Among four mulberry (Morus alba L.) cultivars (K-2, MR-2, BC2-59, and S-13), highest net photosynthetic rate (PN) was observed in BC2-59 while the lowest rates were recorded with K-2. Significant differences among the four cultivars were found in leaf area, biomass production, activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and sucrose phosphate synthase, and glucose and sucrose contents. The PN and the activities of photosynthetic enzymes in the four cultivars were significantly correlated with the growth and biomass production measured as leaf yield, total shoot mass, and aerial plant biomass. and K. V. Chaitanya ... [et al.].
Leaf traits have long been recognized as influential factors in the acquisition and processing of resources by plants. However, there is less knowledge of between-species variations in seasonal changes in leaf traits and trait interrelationships. Therefore, we examined variations in leaf area (LA), dry biomass (DM), specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf gas-exchange parameters in one non-native and seven native tree species under field environmental conditions, in a karst area in China subjected to desertification. Measurements were taken three times during the growing season. The results show that the seven native trees had higher LA, DM, and water-use efficiency (WUE) than the non-native Cinnamomum camphora. In contrast, all the native tree species except Ligustrum lucidum had lower photosynthetic rates (PN) than the non-native species. In all species, the relationship between LA and DM was less variable than the relationship between SLA and LA. However, leaves of the non-native C. camphora and native species Sterculia lanceolata, Cleidiocarpon cavalerei and Cyclobalanopsis glauca were highly sensitive to seasonal conditions, leaves of Sapindus mukorossi and Ligustrum lucidum were less sensitive to seasonal changes, and leaves of Syzygium cumini and Cephalomappa sinensis were insensitive. An understanding of leaf traits will aid the selection of suitable species for land restoration. and L.-Y. Wei ... [et al.].
An experimental investigations on the effect of convergence of stream lines on the Darcy and non-Darcy parameters for different radial lines for different ratios of the radii was studied in a convergent flow permeameter. The applicability of a resistance law relating friction factor and Reynolds number using the square root of intrinsic permeability as the characteristic length is examined for flow with converging boundaries. In this study, crushed rock of size 3.25 mm and 4.73 mm were used as media and water as fluid, to develop curves relating friction factor and Reynolds number for different radial lines with different ratios of the radii. and V konvergentnom permeametri sme experimentálne skúmali vplyv konvergencie prúdnic na Darcyovské a nedarcyovské charakteristiky prúdenia. Pre prúdenie v pórovitom prostredí s konvergujúcimi hranicami sme zisťovali použiteľnosť zákona odporu, ktorý dáva do súvislosti súčiniteľ trenia a Reynoldsovo číslo, používajúc druhú odmocninu vnútornej priepustnosti ako charakteristickú dĺžku. Pre získanie kriviek závislostí medzi súčiniteľom trenia a Reynoldsovým číslom pre rôzne hydraulické polomery a rôzne pomery hydraulických polomerov sme použili drvenú horninu s veľkosťou zŕn 3,25 mm a 4,73 mm, tekutinou bola voda.
Variations in leaf gas-exchange characteristics, PSII activity, leaf pigments, and tuber yield were investigated in seven wild and one cultivated species of Dioscorea from Koraput, India, in order to find out their overall adaptability to the environment. The leaf photosynthetic rate, transpiration, stomatal conductance, water-use efficiency, carboxylation efficiency, and photosynthetic pigments were significantly higher in some wild species compared to the cultivated species. In addition, some wild species showed better photochemical efficiency of PSII, photochemical quenching, and electron transport rate in comparison to cultivated one. Furthermore, leaf dry matter accumulation and tuber yield was also higher in some wild species compared to the cultivated species. Taken together, the wild species, such as D. oppositifolia, D. hamiltonii, and D. pubera, showed the superior photosynthetic efficiency compared to the cultivated D. alata and they could be used for future crop improvement programs., B. Padhan, D. Panda., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Preliminary results of a search for the variation of the solar granulation properties with the heliographic laitude are presented. Within errors, no changes are found in the power spectra and sizes between N-S and E-W scans.
There exists a rich literature on systems of connections and systems of vector fields, stimulated by the irimportance in geometry and physis. In the previous papers [T1], [T2] we examined a simple type of systems of vector fields, called parameter dependent vector fields, and established their varionational equation.
In this paper we generalize the above equation to the projectable system of vector fields. The material is organized as follows: in the first section the geometry of the product bundle is presented. In the second we introduce the notion of derivative along a direction and prove Theorem 1. The third section is devoted to Theorem
2, which represents the main result of the paper. Some examples are presented in the last section. In a further paper we will apply the results in order to investigate some special systems as strong systems, “nice” systems and systems of connections generated by systems of vector fields.
We study the integrability of Banach space valued strongly measurable functions defined on [0, 1]. In the case of functions f given by ∑ ∞ n=1 xnχEn , where xn are points of a Banach space and the sets En are Lebesgue measurable and pairwise disjoint subsets of [0, 1], there are well known characterizations for Bochner and Pettis integrability of f. The function f is Bochner integrable if and only if the series ∑∞ n=1 xn|En| is absolutely convergent. Unconditional convergence of the series is equivalent to Pettis integrability of f. In this paper we give some conditions for variational Henstock integrability of a certain class of such functions.
We study properties of variational measures associated with certain conditionally convergent integrals in ${\mathbb R}^m$. In particular we give a full descriptive characterization of these integrals.