The ASCR proposes to construct an electron synchrotron as one of the projects made possible from the Structural Funds of the EU. An electron synchrotron is the most universally usable type of accelerator, constituting an intensive source of light with unique features. Data provided by synchrotrons are important for the competitiveness of future industry in the EU. and Stanislav Kozubek.
Tasemnice (Cestoda) jsou jednou z unikátních čistě parazitických skupin organismů napadající všechny skupiny obratlovců, včetně člověka. V mezinárodní spolupráci se je snažíme lépe poznat a popsat jejich diverzitu, biologii a vzájemné vztahy., The tapeworms (Cestoda) are one of the unique parasitic groups of organisms infecting all groups of vertebrates, including humans. This study aims to better understand their diversity, biology, and relationships with the help of international collaboration., and Roman Kuchta.
V údolí řeky Vltavy nedaleko Prahy v Centru výzkumu Řež s.r.o. byla vybudována nová gama ozařovna, která představuje svými technickými dispozicemi unikátní pracoviště v rámci České republiky. Prostřednictvím tohoto článku prozkoumáme možnosti nové technologie a zjistíme, na jaké vědecko-výzkumné úkoly a aplikce je možné ji využít., A new gamma irradiation facility has been built in the valley of the Vltava River near Prague in the Research Centre Řež. Thanks to its facilities, within the Czech Republic it is a unique workplace. In this article, we explore the possibilities of the new technology and find out which scientific research and applications can be used., Michaela Rabochová, Roman Mohyla., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Brain Awareness Week this year featured lectures by leading Czech neuroscientists and other brain scientists. It was the Czech Republic´s 18th observance, held on March 14-18, 2016 at the Czech Academy of Sciences main building. This issue of the Academic Bulletin presents an article by Dr. Alexandr Chvátal of the Institute of Experimental Medicine fo the CAS on what is known about glial cells at present. According to the general opinion, the central nervous system (CNS), whose principal purpose is the acquisition, processing and storage of information and response to external stimuli, to mainly composed of neurons that provide all of this above-mentioned functions. In fact, many glial cells are also involved in these functions. The aim of this brief overview is to correct some misconceptions about glial cells and to summarize some new insights about their role in nervous tissue functions. Many of the results were obtained by researchers from the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Czech Academy of Sciences. and Autorem je redakce uvedená zkratkou red