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8242. Experti, právo a socialistický stát: právní věda v ČSAV a její činnost v letech 1952-1960
- Creator:
- Vítězslav Sommer
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Ústav státu a práva (Československá akademie věd), 1951-1960, právní věda, právo a politika, lidová demokracie, jurisprudence, law and politics, people’s democracy, Československo, Czechoslovakia, 8, and 93/94
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Studie se zabývá formováním konkrétní expertní kultury, která hrála významnou úlohu v procesu utváření institucí a mechanismů vládnutí v Československu v padesátých letech dvacátého století. Autor zkoumá, jak českoslovenští právní vědci zasahovali do procesu ''budování socialismu''. V úvodní části textu se věnuje vývoji institucionálního zázemí právní vědy ve struktuře Československé akademie věd (ČSAV). Na příkladu Ústavu státu a práva ČSAV ukazuje, jak vznikaly společenskovědní instituce, které měly odpovídat nárokům nové socialistické vědy, a současně dokládá vzrůstající význam expertního vědění pro státněsocialistické vládnutí. Ve druhé části článku se věnuje diskusi o "československé revoluci" a ''lidové demokracii'', přičemž dává nahlédnout do teoretického zázemí socialistické vědy o státu a právu. Několik let trvající polemika ukázala, že jednou z oblastí sporu byla otázka možností přizpůsobení marxisticko-leninské teorie československým podmínkám a československé historické zkušenosti. Z diskuse také vyplynulo, že nejdůležitější formou socialistického vládnutí byl pro diskutující teoretiky socialistický stát jako institucionální výsledek revolučních proměn a nezpochybnitelný organizační rámec lidové demokracie. Závěrečná část článku představuje právní vědce jako experty a zkoumá jejich podíl na vzniku takzvané socialistické ústavy z roku 1960., This article is concerned with the formataion of the culture of experts, wich played an important role in the process of shaping institutions and mechanisms of government in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s. The author explores how Czechoslovak legal theorists continuously intervened in the process of ''building Socialism''. He begins by considering the development of the institutional basis of jurisprudence in the structure of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Using the example of the Institute of State and Law at the Academy, he demonstrates how social-science institutions were created to meet the demands of new, socialist scholarship, and also to demonstrate the growing importance that expert knowledge had for State Socialist government. In the second part of the article, he considers debates about the ''Czechoslovak revolution'' and ''people democracy'' providing insight on the theoretical basis of Socialist scholarship on the State and law. The debates, which lasted several years, demonstrate that a key area of disagreement was the question of adapting Marxist-Leninist theory to Czechoslovak conditions and Czechoslovak historical experience. It was also clear from the debates that the most important form of Socialist government was, in the theorists´ view, the Socialist State as an institutional consequence of revolutionary transformation and the indubitable organizational framework of people´s democracy. The last part discusses legal theorists as experts and considers their role in the framing of the ''Socialist Constitution'' of 1960., Vítězslav Sommer., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8243. Expertní skupina pomůže s žádostmi o granty ERC
- Creator:
- Bečvářová, Jana
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8244. Explaining unemployment dynamics in the Czech and Slovak Republics
- Creator:
- Jan Švejnar, Katherine Terrell, Daniel Münich, and Strapec, Mário
- Publisher:
- Format:
- print, svazek, and 19 stran, 17 tabulek.
- Type:
- model:monograph and TEXT
- Subject:
- Práce, nezaměstnanost, zaměstnanost, ekonomická analýza, unemployment, employment, economic analysis, Česko, Slovensko, Czechia, Slovakia, 331.56, 331.526, 330.131.5:657.478, (437.3), (437.6), (048.8), 4, and 331
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Jan Švejnar and Katherine Terrell in cooperation with Daniel Munich and Mário Strapec. and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8245. Explicit neural network in suspended sediment load estimation
- Creator:
- Kisi, Özgür and Aytek, Ali
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Suspended sediment load, explicit neural networks, rating curves, and modeling
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Correct estimation of sediment volume carried by a river is very important for many water resources projects. Traditionally, artificial neural networks (ANNs) are used as black-box models without understanding what happens inside the box. The question is that, how anyone who may be unfamiliar with ANNs can apply this kind of models in any other study, while the model has not been formulated. This paper proposes an explicit neural network (ENN) formulation which is simple and can be used, by anyone who is even not familiar with ANNs, for modeling daily suspended sediment-discharge relationship. The daily streamflow and suspended sediment data from two stations on Tongue River in Montana are used as case studies. Two different sediment rating curves (SRC), multi-linear regression (MLR) and nonlinear regression (NLR) are also applied to the same data. The ENN estimates are compared with those of the SRC, MLR and NLR models. The root mean square errors (RMSE), mean absolute errors (MAE), correlation coefficient (R) and model efficiency (E) statistics are used to evaluate the performance of the models. The comparison results reveal that the suggested model performs better than the conventional SRC, MLR and NLR.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8246. Explikace a dedukce: od jednoduché k rozvětvené teorii typů
- Creator:
- Raclavský, Jiří
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- deduction, explication, ramified theory of types, and simple theory of types
