This action seeks to open and foster dynamic pathways between public research organizations and private commercial enterprises. It will be implemented through targeted and flexible support for human resource interaction within co-operative programs between at least two organizations, one from each sector (private and public) and from at least two different Member States or Associated Countries. and Lenka Lepičová.
Sweden assumed the European Union six-month rotating presidency from the Czech Republic on 1 July 2009. Under the motto “Taking on the challenges”, Sweden has taken charge of the EU administration in difficult times of economic recession and faces an uncertain institutional future. The Swedish government has defined the aims of its EU presidency as: conducting an effective, open and results-oriented presidency in the interests of the whole of Europe; advancing the EU’s common issues and Sweden’s priority issues; strengthening Sweden’s role in the EU, serving in the EU's interest and strengthening the EU’s role as a global actor in issues, such as climate changing and CO2 tax. and Lenka Hebáková.
This new project of the Institute of Physics of the CAS is a Widening Excellence, Twinning project aimed at boosting the scientific excellence and technology-transfer capacity in advanced scintillating materials of the Institute of Physics from the Czech Academy of Sciences by creating a network with four other partners: CERN, Institute Lumière Matière - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Università degli Studi di Milano - Biocca and Intelligentsia Consultants. and Jana Olivová.
Středoevropská synchrotronová laboratoř (Central European Synchrotron Laboratory, CESLAB) byla navržena pro realizaci ze Strukturálních fondů Evropské unie.Jedná se o moderní synchrotron třetí generace s energií elektronů 3 GeV a průměrem 270 m pro experimenty se zářením v oblasti od infračervené po rentgenovou se spuštěním v roce 2015. V tomto článku se zabýváme důležitostí experimentů se synchrotronovým zářením pro vědu, výzkum a aplikace a dále popisujeme stručné principy fungování urychlovacího komplexu synchrotronu. Poté se konkrétně věnujeme příslušným parametrům CESLAB a nakonec se zmiňujeme o vědeckých aplikacích navržených experimentálních stanic., Petr Mikulík, Zuzana Pokorná, Bohdan Růžička, Stanislav Kozubek., and Obsahuje seznam webových odkazů a článkovou bibliografii