CORDIS, a new service Unique Registration Facility (URF), was launched on April 27. It will facilitate the preparation of grant agreements between participants and the European Commission. Thanks to the new service, participants in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and other programmes managed by the Research Directorate General will no longer have to submit their legal and financial information each time a new grant agreement is in the pipeline. Once participants have been validated by the European Commission´s central validation team for their existence as legal entities and their legal status they will only have to submit their Participant Identification Code (PIC). and Lenka Lepičová.
The aim of the Center is to focus on selected branches of basic research in developmental biology, biocompatible polymer synthesis, neuroscience and transplant surgery into one organic whole. This scan serve as an experimental foundation for cell therapy and tissue repair research on a level qualitatively comparable to research in the developed countries of the EU and the USA. and Eva Syková.
Název Centrum pro výzkum věřejného mínění nebo jeho zkratku CVVM zná asi každý. Přinejmenším z televizního zpravodajství týkajícího se stranických preferencí, volebních modelů či předvolebních průzkumů. Málokdo však ví, že jed o pracoviště Sociologického ústavu AV ČR. Ještě překvapivější bude asi zjištění, že v CVVM pracuje pouhých 15 lidí. and Luděk Svoboda.
Excellence in European Research and Science was celebrated in Brussels on 12 March 2008 during the European Science Awards ceremony. With the launch of the new framework program, it has been decided to give separate indentities to the prizes that are awarded in the areas of excellence in collaborative research and excellence in science communication. Both prizes will continue and will now be awarded but at a new event: The European Science Awards. and Anna Vosečková.