The paper studies the typology of the initials following the way of construction of their corpus in the mutual ties in the development – departing from the late antique, considering the Byzantine and Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque types. The modifications of the initials are studied together with the changes of their function in the decoration system and in the cultural-historical context. The contribution also studies the changes of the terminology connected with the typology of the initials.
The paper studies the typology of the initials following the way of construction of their corpus in the mutual ties in the development – departing from the late antique, considering the Byzantine and Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque types. The modifications of the initials are studied together with the changes of their function in the decoration system and in the cultural-historical context. The contribution also studies the changes of the terminology connected with the typology of the initials.
The paper is engaged with a definition of the typolotgy and modifications fo the caligraphic initials, compared with the typology of painted initials, and also with a comparative study of the terminoloty used in different languages for the specific compositions. The interest is also focused on relations among countries, regions and workshops that participated in the transformations of the caligrafic initials. The subject is studied on a broad period, from the Late Antiquity till the 16th century, but without a typology of fleuronée, only compositions of the body of the initials have been taken into consideration.
The aim of the study is to provide basic summary of the factors that influence the involvement of grandparents in the care for young children in the Czech families and to introduce a typology of the patterns of grandparent role. The paper presents results of both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The first part of the paper uses the data from the second wave of SHARE 1) to outline the typology of grandparents’ involvement with respect to different forms and intensity of contacts with grandchildren and the geographical proximity of family members and 2) to map how the socio-demographic factors influence the forms and intensity of involvement in the care for grandchildren. The second part of the paper focuses on the subjective experience of Czech mothers and grandmothers. 18 mothers and 12 grandmothers of children younger than 10 years were interviewed. The paper points out the existence of various conceptions of grandmothers’ role in the Czech families., Jaroslava Hasmanová Marhánková, Martina Štípková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The Patent of Toleration of the year 1781 cleared the way for activities of two Protestant churches in the Habsburg Monarchy. In the two borderland regions chosen for analysis - the regions of Děčín and Šluknov - the Protestant inhabitants were affected by the religious influences from Saxony that acquired various forms. From the period before the year 1620 there was, exceptionally, preserved the Lutheran religion, whose followers visited churches on the Saxon side of the border. Also, the regions were continuously settled by Saxon immigrants who were not organized within the structures of the Augsburg confession. Only after the commencement of industrialization and the subsequent wave of Saxon immigration was made possible the establishment of independent Protestant choirs. Absolutely exceptional was the Lutheran choir of Saxon officials in Podmokly that was founded after railroad had been finished in 1851. Already before the year 1850 the mission of the renewed Unity of Brethren from Herrnhut instigated the popular religious movement. At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century, religious propaganda of the movement „Away from Rome“ (Los von Rom), in many cases supported from Saxony, found response in these regions. The typology of religious influences from Saxony and their manifestations on the Bohemian side of the border, established on the basis of the examples of Děčín and Šluknov regions, could be used for the nineteenth century also for other borderland regions inhabited predominantly by German-speaking population.
Článek se věnuje popisu základních skupin kořenových útvarů registrovaných v jeskyních České republiky. Zároveň se krátce zmiňuje o nově objevených lokalitách v letech 2006 a 2007. K nejpozoruhodnějším nálezům se řadí objev kořenových stalagmitů v krasové jeskyni z centrální části Moravského krasu. and Main groups of root formations registered in the caves of the Czech Republic are described. The article also mentions sites newly discovered in 2006 and 2007. Root stalagmites of the karst caves in the central part of the Moravian Karst are among the most interesting discoveries.
Cílem článku je uvést informace o typech validity a validizačních studiích v oblasti diagnostiky NANDA International, akcentovat jejich význam pro rozvoj ošetřovatelské vědy a poukázat na badatele, kteří se problematice věnují. Autorky vycházejí z teze, že validita je nezbytnou komponentou bádání a má významný dopad na věrohodnost výzkumu diagnostických pojmů NANDA International. Předkládají názor, že k posílení vědecké úrovně validizace diagnostiky NANDA International bude prioritní realizovat studie s užitím konstruktové validity., The article aims to give information about types of validity and validation studies of diagnostic NANDA International, emphasize their importance for the development of nursing science and point out the researchers who deal with this issue. The authors suppose that validity is an essential component of research and has a signifi cant impact on the credibility of the research diagnostic concepts of NANDA International. Authors claim that in order to strengthen the scientifi c validation of NANDA International diagnostics, the priority will be to implement studies using the construct validity., Lenka Mazalová, Jana Marečková, and Literatura 20