This paper deals with studying of two topics – measuring of velocity profile deformation behind a over-flooded construction and modelling of this velocity profile deformation by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Numerical simulations with an unsteady RANS models - Standard k-ε, Realizable k-ε, Standard k-ω and Reynolds stress models (ANSYS Fluent v.18) and experimental measurements in a laboratory flume (using ADV) were performed. Results of both approaches showed and affirmed presence of velocity profile deformation behind the obstacle, but some discrepancies between the measured and simulated values were also observed. With increasing distance from the obstacle, the differences between the simulation and the measured data increase and the results of the numerical models are no longer usable.
The channel network at this region was built up for drainage and also to provide irrigation water. The water level in the whole channel network system affect groundwater level and viceverse. From the view of mutual interaction between channel network and groundwater it has been necessary to assess impact of channel network silting on this interaction. The measurements of thickness of silts along three main channels were carried out in 1993. Then in 2004 there were done measurements in selected profiles along three channels: Aszód, Gabčíkovo-Topoľníky and Komárňanský channel. The paper shows changes in measured thickness and volume of silt in particular channels. It was shown the channel silting up has not been changed significantly during the monitored period. This fact is documented by graphical presentation of silt thicknesses of channels. The differences between silt top and channel bottom levels are presented. and Obsahom príspevku je hodnotenie zmien stavu kanálovej siete Žitného Ostrova z hľadiska zanesenia kanálov dnovými nánosmi v období rokov 1993 až 2004. Kanálová sieť bola vybudovaná v tomto regióne v priebehu 19. storočia jednak na čiastočné odvodnenie územia a zároveň na zabezpečenie závlah. Hladina vody v kanáloch ovplyvňuje výšku hladiny podzemnej vody v ich okolí a naopak. Z hľadiska procesu vzájomnej interakcie kanálovej siete s okolitou podzemnou vodou je nevyhnutné venovať pozornosť vplyvu zanášania kanálov dnovými nánosmi, keďže tieto môžu v značnej miere tento proces ovplyvňovať. V roku 1993 boli merané zanesenia kanálovej siete ŽO na vopred stanovených priečnych profiloch niektorých hlavných kanálov. V priebehu rokov 2004 boli vykonané kontrolné merania zanesenia vo vybraných profiloch kanálov Aszód, Gabčíkovo-Topoľníky a Komárňanského kanála. Tieto kontrolné merania sa robili vždy v úseku na začiatku, v strede a na konci jednotlivých kanálov, pretože sa uvažovalo s predpokladom lineárnych zmien hrúbok nánosov pozdĺž kanálov. Grafickými prílohami príspevok dokumentuje skutočnosť, že v priebehu sledovaného obdobia nedošlo k podstatným zmenám zanesenia kanálovej siete. Keďže pre účely príspevku sú dôležité hrúbky nánosov (teda rozdiely medzi dnom kanála a vrchom nánosovej vrstvy), bolo postačujúce, aby kontrolné merania boli robené od hladiny a neboli vztiahnuté na nadmorské výšky.
There is public concern that large-scale disturbances to forest cover caused by insects and storm winds in the Bohemian Forest could intensify high water flows and enhance the expected flooding risks predicted in current regional climate change scenarios. We analysed stream discharge in Upper Vydra and Große Ohe, neighbouring catchments in the Bohemian Forest, the largest contiguous forested area in Central Europe. Upper Vydra, in the Šumava National Park, and Große Ohe (including the Upper Große Ohe headwater catchment in the Bavarian Forest National Park) are similar in size, but differ in land use cover and the extent of disturbed Norway spruce stands. Publicly available runoff and meteorological data (1978-2011) were examined using non-parametric trend and breakpoint analysis. Together with mapped vegetation cover changes, the results were used to address the following questions: 1) are there significant changes in the hydrological cycle and, if so, do these changes relate to 2) the extent and expansion of disturbance in forests stands and/or 3) altered precipitation dynamics and thermal conditions? We found no marked overall change in annual runoff or in annual or seasonal precipitation, but a significant increase in high flows in March. This overall trend related to the marked warming in late winter and early spring (+~4 K in April, p < 0.01), irrespective of altitude and slope position. It significantly shifted the end of the snow cover period by more than three weeks to the beginning/middle of April depending on altitude, and intensified snow melt. In the Upper Große Ohe catchment, a significant decrease in catchment balance, the difference between the long term precipitation and runoff (-72 mm, 11%) was found when the loss of tree cover reached 30% of catchment area. Diminished evapotranspiration losses from severely disturbed stands increased groundwater recharge during summer and caused a significant rise in low flows in autumn. However, observed increases in late winter high flows were due to warming only. They could be further intensified by the increasing winter precipitation predicted under present climate change scenarios, and would therefore increase the risk of flooding at lower elevations.
Especially during early developmental stages, competition with weeds can reduce crop growth and have a serious effect on productivity. Here, the effects of interactions between soil water content (SWC), nutrient availability, and competition from weeds on early stage crop growth were investigated, to better understand this problem. Field experiments were conducted in 2013 and 2014 using long-term study plots on loam soil in Hungary. Plots of maize (Zea mays L.) and a weed-maize combination were exposed to five fertilization treatments. SWC was observed along the 0-80 cm depth soil profile and harvested aboveground biomass (HAB) was measured. Significant differences were found between SWC in maize and maize-weed plots. In all treatments, measured SWC was most variable in soil depths of up to 50 cm, and at the 8-10 leaves (BBCH19) growth stage of the crop. The greatest depletion of SWC was detected within PK treatments across the entire soil profile and under both vegetation types, with depletion also considerable under NPK and NP treatments. Biomass growth was significantly influenced by weeds in treated plots between the BBCH 13 and 19 phenological stages, but water availability did not hamper growth rates in non-fertilized conditions. These findings suggest that, at early stages of crop growth, SWC model simulations need to include better characterisation of depth- and structure-dependent soil water uptake by vegetation.
