Collection of orthographically transcribed audio recorded speech, mainly from East Anglia and the South-West, with a minor collection from Lancashire. The recordings were made in the 1970s and the 1980s by Finnish postgraduates.
The Netherlands Veterans Institute (VI) hosts about 250 interviews (audio) in which Dutch former military personel speak about their experiences during World War II (interviews about the years 1935-1945) and decolonisation in the Dutch East Indies (1945-1950) and Dutch New Guinea (1960-1962). In the project Living Oral History Workbench these interviews have been indexed by automatic speech recognition techniques. The list of interviews and their metadata are available at the CLARIN Center; researchers may apply to VI for access to the data.
A corpus of approximately 260,000 words of modern British narrative texts representing three text types (fiction, newpapers, biography) with detailed annotation for all forms of speech, thought and writing presentation which occur in the corpus. Available via OTA.