Objectives. The study is aimed at describing attachment and coping strategies in the prison population, and relations between these two variables were tested. Sample and setting. The sample consisted of 122 men serving middle-security sentences mainly for property crime. The attachment was determined by the Czech version of the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, and coping strategies were measured by The Stress Coping Style Questionnaire SVF 78. Hypotheses. The prisoners’ attachment and coping strategies were expected to be different from those of the normal population. The attachment anxiety and avoidance were expected to be related to coping strategies. Statistical analyses. One sample t-test and Wilcoxon one sample test were used for analyzing the differences in scores between the prison and normal population while the Pearson correlation and linear regression were used to test relations between variables. Results. Inmates were significantly different from the normal population both in their attachment and coping strategies. They exhibited higher attachment anxiety and avoidance compared to the normative sample, fearful avoidant attachment prevailed. Prisoners demonstrated higher Play Down, Distraction from Situation, Substitutional Satisfaction, Flight Tendency, Self-accusation, and Active Avoidance, they exhibited lower Guilt Denial and Rumination. Relational avoidance correlated negatively with positive coping strategies, relational anxiety correlated positively with negative coping strategies. Limitations. The main limitation of this study is the use of a non-representative sample and the self-assessment form of the methods employed. and Předkládaná studie se zabývala vztahovou vazbou a copingovými strategiemi u vězeňské populace. Zkoumaný vzorek tvořilo 122 mužů ve výkonu trestu se středním stupněm zabezpečení. Vztaho-vá úzkostnost a vyhýbavost byla měřena pomocí české verze dotazníku Experiences in Close Re-lationships scale, copingové strategie pomocí do-tazníku Strategie zvládání stresu SVF 78. Vězňové měli statisticky vyšší hodnoty vzta-hové úzkostnosti a vyhýbavosti v porovnání s normální populací. Při porovnání copingových strategií vězňů s normami dotazníku se proká-zaly celkově vyšší hodnoty jak negativních, tak pozitivních strategií. Nicméně u obou typů stra-tegií se většina zvýšených hodnot týkala vyhý-bavých způsobů zpracování stresu. Potvrdil se předpoklad, že mezi vztahovou úzkostností a vyhýbavostí a copingovými strate-giemi u zkoumaného vzorku existuje souvislost. Tendence ke vztahové vyhýbavosti souvisela s nižší mírou pozitivních copingových strategií, kdežto vztahová úzkostnost spíše s vyšší mírou negativních copingových strategií.
The honey bee is usually thought of as a key pollinator in cultural landscapes. Our results evidence that although it may be the most abundant, its importance is lower compared to hoverflies and bumblebees both in terms of the pollinated plant species number and the spectrum of vegetation types covered. The broad spectrum of hoverfly diets suggests the cause of their high importance as pollinators. and Zdeněk Janovský.
This article draws upon the remarkable diaries of Vojtěch Berger
to offer an original perspective on left-wing politics and the transformative effects of war, occupation, and violence in early twentieth-century Central Europe. Berger, a trained carpenter from southern Bohemia, began writing a diary at the turn of the century when he was a member of the Czechoslovak Social Democratic Party in Vienna. He continued to write as he fought for the Habsburg monarchy during World War I; moved to Prague and joined the Communist Party; endured the Nazi occupation; and questioned the
Communist Party, and his place in it, after liberation in 1945. Berger’s diary speaks to two constituencies that deserve more attention from historians: Czech-speaking veterans of World War I and rank-and-file members of the interwar Communist Party. The article argues that Berger’s politics, while informed by his experiences and framed by party ideologies and structures,
obtained significance through relationships with like-minded “comrades”. Furthermore, the article examines how Berger used his diary to create political self-understanding, to fashion a political self. Each world war, the article concludes, threw this sense of self into disarray. Each world war also spurred Berger to reshape his political self, and with that to reconstitute his political beliefs, his public relationships, and his sense of belonging in the world. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou