English-Slovak parallel corpus consisting of several freely available corpora (Acquis [1], Europarl [2], Official Journal of the European Union [3] and part of OPUS corpus [4] – EMEA, EUConst, KDE4 and PHP) and downloaded website of European Commission [5]. Corpus is published in both in plaintext format and with an automatic morphological annotation.
[1] http://langtech.jrc.it/JRC-Acquis.html/
[2] http://www.statmt.org/europarl/
[3] http://apertium.eu/data
[4] http://opus.lingfil.uu.se/
[5] http://ec.europa.eu/ and This work has been supported by the grant Euro-MatrixPlus (FP7-ICT-2007-3-231720 of the EU and 7E09003 of the Czech Republic)
HamleDT (HArmonized Multi-LanguagE Dependency Treebank) is a compilation of existing dependency treebanks (or dependency conversions of other treebanks), transformed so that they all conform to the same annotation style. This version uses Universal Dependencies as the common annotation style.
Update (November 1017): for a current collection of harmonized dependency treebanks, we recommend using the Universal Dependencies (UD). All of the corpora that are distributed in HamleDT in full are also part of the UD project; only some corpora from the Patch group (where HamleDT provides only the harmonizing scripts but not the full corpus data) are available in HamleDT but not in UD.
This package contains data used in the IWPT 2020 shared task. It contains training, development and test (evaluation) datasets. The data is based on a subset of Universal Dependencies release 2.5 (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3105) but some treebanks contain additional enhanced annotations. Moreover, not all of these additions became part of Universal Dependencies release 2.6 (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3226), which makes the shared task data unique and worth a separate release to enable later comparison with new parsing algorithms. The package also contains a number of Perl and Python scripts that have been used to process the data during preparation and during the shared task. Finally, the package includes the official primary submission of each team participating in the shared task.
This package contains data used in the IWPT 2021 shared task. It contains training, development and test (evaluation) datasets. The data is based on a subset of Universal Dependencies release 2.7 (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3424) but some treebanks contain additional enhanced annotations. Moreover, not all of these additions became part of Universal Dependencies release 2.8 (http://hdl.handle.net/11234/1-3687), which makes the shared task data unique and worth a separate release to enable later comparison with new parsing algorithms. The package also contains a number of Perl and Python scripts that have been used to process the data during preparation and during the shared task. Finally, the package includes the official primary submission of each team participating in the shared task.
Cardinal Josef Beran leads a procession with the skull of Saint Adalbert of Prague in a fragmented segment from film weekly newsreel. The procession starts at Saint Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle and walks through the Gate of Giants. Cardinal Beran blesses the remains of Saint Adalbert of Prague on Hradčany Square in Prague.
Writer Josef Štefan Kubín in a garden. Kubín accepts a bouquet of flowers on the occasion of his 100th birthday in Dobříš Chateau in a segment from Československý filmový týdeník (Czechoslovak Film Weekly Newsreel) 1964, issue no. 42.
Manual classification of errors of Czech-Slovak translation according to the classification introduced by Vilar et al. [1]. First 50 sentences from WMT 2010 test set were translated by 5 MT systems (Česílko, Česílko2, Google Translate and two Moses setups) and MT errors were manually marked and classified. Classification was applied in MT systems comparison [3]. Reference translation is included.
[1] David Vilar, Jia Xu, Luis Fernando D’Haro and Hermann Ney. Error Analysis of Machine Translation Output. In International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pages 697-702. Genoa, Italy, May 2006.
[2] http://matrix.statmt.org/test_sets/list
[3] Ondřej Bojar, Petra Galuščáková, and Miroslav Týnovský. Evaluating Quality of Machine Translation from Czech to Slovak. In Markéta Lopatková, editor, Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, pages 3-9, September 2011 and This work has been supported by the grants Euro-MatrixPlus (FP7-ICT-2007-3-231720 of the EU and
7E09003 of the Czech Republic)
Manual classification of errors of English-Slovak translation according to the classification introduced by Vilar et al. [1]. 50 sentences randomly selected from WMT 2011 test set [2] were translated by 3 MT systems described in [3] and MT errors were manually marked and classified. Reference translation is included.
[1] David Vilar, Jia Xu, Luis Fernando D’Haro and Hermann Ney. Error Analysis of Machine Translation Output. In International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pages 697-702. Genoa, Italy, May 2006.
[2] http://www.statmt.org/wmt11/evaluation-task.html
[3] Petra Galuščáková and Ondřej Bojar. Improving SMT by Using Parallel Data of a Closely Related Language. In Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Baltic HLT 2012, volume 247 of Frontiers in AI and Applications, pages 58-65, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2012. IOS Press. and This work has been supported by the grant Euro-MatrixPlus (FP7-ICT-2007-3-231720 of the EU and
7E09003 of the Czech Republic)
Manually ranked outputs of Czech-Slovak translations. Three annotators manually ranked outputs of five MT systems (Česílko, Česílko2, Google Translate and two Moses setups) on three data sets (100 sentences randomly selected from books, 100 sentences randomly selected from Acquis corpus and 50 first sentences from WMT 2010 test set). Ranking was applied in MT systems comparison in [1].
[1] Ondřej Bojar, Petra Galuščáková, and Miroslav Týnovský. Evaluating Quality of Machine Translation from Czech to Slovak. In Markéta Lopatková, editor, Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, pages 3-9, September 2011 and This work has been supported by the grant Euro-MatrixPlus (FP7-ICT-2007-3-231720 of the EU and
7E09003 of the Czech Republic)
Slovak morphological dictionary modeled after the Czech one. It consists of (word form, lemma, POS tag) triples, reusing the Czech morphological system for POS tags and lemma descriptions.