Hrobaříci jsou malá skupina brouků patřící do čeledi mrchožroutovití (Silphidae), která má na světě okolo 190 druhů. Centrem jejich rozšíření je palearktická oblast. Mezi hrobaříky ale najdeme jak zástupce s rozsáhlým areálem výskytu, tak i druhy endemické. Tito brouci žijí na různých biotopech, ale jsou si vzhledově podobní. Vyvinula se u nich naprosto jedinečná péče o potomstvo, kdy se dospělci starají o své larvy. Ze způsobu života hrobaříků a vzájemných potravních vztahů tak přímo vyplývá význam a užitečnost těchto brouků. Odklízením mršin a urychlováním rozkladných procesů jsou velmi prospěšní., Burying beetles are a small group of beetles, belonging to the carrion beetle family (Silphidae), which has around 190 species worldwide. The centre of their distribution is the Palearctic region. While some species are widely distributed, others are endemics with narrow distribution range. Burying beetles live in different habitats, but they are phenotypically similar. They also have developed unique care for offspring when adults care for their larvae. Their necrophore way of life and mutual food relationships directly highlight the importance and usefulness of these beetles. The major ecological importance of burying beetles lies in the removal of carcasses and acceleration of degradation processes., and Jan Schneider.
Huntingtonova choroba (Huntington´s disease, HD) je smrtelné dědičné neurodegenerativní onemocnění s nástupem projevů až v dospělosti. Onemocnění je způsobeno expanzí cytozin-adenin-guanin (CAG) repetic v genu pro protein huntingtin (Htt), který je exprimován ve většině tkání. HD je charakteristická především rozsáhlou degenerací buněk centrální nervové soustavy, ale mutace má velký dopad i na další orgány a tkáně. Mechanismy těchto změn nejsou stále dostatečně popsány. Jednou z nezbytných součástí výzkumu HD jsou zvířecí modely., Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal inherited neurodegenerative disease with onset of symptoms in adulthood. The disease is caused by the expansion of CAG repeats in the gene for the huntingtin protein, which is expressed in most tissues. HD is characterized by extensive degeneration of the cells of the central nervous system, but the mutation has a large impact on other organs and tissues too. The mechanisms of these changes have not yet been adequately described. Animal models are one of the fundamental approaches in HD research., and Daniela Pallová ... [et al.].
In plants, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) acts as a signalling molecule that facilitates various biochemical and physiological processes. H2O2 is a versatile molecule, involved in several cellular processes both under stress and stress-free conditions. In regulating plant metabolism under stress conditions, exogenous application of H2O2 also plays a pivotal role which is manifested in improved growth, photosynthetic capacity, and antioxidant protection. Abiotic stress is an inevitable environmental factor that extensively affects and reduces growth, quality, yield, and productivity of plants. Several signalling pathways involved in H2O2-mediated stress and defense responses have been extensively studied and there is ample scope of additional research that could further clarify the mechanism and modulating factors which regulate these pathways. An attempt has been made to dissect the role of H2O2 under low temperature stress and how it affects plant growth and development, photosynthetic capacity, regulation of antioxidant system, and signalling., T. A. Khan, M. Yusuf, Q. Fariduddin., and Obsahuje bibliografii
by O. Nordgaard. The protist plankton and the diatoms in bottom samples / by E. Jørgensen., KČSN - signatura S-E 128, Poškozené desky., and Desky skenovány z jiné signatury. S-E 128
Previous studies revealed altered levels of the circulating insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and of its binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) in subjects with coronary atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome and premature atherosclerosis. Hyperlipidemia is a powerful risk factor of atherosclerosis. We expected IGF-I and IGFBP-3 alterations in subjects with moderate/severe hyperlipidemia but without any clinical manifestation of atherosclerosis. Total IGF-I and IGFBP-3 were assessed in 56 patients with mixed hyperlipidemia (MHL; cholesterol>6.0 mmol/l, triglycerides>2.0 mmol/l), in 33 patients with isolated hypercholesterolemia (IHC; cholesterol>6.0 mmol/l, triglycerides<2.0 mmol/l), and in 29 healthy controls (cholesterol<6.0 mmol/l, triglycerides<2.0 mmol/l). The molar ratio of IGF-I/IGFBP-3 was used as a measure of free IGF-I. IHC subjects differed from controls by lower total IGF-I (164±60 vs. 209±73 ng/ml, p=0.01) and IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratio (0.14±0.05 vs. 0.17±0.04, p=0.04). Compared to controls, MHL subjects had lower total IGF-I (153±54 ng/ml, p=0.0002) and IGFBP-3 (2.8±0.6 mg/ml, p<0.0001), but higher IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratio (0.25±0.06, p<0.0001). Differences remained significant after the adjustment for clinical and biochemical covariates, except for triglycerides. Patients with both IHC and MHL have lower total IGF-I compared to controls. The mechanism is presumably different in IHC and MHL. Because of prominent reduction of IGFBP-3 in patients with MHL, they have reduced total IGF-I despite the actual elevation IGF-I/IGFBP-3 ratio as a surrogate of free IGF-I., J. Malík, T. Štulc, D. Wichterle, V. Melenovský, E. Chytilová, Z. Lacinová, J. Marek, R. Češka., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Hypobaria (low total atmospheric pressure) is essential in sustainable, energy-efficient plant production systems for long-term space exploration and human habitation on the Moon and Mars. There are also critical engineering, safety, and materials handling advantages of growing plants under hypobaria, including reduced atmospheric leakage from extraterrestrial base environments. The potential for producing crops under hypobaria and manipulating hypoxia (low oxygen stress) to increase health-promoting bioactive compounds is not well characterized. Here we showed that hypobaric-grown lettuce plants (25 kPa ≈ 25% of normal pressure) exposed to hypoxia (6 kPa pO2 ≈ 29% of normal pO2) during the final 3 d of the production cycle had enhanced antioxidant activity, increased synthesis of anthocyananins, phenolics, and carotenoids without reduction of photosynthesis or plant biomass. Net photosynthetic rate (PN) was not affected by total pressure. However, 10 d of hypoxia reduced PN, dark respiration rate (RD),
PN/RD ratio, and plant biomass. Growing plants under hypobaria and manipulating hypoxia during crop production to enhance health-promoting bioactive compounds is important for the health and well-being of astronauts exposed to space radiation and other stresses during long-term habitation. and C. He ... [et al.].
Analogickým studiím z Tichomoří a Mexika se podařilo experimentálně prokázat, že i lesní plži čeledi Clausiliidae - Cochlodina laminata a Alinda biplicata s rozměry těla cca 20 mm mohou projít živí zažívacím traktem středně velkých ptáků. Zajímavým poznatkem je, že ačkoli přežila pouze 2 % všech plžů, tak pokud nedošlo k poškození jejich schránky, přežilo plných 62 % jedinců nalezených v trusu., Analogously to the studies of the Pacific area and Mexico, we were able to prove experimentally that the forest snails from family Clausiliidae - Cochlodina laminata and Alinda biplicata with a body size of approximately 20 mm can pass through the digestive tract of a medium-sized bird. There is an interesting finding that although only 2% of gastropods survived at all, 62% of those with intact (undamaged) shells survived., and Jasna Simonová.
Článek přináší informace o vývoji a současném stavu ichtyofauny ve vodách pražské aglomerace. Celkem zde bylo zaznamenáno přes 50 druhů mihulí a ryb. Skladba zdejší fauny byla a je ovlivňována příslušností k labskému říčnímu systému (výskyt anadromních druhů) a rybářským obhospodařováním (vysazování násad, obhospodařování rybníků a sportovní rybolov). Z hlediska skladby ichtyofauny 8 druhů vymizelo, 15 druhů náleží mezi nepůvodní labské faunistické prvky, které se zde vyskytují přičiněním člověka. Do pražských vod je vysazováno rybáři cca 25 druhů a nejvíce jsou sportovními rybáři loveni kapr obecný, cejn velký, okoun říční, karas stříbřitý, štika obecná a candát obecný. Celkem 37 druhů je klasifikováno v různých kategoriích Červeného seznamu, pět druhů je chráněno zákonem., The development and present state of the ichtyofauna in flowing and stagnant waters in Prague are presented. In total, over 50 species of lampreys and fishes were found in the waters of the Prague conurbation. The ichtyofauna diversity in Prague waters is influenced by the location of the Elbe River system and angling activities (angling and fisheries stocking). In total, 8 species can be classified as extinct, and 15 species are nonnative. The following species are most frequently angled: Cyprinus carpio, Abramis brama, Perca fluviatilis, Carassius gibelio, Esox lucius and Sander lucioperca. Two fishes are classified as invasive aliens, namely Carassius gibelio and Pseudorasbora parva. Generally, about 25 fish species are stocked - the majority of them comes from artificial breeding. In total, 37 native species are classified into various categories of the Red List of Czech ichtyofauna and 8 species are protected by the law., and Lubomír Hanel, Jiří Vostradovský.