Morphological characteristics of ripples are analyzed considering bed surfaces as two dimensional random fields of bed elevations. Two equilibrium phases are analyzed with respect to successive development of ripples based on digital elevation models. The key findings relate to the shape of the two dimensional second-order structure functions and multiscaling behavior revealed by higher-order structure functions. Our results suggest that (1) the two dimensional second-order structure functions can be used to differentiate the two equilibrium phases of ripples; and (2) in contrast to the elevational time series of ripples that exhibit significant multiscaling behavior, the DEMs of ripples at both equilibrium phases do not exhibit multiscaling behavior.
With regard to the water quality changes, the area of the Czech part of the Elbe River basin is extraordinarily dynamic. In the 20th century it experienced an enormous increase of load of pollution. Since the beginning of the 1990´s due to the political and economical changes we have witnessed a particularly intensive decrease in the emission volume and a related increase in water quality of watercourses. However, positive changes in the pollution load balance have occurred mainly in the biggest watercourses and these changes have not been accompanied by similar development in the whole river system. Using a newly created classification methodology the basic models of dynamics of water quality changes in the Elbe River basin have been derived. Based on GIS geostatistical analysis, regions with analogous water quality development trends have been defined for selected parameters and critical areas have been identified. It has become apparent that the prevailing part of the Elbe River basin has been experiencing a gradual increase in pollution. In addition, after a previous decrease, a number of watercourses experienced a recurrence of the increase in load. These areas are priorities for further development and the control of surface water protection against pollution. and Oblast české části povodí Labe je z hlediska změn kvality vody mimořádně dynamická. Díky intenzivnímu vývoji antropogenních aktivit a společenským změnám zaznamenala v průběhu 20. století nejprve enormní nárůst zátěže znečištěním, od počátku 90. let jsme naopak svědky mimořádně intenzivního snížení objemu emisí a souvisejícího zvyšování jakosti vody v tocích. Pozitivní změny v látkové bilanci jsou však soustředěny především na největší toky – Labe a Vltavu a nejsou doprovázeny obdobným vývojem v celém povodí. Pomocí nově vytvořené metodiky klasifikace vývoje kvality vody prezentované v článku byly na základě geostatistické analýzy sestaveny základní modely časové dynamiky změn kvality vody v povodí Labe. Pro jednotlivé ukazatele byly na základě analýzy v prostředí GIS vymezeny regiony s analogickými trendy vývoje kvality povrchových vod a identifikovány kritické oblasti. Ukazuje se, že přes pozitivní vývoj jakosti vody v hlavních sídelních a průmyslových regionech v 90. letech převažující část povodí Labe stále zaznamenává v jednotlivých ukazatelích postupný nárůst znečištění, na řadě toků navíc po předchozím poklesu dochází k opětovnému nárůstu zátěže. Tyto oblasti představují prioritu pro další rozvoj a řízení ochrany povrchových vod před znečištěním.
Climate change impacts on water cycle at regional scale have been recently very investigated and discussed issue. This study focuses on changes of not only total runoff but also others water balance components: soil water content and evapotranspiration, in a monthly step. The climate change was described using outputs of two different global circulations models, ECHAM and HadCM based on two divergent scenarios (optimistic B1 and pessimistic A2) according to the IPCC. The simulation of water cycle was processed in the mesoscale Malse basin (437 km2 ) in southern Bohemia using distributed physically based hydrological model SWIM. The outputs for the time horizon 2050 were assessed in comparison with mean values from the representative period 1987-1998. The study indicates vulnerability against predicted changes of both temperature and precipitation patterns referred to the selected scenarios. A decrease of total runoff was expected; however, hydrological balance will be different particularly in the monthly pattern within a year. The aim of this article is to describe the impact on various hydrological balance components. and Stále aktuálnější otázkou jsou dnes dopady klimatické změny na hydrologický cyklus v regionálním měřítku. Tato studie se zaměřuje na sledování změny nejen odtoku, ale také změn obsahu půdní vody a evapotranspirace, a to v měsíčním kroku v průběhu roku. Pro popis změny klimatu byly zvoleny výstupy dvou globálních modelů ECHAM a HadCM podle dvou odlišných scénářů budoucího klimatického vývoje (optimistický B1 a pesimistický A2) podle IPCC. Hydrologický cyklus byl simulován použitím distribuovaného fyzikálního hydrologického modelu SWIM, a to na středně velkém povodí jihočeské Malše (437 km2 ), pro závěrový profil Pořešín. Výstupy odpovídající hypotetickému stavu v roce 2050 byly porovnávány s dlouhodobými průměrnými hodnotami z povodí za léta 1987-1998. Ukazuje se, že středně velké povodí Malše je citlivé vůči předpovídaným změnám teplot a srážek a podle scénářů dojde k očekávanému celkovému poklesu odtoku z povodí. Tento pokles bude provázen změnami hydrologické bilance během roku, viditelné především přesunem maximálních hodnot jednotlivých prvků do jiných měsíců.
On the occasion of 80th birthday of an excellent Slovak philosopher Pavel Cmorej, some characteristic features of his work are presented. Cmorej is shown as a solid thinker who always took care of precisely expressing his thoughts. One of his remarkable works is a collection of his philosophical dialogues (published in 2007) where Cmorej’s analysis of various philosophical problems demonstrates his ability to develop analytic philosophy so that (the desirable) English translations of his works would certainly surprise his contemporary world analytic philosophers. and Pavel Materna