The aim of study was to review the status of arterial pH, pO2 and pCO2 under general anesthesias in dependence on the light-dark (LD) cycle in spontaneously breathing rats. The experiments were performed using three- to four-month-old pentobarbital(P)-, ketamine/xylazine(K/X)- and zoletil(Z)-anesthetized female Wistar rats after a four-week adaptation to an LD cycle (12 h light:12 h dark). The animals were divided into three experimental groups according to the anesthetic agent used: P (light n=11; dark n=8); K/X (light n=13; dark n=11); and Z (light n=18; dark n=26). pH and blood gases from arterial blood were analyzed. In P anesthesia, LD differences in pH, pO2, and pCO2 were eliminated. In K/X anesthesia, parameters showed significant LD differences. In Z anesthesia, LD differences were detected for pH and pO2 only. Acidosis, hypoxia, and hypercapnia have been reported for all types of anesthesia during the light period. In the dark period, except for P anesthesia, the environment was more stable and values fluctuated within normal ranges. From a chronobiological perspective, P anesthesia was not the most appropriate type of anesthesia in these rat experiments. It eliminated LD differences, and also produced a more acidic environment and more pronounced hypercapnia than K/X and Z anesthesias., P. Svorc, D. Petrášová, P. Svorc Jr., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Impaired cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR), an important risk factor for future stroke, is affected by a presence carotid stenosis. However, in some cases CVR can be impaired in the absence of carotid stenosis due to several poorly characterized mechanisms. We hypothesized that arterial stiffening as observed in coronary heart disease (CHD) could be associated with alteration in CVR in CHD patients without carotid stenosis. The study population consisted of patients referred for coronary angiography without significant carotid stenosis (<50 %). CVR was evaluated by breath holding index (BHI) measured with transcranial color code duplex ultrasound. Arterial stiffness was assessed by pulse wave velocity (PWV) measured by the oscillometric method. The extent of coronary atherosclerosis was quantified by Gensini score (GS). Out of 186 subjects, sixty-two patients fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. BHI decreased with increasing PWV (r = -0.47, p<0.001). Decrease in BHI was significantly inversely associated with GS (r = -0.61, p<0.001). GS was associated with PWV (p<0.001). In conclusion, impaired CVR was associated with increased arterial stiffening in CHD patients in the absence of significant carotid stenosis. Thus, we speculate that increased arterial stiffness may at least partially contribute to the pathophysiology of CVR alteration in coronary artery disease., D. Rucka, J. Marek, Z. Rucklova, J.-C. Lubanda, S. Havranek, J. Skvaril, P. Varejka, M. Chochola, D. Karetova, J. Korinek, A. Linhart., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Kvalita ţivota je ovlivněna zdravotním stavem, který zahrnuje fyzické, psychické a sociální charakteristiky. Největším zdravotním, ale i společenským problémem současné epochy nejsou nemoci akutní, ale nemoci dlouhodobé, chronické a trvalé. Výzkum se zaměřuje na oblast sexuality u pacientů s hypertenzí, s důrazem na holistické pojetí lidské osobnosti, hlubší vnímání a proţívání sexuálního ţivota, sexuálních potřeb pacientů. Cíl: Cílem kvalitativního šetření bylo zjistit, zda léčba hypertenze ovlivňuje sexuální potřeby pacientů. Metodika: Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 20 respondentů, výběr zkoumaného vzorku byl záměrný, byli to pacienti, kteří se léčili pro hypertenzi minimálně 1 rok ve Fakultní nemocnici Ostrava. Výzkum byl proveden pomocí kvalitativní metody, sběr dat byl proveden rozhovorem, který byl nahráván na diktafon v příjemném, nerušeném prostředí. Ve výzkumu byla pouţita metoda barvení textu s definovanými 4 kategoriemi a podkategoriemi. Výsledky: Z analýzy rozhovorů vyplynulo, ţe u některých pacientů antihypertenzní terapie negativně ovlivnila jejich sexuální potřeby. Byl zjištěn výskyt sexuálních dysfunkcí, u ţen se jednalo o sníţený sexuální apetit, sníţenou lubrikační schopnost, delší interval k vyvrcholení a u muţe byl objeven problém s erekcí. Závěr: V rámci subjektivní spokojenosti s vlastní sexualitou u pacientů, kteří se léčí s arteriální hypertenzí je důleţitá znalost vedlejších účinků a následná edukace s vyuţitím výsledků vědeckých studií domácích i zahraničních odborníků., The quality of life is influenced by health condition, which include physical, psychological and social features. The biggest, not only medical but also social problem nowadays are not acute diseases but long-term diseases, chronical and permanent. The research is concentrated on the sphere of sexuality among patients with hypertension, with stress on holistic concept of human being, deeper perception and experiencing of sexual life and sexual needs of patients. Aim: The aim of qualitative research was to find out how the treatment of hypertension influences sexual needs of patients. Methods: Researched sample was formed by 20 respondents. The choice of researched sample was intentional. They were patients who were treated for hypertension minimally one year in University Hospital Ostrava. The choice of researched sample was intentional. The research was done by qualitative method, collection of datas was done by interview, which was recorded on voice recorder in a pleasant, by nothing disturbed place. In the research was used method of coloring the text with 4 defined categories and subcathegories. Results: From the analysis of interviews was clear that at some patients antihypertension therapy influenced their sexual needs in a negative way. There was found out the occurrence of sexual dysfunctions. Among women it was lower sexual appetite, lower lubricative ability, longer time for climax and among men was found the problem with erection. Conclusion: Well-timed diagnostics of hypertension, active attitude to sexual life and knowledge of side effects during hypertension therapy can influence sexual experience and satisfaction of patients., Bohdana Břegová, Yvetta Vrublová, and Literatura
