SLäNDa, the Swedish literature corpus of narrative and dialogue, is a corpus made up of eight Swedish literary novels from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, manually annotated mainly for different aspects of dialogue. The full annotation also contains other cited materials, like thoughts, signs and letters. The main motivation for including these categories as well, is to be able to identify the main narrative, which is all remaining unannotated text.
SLäNDa, the Swedish literature corpus of narrative and dialogue, is a corpus made up of eight Swedish literary novels from the 19th and early 20th centuries, manually annotated mainly for different aspects of dialogue. The full annotation also contains other cited materials, like thoughts, signs and letters. The main motivation for including these categories as well, is to be able to identify the main narrative, which is all remaining unannotated text.
SLäNDa version 2.0 extends version 1.0 mainly by adding more data, but also by additional quality control, and a slight modification of the annotation scheme. In addition, the data is organized into test sets with different types of speech marking: quotation marks, dashes, and no marking.
Trained models for UDPipe used to produce our final submission to the Vardial 2017 CLP shared task ( The SK model was trained on CS data, the HR model on SL data, and the SV model on a concatenation of DA and NO data. The scripts and commands used to create the models are part of separate submission (
The models were trained with UDPipe version 3e65d69 from 3rd Jan 2017, obtained from -- their functionality with newer or older versions of UDPipe is not guaranteed.
We list here the Bash command sequences that can be used to reproduce our results submitted to VarDial 2017. The input files must be in CoNLLU format. The models only use the form, UPOS, and Universal Features fields (SK only uses the form). You must have UDPipe installed. The script, which prunes the universal features, is bundled with this submission.
SK -- tag and parse with the model:
udpipe --tag --parse sk-translex.v2.norm.feats07.w2v.trainonpred.udpipe sk-ud-predPoS-test.conllu
A slightly better after-deadline model (sk-translex.v2.norm.Case-feats07.w2v.trainonpred.udpipe), which we mention in the accompanying paper, is also included. It is applied in the same way (udpipe --tag --parse sk-translex.v2.norm.Case-feats07.w2v.trainonpred.udpipe sk-ud-predPoS-test.conllu).
HR -- prune the Features to keep only Case and parse with the model:
python3 Case < hr-ud-predPoS-test.conllu | udpipe --parse hr-translex.v2.norm.Case.w2v.trainonpred.udpipe
NO -- put the UPOS annotation aside, tag Features with the model, merge with the left-aside UPOS annotation, and parse with the model (this hassle is because UDPipe cannot be told to keep UPOS and only change Features):
cut -f1-4 no-ud-predPoS-test.conllu > tmp
udpipe --tag no-translex.v2.norm.tgttagupos.srctagfeats.Case.w2v.udpipe no-ud-predPoS-test.conllu | cut -f5- | paste tmp - | sed 's/^\t$//' | udpipe --parse no-translex.v2.norm.tgttagupos.srctagfeats.Case.w2v.udpipe
Tools and scripts used to create the cross-lingual parsing models submitted to VarDial 2017 shared task (, as described in the linked paper. The trained UDPipe models themselves are published in a separate submission (
For each source (SS, e.g. sl) and target (TT, e.g. hr) language,
you need to add the following into this directory:
- treebanks (Universal Dependencies v1.4):
- parallel data (OpenSubtitles from Opus):
!!! If they are originally called ...TT-SS... instead of ...SS-TT...,
you need to symlink them (or move, or copy) !!!
- target tagging model
All of these can be obtained from
You also need to have:
- Bash
- Perl 5
- Python 3
- word2vec (; we used rev 41 from 15th Sep 2014
- udpipe (; we used commit 3e65d69 from 3rd Jan 2017
- Treex (; we used commit d27ee8a from 21st Dec 2016
The most basic setup is the sl-hr one (
- normalization of deprels
- 1:1 word-alignment of parallel data with Monolingual Greedy Aligner
- simple word-by-word translation of source treebank
- pre-training of target word embeddings
- simplification of morpho feats (use only Case)
- and finally, training and evaluating the parser
Both da+sv-no ( and cs-sk ( add some cross-tagging, which seems to be useful only in
specific cases (see paper for details).
Moreover, cs-sk also adds more morpho features, selecting those that
seem to be very often shared in parallel data.
The whole pipeline takes tens of hours to run, and uses several GB of RAM, so make sure to use a powerful computer.
The segment of Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel), 1938, issue no. 24 captures the demonstration for the unity of Czechoslovakia held on Hviezdoslav Square in Bratislava on 6 June 1938. Prime Minister Milan Hodža speaks at the demonstration (no sound). Ivan Dérer, the Minister of Justice, is also present.
Slovak Dependency Treebank (Slovenský závislostný korpus) was created as part of the Slovak National Corpus at the Ľ. Štúr Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The annotation follows the guidelines of the Prague Dependency Treebank (Czech), slightly modified in the spirit of Slovak grammatical tradition. Morphological tags, lemmas and dependency relations have been assigned manually to every word.
The present dataset is a subset of the original treebank. We automatically selected the sentences where the two human annotators 100% agreed on the analysis. This increases the quality and trustworthiness of the data but it also results in selecting short sentences most of the time. An extended version may be published in the future when manually merged and checked annotation is available.
The selected sentences have been converted to the CoNLL-X file format (original token IDs are preserved in the FEATS column). This PDT-style annotation will serve as the source for the first Slovak dataset in the Universal Dependencies (to be published separately).
Slovak models for MorphoDiTa, providing morphological analysis, morphological generation and part-of-speech tagging.
The morphological dictionary is created from MorfFlex SK 170914 and the PoS tagger is trained on automatically translated Prague Dependency Treebank 3.0 (PDT).
The dataset with 409,679 images belonging to 772 snake species from 188 countries and all continents (386,006 images with labels targeted for development and 23,673 images without labels for testing). In addition, we provide a simple train/val (90% / 10%) split to validate preliminary results while ensuring the same species distributions. Furthermore, we prepared a compact subset (70,208 images) for fast prototyping. The test set data consists of 23,673 images submitted to the iNaturalist platform within the "first four months of 2021.
All data were gathered from online biodiversity platforms (i.e., iNaturalist, HerpMapper) and further extended by data scraped from Flickr. The provided dataset has a heavy long-tailed class distribution, where the most frequent species (Thamnophis sirtalis) is represented by 22,163 images and the least frequent by just 10 (Achalinus formosanus).