The `corpipe23-corefud1.2-240906` is a `mT5-large`-based multilingual model for coreference resolution usable in CorPipe 23 <>. It is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
The model is language agnostic (no corpus id on input), so it can be in theory used to predict coreference in any `mT5` language. However, the model expects empty nodes to be already present on input, predicted by the
This model was present in the CorPipe 24 paper as an alternative to a single-stage approach, where the empty nodes are predicted joinly with coreference resolution (via, an approach circa twice as fast but of slightly worse quality.
The `corpipe24-corefud1.2-240906` is a `mT5-large`-based multilingual model for coreference resolution usable in CorPipe 24 ( It is released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
The model is language agnostic (no corpus id on input), so it can be in theory used to predict coreference in any `mT5` language.
This model jointly predicts also the empty nodes needed for zero coreference. The paper introducing this model also presents an alternative two-stage approach first predicting empty nodes (via and then performing coreference resolution (via, which is circa twice as slow but slightly better.
Deep Universal Dependencies is a collection of treebanks derived semi-automatically from Universal Dependencies ( It contains additional deep-syntactic and semantic annotations. Version of Deep UD corresponds to the version of UD it is based on. Note however that some UD treebanks have been omitted from Deep UD.
Deep Universal Dependencies is a collection of treebanks derived semi-automatically from Universal Dependencies ( It contains additional deep-syntactic and semantic annotations. Version of Deep UD corresponds to the version of UD it is based on. Note however that some UD treebanks have been omitted from Deep UD.
Deep Universal Dependencies is a collection of treebanks derived semi-automatically from Universal Dependencies ( It contains additional deep-syntactic and semantic annotations. Version of Deep UD corresponds to the version of UD it is based on. Note however that some UD treebanks have been omitted from Deep UD.
Deep Universal Dependencies is a collection of treebanks derived semi-automatically from Universal Dependencies ( It contains additional deep-syntactic and semantic annotations. Version of Deep UD corresponds to the version of UD it is based on. Note however that some UD treebanks have been omitted from Deep UD.
Deep Universal Dependencies is a collection of treebanks derived semi-automatically from Universal Dependencies ( It contains additional deep-syntactic and semantic annotations. Version of Deep UD corresponds to the version of UD it is based on. Note however that some UD treebanks have been omitted from Deep UD.
Wikipedia plain text data obtained from Wikipedia dumps with WikiExtractor in February 2018.
The data come from all Wikipedias for which dumps could be downloaded at []. This amounts to 297 Wikipedias, usually corresponding to individual languages and identified by their ISO codes. Several special Wikipedias are included, most notably "simple" (Simple English Wikipedia) and "incubator" (tiny hatching Wikipedias in various languages).
For a list of all the Wikipedias, see [].
The script which can be used to get new version of the data is included, but note that Wikipedia limits the download speed for downloading a lot of the dumps, so it takes a few days to download all of them (but one or a few can be downloaded fast).
Also, the format of the dumps changes time to time, so the script will probably eventually stop working one day.
The WikiExtractor tool [] used to extract text from the Wikipedia dumps is not mine, I only modified it slightly to produce plaintext outputs [].