Heat stress is a major production constraint of sunflower worldwide. Therefore, various populations (parental, F1, F2, F3, and plant progenies) of sunflower were screened for leaf gas-exchange traits with the objectives to formulate selection criteria of heat resistance and development of heat-resistant lines. Initial screening and F2 seeds exposed to heat stress (45°C) resulted in the development of an adapted F2 population that showed leaf gas-exchange and morphological traits better than the unadapted population. Correlation coefficients of traits were partitioned into direct and indirect effects via a path analysis technique to determine the cause of their relationship with a basic parameter such as a reproductive head mass (HM). Path analysis showed a positive direct effect of leaf temperature (Tleaf) (0.32) on HM and also an indirect effect (0.77) of the transpiration rate (E) on HM. Moreover, Tleaf showed high heritability estimates. Tleaf was used to select superior plants within the F2 population. This selection brought about an improvement in the net photosynthetic rate (PN) and E as it was indicated from progeny performance and realized heritability. Progenies selected on the basis of Tleaf also showed an increase in achene yield and heat resistance over unselected F3 progenies and a commercial hybrid. and T. Kalyar ... [et al.].
Larvae of the stag beetle, Dorcus rectus, feed on decaying wood, which they digest with the aid of symbiotic yeasts; however, they can be successfully reared on artificial diets containing only fungal tissue. In this study we tested whether D. rectus larvae can utilize fungal cell walls, which are an insoluble component of mycelium. Lyophilized Bjerkandera adusta mycelium cultured in potato-dextrose liquid medium consisted of a 47.6% hot-water insoluble fraction by mass, which contains 53.7% of the total nitrogen in the mycelium. D. rectus larvae that hatched from surface-sterilized eggs were reared for 14 days on agar-based diets containing either the soluble fraction, insoluble fraction or both, extracted from 100 mg of mycelium. The larvae increased in mass most on the mixed diet, and there was no difference in their growth on the mixed and positive control diets. Both the soluble and insoluble fractions improved larval growth compared to the negative control diet; however, the growth rates were much lower than those expected from the nitrogen dose-growth response curve obtained in a previous study. Addition of b-chitin to the soluble fraction did not positively affect larval growth. Therefore, we conclude that (1) D. rectus larvae need both the soluble and insoluble fractions of mycelium and (2) the larvae digest the insoluble fraction using their own enzymes., Masahiko Tanahashi, Kôhei Kubota., and Seznam literatury
Vnitrodruhová variabilita v chování zvířat, tj. personalita, výrazně ovlivňuje ekologické i evoluční procesy. V tomto článku se pojednává o tom, jak může personalita vzniknout u pavouků a její vliv na potravní sítě., Inter-individual behavioural differences, i.e. personalities, play a very important role in eco-evolutionary processes. Here, we describe how spiders’ personalities arise and how they influence the dynamics of food webs., and Radek Michalko.
Přes obrovský pokrok v molekulárních fylogenetických metodách a množství v nedávné době objevených fosilních taxonů nemáme o fylogenezi a evoluci mravenců (čeleď Formicidae) mnoho ověřených faktů. V současnosti se rozlišuje 16 žijících a tři fosilní podčeledi. Podčeleď Leptanillinae je považována za bazální, zatímco skupina Apoidea (včely a kutilky) se ukazuje jako sesterská k čeledi mravenců., In contrast to the huge progress of molecular phylogenetic methods and many recently discovered fossil taxa, the phylogeny and evolution of ants (Formicidae) remains poorly understood. Today 16 extant and three fossil ant subfamilies are known. The subfamily Leptanillinae is considered as basal, while Apoidea seems to be a sister family to the ants., and Pavel Pech.