Trh s učebnými pomôckami poskytuje množstvo rôznych pomôcok, experimentálnych zostáv, ktoré je možné na vyučovaní bez problémov využiť. V mnohých prípadoch si však ich zakúpenie vyžaduje nemalé finančné prostriedky. V súčasnosti existuje veľa možností na vytvorenie prototypu experimentálnej súpravy, ktorá by mala potenciál stať sa užitočnou a najmä lacnou pomôckou vo vzdelávaní mladých ľudí, nie je to však triviálna úloha. Cieľom predkladaného príspevku je ukázať, aké problémy sme objavili (a museli vyriešiť) pri konštrukcii základného prvku nami navrhovanej experimentálnej zostavy - zdroja jednosmerného napätia pre viaceré moduly v experimentálnej súprave., The market for teaching aids provides many different tools and experimental sets suitable for seamless teaching. However, in many cases, their purchase requires considerable funds. At present, there are any ways to create a prototype of an experimental set, which has the potential to become a useful and cheap tool in the education of young people, but this is not a trivial task. In this article, we introduce several problems which were discovered and solved during the construction of a basic part of a DC power supply suitable for individual experimental modules., Martin Hruška., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
In this study we consider the comedies of Ignaz Cornova. Locating his plays within the landscape of late 18th century genres, we examine the specific use the writer makes of contemporary dramatic conventions and the way in which he engineers the social reconciliation that characterizes his comedies. First we take a closer look at the dramatic construction of his plays and compare them with the comedic output of his contemporaries active in Bohemia. We then focus on Cornova’s particular use of the language of comedy, of which we find echoes in his many and varied writings on culture and politics. Finally, we address the issue of relations between the social estates or classes. Our conclusion shows that the storylines Cornova rehearses in his comedies are later exploited in his historical writings and may thus be considered as the author’s recipe for pacifying the social conflicts of the period.