Lexical Annotation Workbench (LAW) is an integrated environment for morphological annotation. It supports simple morphological annotation (assigning a lemma and tag to a word), integration and comparison of different annotations of the same text, searching for particular word, tag etc.
Theologian Leopold Prečan with Edvard and Hana Beneš at Prague Castle in a fragmented segment from an obituary in Týden ve filmu (Week in Film) 1947, issue no. 11.
The film segment shows music composer Leoš Janáček with musicologist and folklorist Viktor Michajlovič Běljajev, music composer Viliam Figuš-Bystrý, opera singer Marie Calma-Veselá and musicologist Ernest Closson on the deck of a steamboat at the International Festival of Contemporary Music in Prague, 1925. Janáček with a composer Karel Kovařovic and a group of unidentified men by the back door to the National Theatre in Prague.
This dataset contains annotation of PDT using Czech WordNet ontology: http://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-097C-0000-0001-4880-3
Data is stored in PML format. This is a stand-off annotation and for most use cases it requires PDT 2.0 and the Czech WordNet 1.9 PDT that we have used for annotation. and 1ET100300517, 1ET201120505
GeCzLex 1.0 is an online electronic resource for translation equivalents of Czech and German discourse connectives. It contains anaphoric connectives for both languages and their possible translations documented in bilingual parallel corpora (not necessarily anaphoric). The entries have been interlinked via semantic annotation of the connectives (taken from monolingual lexicons of connectives CzeDLex and DiMLex) according to the PDTB 3 sense taxonomy and translation possibilities aquired from the Czech and German parallel data of the Intercorp project. The lexicon is the first bilingual inventory of connectives with linkage on the level of individual pairs (connective + discourse sense).