle of voluntary participation, the principle of confidentality, the principle of non-maltreatment, and the principle of accuray. Usually they are structured either based on a certain type of relation between the anthropologist and othe subjects (e.g. ASA Ethical Guidelines), or based on a certain type of activity the anthropologist carries out (e.g. AAA Ethical Codex). and Unlike these professional ethical codes respecting the needs of particular scientific disciplines, in the Czech Republic, rather the acceptance of institutional codes, de facto ordered by Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic as of 17 May 2005, was put through. As a conseqence there of, ethical codes in our environment are often incorrectly understood rathe as a restrictive instrument than a support, and the acceptance there of is rather mechanical than thought-out in many cases. Even in this attitude, one can find exceptions, for example the Czech Association for Social Anthropology the formation of which in 2008 is closely connected with the formulation of the ethical codex. This can serve as an example that no matter how ethical codes can be criticized
as simplifying and imperfect, they can also encourage discussions
about the nature of the discipline itself and consequently become a
kind of support and protection of the researchers.
In the past couple of decades the social sciences have paid much
attention to the topic of boundaries and boundary regions. The present article analyses the changes in the discursive assessment of the Czech-Saxon boundary after 1989. It focuses on the transformation of the national and transnational culture and politics of history related to boundaries, cross-border regions and
cross-border interactions. The interplay of the socio-political transition with its discursive implications and the application of new methods and concepts in social sciences (boundary and identity studies, spatial turn etc.) created conditions for a significant
modification of the approach to boundaries and boundary regions. Concentrating on the public and academic discourse, the article assesses the conceptualization and representation of the
Czech-Saxon boundary in political and public rhetoric, historiography and museology. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
The program system POTSDAM-5 had been developed in the last years on the basis of POTSDAM-4. It is implemented on the computer EC 1040 and shall provide a model accuracy of some cm.
This high precision can only be achieved by improvements of the reference system, force mode and parameter estimation. Results are presented using laser data for the dermination of station coordinates, baselines and polar motion.
FYKOS [1] je zkratkou pro Fyzikální korespondenční seminář pořádaný převážně studenty MFF UK. Je to celoroční soutěž určená pro středoškoláky, kteří se zajímají o fyziku a příbuzné obory. Během roku řeší několik sérií úloh různého druhu, které v článku představujeme na konkrétních ukázkách příkladů., Dominika Kalasová, Karel Kolář., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
V únoru se v Praze konal další, již devátý ročník fyzikální soutěže FYKOSí Fyziklání. Týmy středoškoláků přijely z celé republiky, aby se účastnily oblíbené soutěže. Během tří hodin se soutěžící snažili vyřešit co nejvíce úloh za pomoci pouze vlastních vědomostí, matematicko-fyzikálních tabulek a kalkulačky. Nejúspěšnější týmy byly oceněny věcnými cenami. and Martina Nováková.