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- In the first part of the paper, I argue that explicating systems which fall under the simple theory of types are limited in explicating our conceptual scheme. Such limitation is avoided if one utilizes, instead, a ramified type theory, especially the one developed by Pavel Tichý. In the third part of the paper, I explain the role of so-called constructions and derivation systems within such a framework, elucidating how deduction demonstrates properties of objects., V první části příspěvku tvrdím, že vysvětlující systémy, které spadají pod jednoduchou teorii typů, jsou omezeny na vysvětlování našeho konceptuálního schématu. Tomuto omezení se vyhýbáme, pokud místo toho využijeme teorii rozvětveného typu, zejména teorii vyvinutou Pavlem Tichým. Ve třetí části práce vysvětluji roli takzvaných konstrukcí a derivačních systémů v takovém rámci, objasňujícím, jak dedukce demonstruje vlastnosti objektů., and Jiří Raclavský
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8247. Explikácia: metóda a forma
- Creator:
- Bielik, Lukáš
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- teorie vědy, theory of science, Carnap, definition, explication, explicandum, explicatum, method of explication, meaning characterization, 12, and 00
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Explikácia patrí medzi kľúčové metódy analytickej filozofie. V tejto práci predstavujem návrh explicitného odlíšenia metódy explikácie od jej výsledku. V nadväznosti na prácu Rudolfa Carnapa sa snažím jeho explikačný projekt rozvinúť. Poukazujem na otvorené problémy Carnapovych kritérií adekvátnej explikácie; ukazujem, v čom sa explikácie od definícií líšia, aká je ich logická forma a ktoré explicitné kroky sú typické pre metódu explikácie. Napokon, približujem dôvody, pre ktoré je možné explikáciu (t.j. výsledok explikovania) chápať ako reláciu nahradenia medzi významovou charakterizáciou a definíciou určitého druhu., Explication belongs among the core methods of analytic philosophy. In the paper I propose to distinguish explicitely between the method of explication and its outcome. Building on the explication project of Rudolf Carnap, I attempt to elaborate upon his work. I point out the open issues arising from Carnap's criteria of adequate explication. I present the aspects in which explications differ from definitions, a logical form of explications as well as the explicit steps that are characteristic for the method of explication. Finally, I consider reasons to conceive explication (in the sense of a product of explicating) to be a relation between meaning characterization and an appropriate definition., and Lukáš Bielik.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8248. Exploiting diversity of neural network ensembles based on extreme learning machine
- Creator:
- García-Laencina, Pedro J., Roca-González, José-Luis, Bueno-Crespo, Andrés, and Sancho-Gómez, José-Luis
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Single layer feedforward neural networks, extreme learning machine, ensemble, and regression
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Extreme learning machine (ELM) is an emergent method for training single hidden layer feedforward neural networks (SLFNs) with extremely fast training speed, easy implementation and good generalization performance. This work presents effective ensemble procedures for combining ELMs by exploiting diversity. A large number of ELMs are initially trained in three different scenarios: the original feature input space, the obtained feature subset by forward selection and different random subsets of features. The best combination of ELMs is constructed according to an exact ranking of the trained models and the useless networks are discarded. The experimental results on several regression problems show that robust ensemble approaches that exploit diversity can effectively improve the performance compared with the standard ELM algorithm and other recent ELM extensions.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8249. Exploiting Multi-Sources Query Expansion in Microblogging Filtering
- Creator:
- Yang, Z., Li, C., Fan, K., and Huang, J.
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Microblogging filtering, multi-sources expansion, risk management, and matrix factorization
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Microblogging filtering is intended to filter out irrelevant content, and select useful, new, and timely content from microblogs. However, microblogging filtering suffers from the problem of insufficient samples which renders the probabilistic models unreliable. To mitigate this problem, a novel method is proposed in this study. It is believed that an explicit brief query is only an abstract of the user's information needs, and its difficult to infer users' actual searching intents and interests. Based on this belief, a filtering model is built where the multi-sources query expansion in microblogging filtering is exploited and expanded query is submitted as users interest. To manage the external expansion risk, a user filter graph inference method is proposed, which is characterized by combination of external multi-sources information, and a risk minimization filtering model is introduced to achieve the best reasoning through the multi-sources expansion. A series of experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed framework on an annotated tweets corpus. The results of these experiments show that our method is effective in tweets retrieval as compared with the baseline standards.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
8250. Exploiting tensor rank-one decomposition in probabilistic interence
- Creator:
- Savický, Petr and Vomlel, Jiří
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- graphical probabilistic models, probabilistic inference, and tensor rank
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- We propose a new additive decomposition of probability tables - {\em tensor rank-one decomposition}. The basic idea is to decompose a {\em probability table} into a series of tables, such that the table that is the sum of the series is equal to the original table. Each table in the series has the same domain as the original table but can be expressed as a product of one-dimensional tables. Entries in tables are allowed to be any real number, i. e. they can be also negative numbers. The possibility of having negative numbers, in contrast to a multiplicative decomposition, opens new possibilities for a compact representation of probability tables. We show that {\em tensor rank-one decomposition} can be used to reduce the space and time requirements in probabilistic inference. We provide a closed form solution for minimal tensor rank-one decomposition for some special tables and propose a numerical algorithm that can be used in cases when the closed form solution is not known.
- Rights:
- and policy:public