Random numbers are frequently used in a number of applications and the methods of random number generation are discussed, especially in cryptography and computer security. The goal of this paper is to describe and test the capabilities of Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes dark counts to generate true random numbers. The main advantage of our generator is time and data processing efficiency while our generated random numbers meet even the highest requirements for modern cryptographical applications. and Náhodná čísla jsou důležitá pro celou řadu aplikací a metody jejich generace jsou v současné době často diskutovaným tématem, zejména z pohledu kryptografie a počítačového zabezpečení. Tento článek si klade za cíl popsat a otestovat možnosti využití temných detekcí lavinových fotodiod operujících v Geigerově režimu pro vytvoření kvantového generátoru pravých náhodných čísel. Hlavní předností našeho generátoru je časově úsporná generace a efektivita zpracování dat, přičemž takto generovaná data splňovala i vysoké nároky moderních kryptografických aplikací.
Čas od času oznámí vědci nález nového živočišného druhu, na druhou stranu jiné vymírají a ocitly se na hranici vyhubení. K ochraně biodiverzity přispívají i genetické banky, v nichž se pečlivě shromažďují vzorky živočišných tkání. Není to však zdaleka jejich jediný účel.
Autor des Beitrags weist auf die dem Volkshaus in der Slowakei gewidmeten Forschungen Drahomíra Stránskás (1936) hin und dern Veröffentlichung, die von der damals aktuellen Polemik über die Ethnizität der Bauelemente nicht beeinflußt wurde.
Ferner analysiert der Autor die sich auf die Übernahme der Konstruktionselemente im Volksbauwesen und das Durchdringen der architektonischen Phänomene aus dem Mittelmeergebiet ins Mitteleuropa beziehenden Ansichten Drahomíra Stránskás. Sie verstand die Durchfahrthäuser als zeitgemäße, aus dem Mittelalter überlebende, doch oft den funktionalen Verwandlungen des Anwesens nach mehrfach adaptierte Form des Bürgerhauses. Der Autor zitiert die Hinweise Drahomíra Stránskás auf Beispiele aus Siebenbürgen. and Článek zahrnuje seznam literatury
In the post-Baroque era, science in the developed states of Europe gradually turned from theological scepticism to practical goals. The growing interest in the search for new sources of wealth resulted in the policy of mercantilism that developed in European powers from the Baroque period to the 1830s; this policy directly affected the nature of scholarly research, and in non-colonial states, it focussed, in the form of cameralist system, on the development of state administration and the improvement in and exploitation of economically marginal or directly poor regions. In connection with the Enlightenment ideal of a harmonious society, states aimed at a functional normalisation of relations among individual social strata; the scholarly interest, in the primary pursuit of economic and developmental objectives, focusses for the first time on folk culture, providing valuable reports on it and, last but not least, contributing to the popularization of its selected segments, with which Romantic philosophy as well as anthropology subsequently worked; in the period under study, anthropology was rather a natural science dealing with human evolution, including related cultural expressions. The aforementioned factors brought about the first ethnographic monographs applying the theories and methods that formed the basic building blocks of the future independent discipline; the treatise observes their development up to a noticeable ideological breakthrough in the pre-March period.
The analysis of the dynamics of dialects and its close connection with the learning of their genesis, tightly linked up with their history, is considered in the article. The history of the dialect as the central object of the analysis of the dialect genesis gives the information about the ways of the society formation, making and type changing (transformation) of the conversation features, i.e. it is closely related to the external and internal history of the dialect. The facts of the external history are very important for understanding the general character of the dialect, including the information abour the presence or absence of its inhabitants´ contacts with other dialects representatives, which are recorded by historical sources. The internal history of the dialect is identified by the analysis of the information about the state of speaking from different chronological periods (if they are), new-made linguistic events, which record the dynamics ot the system - any synchronized event may be directed into diachrony. Written sources can´t record all the events of the conversation, so the facts from different chronological periods about definite events of the conversation are determined by the volume of the information. We can speak about two interconnected directions of dialect research. They are following: specific research of phonological, morphological, lexical or syntactical changes of dialect systems, and designing general directions of the dialect evolution.
The work of a research team led by Professor Jaroslav Doležel at the Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR has contributed to an article in the journal Science. The International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium published a draft sequence of the bread wheat genome in the journal. The genetic blueprint of the wheat genome was obtained using the chromosome-based strategy developed by Professor Doležel’s team. The chromosome-based draft provides new insight into the structure, organization, and evolution of the large, complex genome of the world’s most widely grown cereal crop. The genetic blueprint is an invaluable resource to plant science researchers and breeders. For the first time, they have at their disposal a set of tools enabling them to rapidly locate specific genes on individual wheat chromosomes throughout the genome. and Jaroslav Doležel.
Prof. Jiří Velemínský was in particular an extraordinary and enthusiastic scientist. He was one of the first who investigated botanical genetics on the molecular level, thus he is regarded as founder of this research field in the Czech Republic. Prof. Jiří Velemínský was an excellent organizer of Czech research activities and also he was an outstanding personality. He died 23 February 2008. and Helena Illnerová.