The aim of this study was to ascertain the persistence of heart rate and blood pressure oscillations at the onset of voluntary apnea in humans and to assess the dependence of the fluctuations` parameters on the chemoreceptor activity. In 24 young subjects (10 males, 14 females, mean age 20.4 years) heart rate (represented by its reciprocal value - RR-intervals), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) during controlled breathing (CB) of atmospheric air and oxygen followed by apnea were recorded continuously. The cosine functions were then fitted by nonlinear regression analysis to the heart rate, SBP and DBP oscillations during CB and at the onset of apnea. The parameters of oscillations were different during atmospheric air breathing compared to oxygen breathing. During oxygen breathing there was an increase of the RR-interval oscillations - relative bradycardia and enhanced magnitude of respiratory sinus arythmia. During apnea, the base level of the blood pressure oscillations was higher after breathing of atmospheric air compared o oxygen breathing. At least one cosine-like wave oscillation was present at the onset of apnea in the heart rate, SBP and DBP and the second wave was present in all assessed parameters in at least 70 % of recordings. The oscillations in RR-intervals are, to some extent, independent of blood pressure oscillations. No significant gender differences were found either in the duration of breath holding or in the RR and SBP oscillations parameters., M. Javorka, I. Žila, K. Javorka, A. Čalkovská., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In contemporary Czech society the changes of reproduction patterns take place. They are characterized by postponing the marriage and parenthood. So called informal partnerships or unmarried couples are becoming more frequent which also results in a growing number of births of extra-marital children. The number of women with children without partner is growing, too. Authors differentiate three types of them - widows, divorced women and women who voluntary want to have child without long-term partner. The third type of women is usually middle age, around 35 years old, they are successful in their jobs and they have enough financial resources to bring up child by themselves. The paper is based on pilot survey where 118 women took part. Respondents insist that woman can rear the child as good as both parents can do. However the specialists dispute this statement. According to psychologists children need both parents and the role of father cannot be easily substituted. Thus, the phenomenon of single parent family has to be considered within the complex set of conditions.
Když student potká ve svém životě skutečného učitele, tak si neponechá pro budoucnost jenom vědomosti, ale i vzor. Ten ho pak může vést v bouřlivých vodách života jako maják loď, protože skutečný pedagog nepředává jenom vědomosti, ale i životní zkušenost a moudrost získanou časem. Když má student neskutečné štěstí, tak se z učitele později stane jeho kolega a nakonec přítel. S ním pak sdílí hodnoty oboru, pohled na svět, těší se z úspěchů a drobných a větších radostí života. Doc. Štoll byl pro mnohé učitel, kolega i přítel. A jeho odchod, i když v úctyhodném věku, je pociťován jako ztráta. Bude chybět jeho humor, nadhled a snaha po eleganci ve všem, co činil. and Igor Jex, Martin Štoll.