An interactive web demo for querying selected ÚFAL and LINDAT corpora. LINDAT/CLARIN KonText is a fork of ÚČNK KonText (, maintained by Tomáš Machálek) that contains some modifications and additional features. Kontext, in turn, is a fork of the Bonito 2.68 python web interface to the corpus management tool Manatee (, created by Pavel Rychlý).
Statistical spell- and (occasional) grammar-checker. There are three versions: a unix command line utility and an OS X SpellServer with a System Service, that integrates with native OS X GUI applications, and a web service run by Lindat-Clarin, that can be used either through a web form in a browser, or by web applications using API. and The LINDAT-CLARIN project (LM2010013), fully supported by TheMinistry of Education, Sports and Youth of The Czech Republic under the programme LM of "Large Infrastructures"
Korektor is a statistical spell-checker and (occasionally) grammar-checker. It is released under 2-Clause BSD license
Korektor started with Michal Richter's diploma thesis Advanced Czech Spellchecker, but it is being developed further. There are two versions: a command line utility (tested on Linux, Windows and OS X) and a REST service with publicly available API and HTML front end
The segment of Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel), 1938, issue no. 46B shows Košice, Slovakia, prior to its annexation to fascist Hungary following the Vienna Arbitration. It includes footage from the Main Square with its busy marketplace. Refugees are shown leaving with hay wagons loaded with furniture, while citizens of Hungarian origin and supporters of Horthy´s regime decorate the square with Hungarian flags
KUK 0.0 is a pilot version of a corpus of Czech legal and administrative texts designated as data for manual and automatic assessment of accessibility (comprehensibility or clarity) of Czech legal texts.