In this paper, a theoretical approach of a wideband preamplifier using a high-end operation amplifier OPA847 will be presented. This device is designed to be used for a low noise, wide band measuring. The level of optimization is based on a noise model for the electrical part of the receiver. During the process of amplifier designing, all the noise components have been investigated separately, using operational amplifiers models. Although this preamplifier was designed to serve for the purposes of flame sensors evaluate, it can be also used to other purposes requiring wide band amplifier with low noise, under only a minimal modification. and V tomto příspěvku bych rád přiblížil teoretický postup návrhu
širokopásmového předzesilovače, využívajícího moderní integrovaný
předzesilovač OPA847, který je určen pro nízkošumová
měření. Stupeň optimalizace je založen na šumovém modelu pro
elektrickou část přijímače. Během návrhu zesilovače byla každá
šumová složka zkoumána zvlášť s využitím modelu operačního
zesilovače. Přestože byl tento předzesilovač navržen pro účely
měření detektorů plamene. Může být s výhodou využit všude jinde,
kde je vyžadován širokopásmový, nízkošumový předzesilovač a to
jen s minimálními úpravami.
Three vernacular texts from late-13th-century Bohemia, in Middle High German and Old Czech, integrate motifs associated with the Holy Land, pilgrimage and the crusades. The romance Wilhalm von Wenden manifests the late Přemyslids’ royal ideology by portraying an independent, pious ruler who derives authority from Jerusalem. The Alexandreis explores the psychology of a military expedition to provide ground for moral reflection and draws on cartography to exploit the symbolism of Jerusalem’s geographic centrality. The crusade-related details in the Legend of Saint James the Less attest to an informed use of intertextual practices.
The genus Gobio in Italy was represented by the endemic species G. benacensis. The original distribution of this species was the Padano-Venetian district, but since a long time it was introduced in central Italy. Introductions of alien species to Italy during the last 10 years brought the sudden introduction of the Danubian G. gobio. Genetic and morphological analyses revealed the extensive presence of G. gobio, which rapidly colonised several rivers in Italy causing the progressive decline of G. benacensis, which now should be considered as an endangered species. Among examined populations those found in the Tagliamento River and transplanted in the Ombrone River represent genetic reservoirs of this species which will probably disappear in northern Italy.