Cieľ: Úlohou tejto prehľadovej práce o diagnóze a manažmente artériovej hypertenzie je zamerať sa na dokumenty a štúdie o hypertenzii publikované v ostatných rokoch s cieľom určiť ich príspevok k rozšíreniu našich vedomostí o artériovej hypertenzii v klinickej praxi. Diskusia: Artériovú hypertenziu nedefinujú príznaky a znaky, ale čísla hodnôt krvného tlaku. Artériová hypertenzia je cievna choroba (vaskulárny rizikový faktor) viacerých cievnych chorôb (ateroskleróza; arterioloskleróza/arteriolonekróza/arteriolokalcinóza; artériová trombóza; artériová embólia; artériová tromboembólia; artériová disekcia; komplikovaná artériová aneuryzma) a iné. Záver: Artériová hypertenzia je príčinou i následkom funkčného (dysfunkcia endotelu) i štruktúrneho vaskulárneho a orgánového poškodenia (multiorgánovomultivaskulárna choroba). Cievy sú páchateľkami, nástrojmi i obeťami artériovej hypertenzie a orgánovocievnych artériových chorôb. Kľúčové slová: angiológia/vaskulárna medicína – artériová hypertenzia – cievne choroby – cievy – interná medicína – orgánovovaskulárne artériové choroby, Aim: The aim of this review is to address documents and a number of studies on hypertension published in the last years in order to assess their contribution to our expanding knowledge of arterial hypertension. Discussion: Arterial hypertension is not defined by symptoms and signs but by numbers of blood pressure values. Arterial hypertension is vascular disease (vascular risk factor) of many vascular diseases (atherosclerosis; arteriolosclerosis/arteriolonecrosis/arteriolocalcinosis; arterial thrombosis; arterial embolism; arterial thromboembolism; arterial dissection; complicated arterial aneurysm) and other. Conclusion: Arterial hypertension is cause and consequence of functional (endothelial dysfunction) and of structural organovascular injury (multiorganomultivascular disease). Blood vessels are culprits, implements and victims of arterial hypertension and of organovascular arterial diseases. Key words: angiology/vascular medicine – arterial hypertension – blood vessels – internal medicine – organovascular arterial diseases – vascular, and Peter Gavorník, Andrej Dukát, Ľudovít Gašpar, Naďa Hučková, Laura Slezáková, Katarína Kusendová, Gabriela Gubo, Denisa Medová, Xénia Faktorová, Eva Gavorníková
The distribution of arthropod species on a 400 m elevational gradient (equivalent to a temperature decrease of 2.5°C) on Snowdon, North Wales, was examined and compared with the British distribution. Preferred temperature, an indication of optimal body temperature (Tb), and supercooling point (SCP), an indication of cold tolerance, of several species on the gradient were determined experimentally. The alpine beetle species Patrobus assimilis and Nebria rufescens had low preferred Tb, of 5.6 and 7.1°C respectively, whereas the more widespread upland species had higher preferred Tb, between 12.9 and 15.5°C. The SCP of both alpine and widespread beetles were similar, being between -6.9 and -5.8°C. The alpine species, which were smaller, were freeze intolerant, whereas the widespread species, which were larger, were freeze tolerant. On the national scale there was significant correlation between preferred Tb and species elevation, but no correlation with SCP. It is concluded that the alpine species survive on Snowdon because their optimal Tb is close to the ambient temperature at the time of day and year when they are active and because they are able to tolerate winter temperatures, by a combination of cold tolerance and shelter. Although a species' optimal niche will tend to shift upwards as mean temperatures rise with global climatic change, complex microclimatic and biotic factors make changes in distribution difficult to predict.
Flowers of dicotyledonous plants host communities of arthropod species. We studied the community associated with dandelion (Taraxacum section Ruderalia), a complex of apomictic micro-species abundant in central Europe. Identification of microspecies in the field was impracticable. These plants produce an abundance of flowers that host arthropod communities that are not yet fully documented. We investigated species occurrence, its diurnal and seasonal variation and some of the factors that determine the abundance of the dominant species. Insect and spiders were collected from 2010 to 2012 at a locality in Prague. Whole capitula were harvested at weekly intervals and resident arthropods were identified. Diurnal variation in insect presence and the effect of pollen and microclimate on some of the species were also examined. The insect community (> 200 species) consisted mainly of species of Hymenoptera (86 spp.), Coleoptera (56 spp.), Diptera (46 spp.) and Heteroptera (23 spp.). The most abundant were Thysanoptera (2 spp.). Pollen eaters/collectors and nectar feeders dominated over predators and occasional visitors. From April to mid-August, the insect community was dominated by Coleoptera, and later by Diptera and Hymenoptera. Except for Meligethes spp. and species breeding in the capitula, the insects occupied flowers during the daytime when the flowers were open (10-12 h in spring and only 2-4 h in late summer). The presence of Meligethes spp. in particular flowers was associated with the presence of pollen; the occurrence of Byturus ochraceus with pollen and flower temperature. Although pollination is not necessary, dandelion plants produce both nectar and pollen. The community of arthropods that visit dandelion flowers is rich despite their being ephemeral.The composition of local faunas of flower visitors, presence of floral rewards and flower microclimate are important factors determining the composition of the flower community., Alois Honěk, Zdenka Martinková, Jiří Skuhrovec, Miroslav Barták, Jan Bezděk, Petr Bogusch, Jiří Hadrava, Jiří Hájek, Petr Janšta, Josef Jelínek, Jan Kirschner, Vítězslav Kubáň, Stano Pekár, Pavel Průdek, Pavel Štys, Jan Šumpich., and Obsahuje bibliografii