The Patent of Toleration of the year 1781 cleared the way for activities of two Protestant churches in the Habsburg Monarchy. In the two borderland regions chosen for analysis - the regions of Děčín and Šluknov - the Protestant inhabitants were affected by the religious influences from Saxony that acquired various forms. From the period before the year 1620 there was, exceptionally, preserved the Lutheran religion, whose followers visited churches on the Saxon side of the border. Also, the regions were continuously settled by Saxon immigrants who were not organized within the structures of the Augsburg confession. Only after the commencement of industrialization and the subsequent wave of Saxon immigration was made possible the establishment of independent Protestant choirs. Absolutely exceptional was the Lutheran choir of Saxon officials in Podmokly that was founded after railroad had been finished in 1851. Already before the year 1850 the mission of the renewed Unity of Brethren from Herrnhut instigated the popular religious movement. At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century, religious propaganda of the movement „Away from Rome“ (Los von Rom), in many cases supported from Saxony, found response in these regions. The typology of religious influences from Saxony and their manifestations on the Bohemian side of the border, established on the basis of the examples of Děčín and Šluknov regions, could be used for the nineteenth century also for other borderland regions inhabited predominantly by German-speaking population.
The contraction of gastrointestinal (GI) smooth muscles is
regulated by both Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+ sensitization
mechanisms. Proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (Pyk2) is involved in
the depolarization-induced contraction of vascular smooth muscle
via a Ca2+ sensitization pathway. However, the role of Pyk2
in GI smooth muscle contraction is unclear. The spontaneous
contraction of colonic smooth muscle was measured by using
isometric force transducers. Protein and phosphorylation levels
were determined by using western blotting. Pyk2 protein was
expressed in colonic tissue, and spontaneous colonic contractions
were inhibited by PF-431396, a Pyk2 inhibitor, in the presence of
tetrodotoxin (TTX). In cultured colonic smooth muscle cells
(CSMCs), PF-431396 decreased the levels of myosin light chain
(MLC20) phosphorylated at Ser19 and ROCK2 protein expression,
but myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) expression was not altered.
However, Y-27632, a Rho kinase inhibitor, increased
phosphorylation of Pyk2 at Tyr402 and concomitantly decreased
ROCK2 levels; the expression of MLCK in CSMCs did not change.
The expression of P(Tyr402)-Pyk2 and ROCK2 was increased
when CSMCs were treated with Ach. Pyk2 is involved in the
process of colonic smooth muscle contraction through the
RhoA/ROCK pathway. These pathways may provide very
important targets for investigating GI motility disorders.
Incubation of maize NADP-malic enzyme with tetranitromethane (TNM) resulted in a total loss of enzyme activity. The loss of enzyme activity was not observed at pH 6.3 but at pH 8.0. NADP-malic enzyme was inactivated to almost 90 % by incubation with an 80-fold molar excess of TNM for 5 min at 30 °C. The substrate malate or Mg2+ alone gave no protection, while NADP provided considerable protection. NADP in the presence of malate and Mg2+ totally protected the enzyme activity, suggesting that tyrosine residue may be located at or near the active site of maize NADP-malic enzyme. The spectral analysis of the modified enzyme indicated that modification of at least one tyrosine residue per subunit resulted in complete loss of the enzyme activity. The fluorescence study of unmodified and modified enzymes postulated that essential tyrosine residue at maize NADP-malic enzyme is possibly involved in malate binding. and S. R. Rao, B. G. Kamath, A. S. Bhagwat.
We suggest a method of renorming of spaces of operators which are suitably approximable by sequences of operators from a given class. Further we generalize J. Johnsons’s construction of ideals of compact operators in the space of bounded operators and observe e.g. that under our renormings compact operators are $u$-ideals in the: space of 2-absolutely summing operators or in the space of operators factorable through a Hilbert space.
(Obsah) Během let získal autor snímky, z nichž je možno určiti vady téměř všech optik, jichž použili ve svých pracích čeští hvězdáři. Znalost těchto vad je pro pozorovatele často nezbytná; výsledky jsou však též obecně zajímavé, protože se vztahují na různorodé typy, pro které sotva nalezneme v literatuře číselné údaje. Také v metodě použil autor různých uspořádání a zkoumal požadavky na přesnost aparatury, jakož i přesnost výsledků. Přehled optik obsahuje tabulka I. Metodou Hartmannovou změřil pro ně jednobarevné vady podélné v ose, dále barevnou vadu pro ondřejovské objektivy a v jednom zajímavém případě barevný rozdíl kulové vady. U těchže objektivů získal fokogramy (obr. 3). Materiál obsahuje celkem 132 snímků, na nichž proměřil více než 2500 fotografických stop paprsků. Výsledné pásmové chyby jsou uvedeny v tabulce 2 a na grafu 2, astigmatism v ose v tabulce 3. V dalším připojuje autor některé poznámky k současnému názoru na třídění optik a shrnuje klasifkaci pro své optiky v tabulce 4. Poslední tabulka 5 a graf 4 obsahují barevné vady čtyř objektivů hvězdárny Žalov br. Josefa a Jana Friče v Ondřejově. Na základě předešlých výsledků upozorňuje autor na některé možnosti vhodného použití Nušlova a Fričova astrografu.
This article evaluates once more the historiographic and literary images of John of Bohemia and his son Charles IV in Italian texts from the 14th and early 15th centuries. What we find is a peculiar mixture of criticism and apotheosis, sometimes stated by the same authors, depending on the point in time they were writing, and of course the expectations of their potential readers. While John of Bohemia faced overwhelming expectations from Dante after the death of his father, he was branded a naïve yet greedy papal mercenary from the beginning of his Italian Expedition in the early 1330s. His son was more successful in avoiding negative stereotypes and harsh criticisms during his Italian expeditions in his youth, as well as in 1354/55 and 1368/69. In the end, however, even chroniclers that are traditionally considered to have had a positive view of the Luxemburg king and emperor harshly rejected his political actions in Italy. Most of the time, this is connected with the financial interests all foreign monarchs had when establishing temporary rulerships in Italian cities, and the monetary pressures this bore on their citizens; the worn-out cliché, both of contemporaries and historical researchers, that labelled foreign, Central European monarchs as barbaric intruders, could hardly be confirmed. Charles and his father are blamed for being unable to solve the structural problems of Italian and Imperial politics.