Fine-tuned Czech TinyLlama model ( and Czech GPT2 small model ( to generate lyrics of song sections based on the provided syllable counts, keywords and rhyme scheme. The TinyLlama-based model yields better results, however, the GPT2-based model can run locally.
Both models are discussed in a Bachelor Thesis: Generation of Czech Lyrics to Cover Songs.
The segment of Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel), 1938, issue no. 28 reports on the visit of Giuseppe Dalla Torre, the editor-in-chief of the Vatican City State´s daily newspaper of L´Osservatorio Romano, to Czechoslovakia.
Annotated list of dependency bigrams occurring in the PDT more than five times and having part-of-speech patterns that can possibly form a collocation. Each bigram is assigned to one of the six MWE categories by three annotators.
The GrandStaff-LMX dataset is based on the GrandStaff dataset described in the "End-to-end optical music recognition for pianoform sheet music" paper by Antonio Ríos-Vila et al., 2023, .
The GrandStaff-LMX dataset contains MusicXML and Linearized MusicXML encodings of all systems from the original datase, suitable for evaluation with the TEDn metric. It also contains the GrandStaff official train/dev/split.
A close-up of Gustav Adolf Procházka, the Patriarch of Czechoslovak Church, from a newsreel segment to mark the 15th anniversary of the Czechoslovak Church in 1935.
Wrestler Gustav Frištejnský in a match against Josef Šmejkal in Prague-Letná in 1913. Frištejnský with his young nephew František at a farm in Lužice. Frištejnský swimming with his dog in the Sitka River. Frištejnský exercising in the countryside. Footage of Frištejnský with his wife Miroslava. Several scenes from the documentary Město Litovel (The Town of Litovel, 1927) are used.
Recording of Jan Wenig´s radio interview with film director Gustav Machatý during his visit to Prague in late 1946. Machatý with his fiancée Helga in front of the Alcron Hotel on Štěpánská Street in Prague.