The area of biomedicine is one of the fastes developing areas of science and technology. The perception of its possible and wxpected positive or negative impacts results in the growing number of bioethical discussions in scientific community, politics and public. Their intensity, focus and used methods differ from country to country. he authors of the prologue have tried to map the state of the art and expected development of bioethical discussion in the coutnries of Middle and Eastern Europe. In the beginning, they addressed the bioethical experts with short questionnaire from 7 "new" European coutries (Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) and two "old" European coutries (Germany and Austria). In the end, seven experts have responde their question (Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Austria and Germany) and expressed their expectations and difficulties of the development of bioethical discussions and institutionalisations in their countries. The authors summarize in the prologue the most interesting results. and Gerhard Banse, Monika Bartíková.
The BIOCEV project was launched October 31 at an official ceremony at the headquarters of the ASCR, with the inauguration of the first research program, Functional Genomics. BIOCEV is one of six major approved projects that are to become centers of scientific excellence in the Czech Republic and Europe. BIOCEV's research program is focused on two current and rapidly changing scientific fields - biomedicine and biotechnologies - and combines primary and applied research. The results of the scientific research are expected to be used to develop new medicaments and diagnostic processes. The new center is funded by the European Commission's Operational Program Research and Development for Innovation through a grant won by the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University Prague. and Luděk Svoboda.
Unikátní vakcína pro léčbu infekčních onemocnění, historicky první zdokumentování vývoje zubu, které může pomoci v boji proti rakovině, revoluční objev organismu bez mitochondrií neboli „buněčných elektráren“ -i takové jsou aktuální výsledky vědeckých týmů z centra BIOCEV, které za účasti významných hostů zahájilo 16. června 2016 plný provoz., A unique vaccine to treat infectious diseases, tooth development documented the first time in history that might help fight cancer and the revolutionary discovery of an organism without mitochondria, referred to as “cell power plants”. These are some of the current results from the BIOCEV research teams. The centre’s full operation was officially launched on June 16, 2016 in the presence of Czech and foreign guests from different areas of science and politics. The Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec (BIOCEV) was established with substantial financial aid from the European Union. By 2020, 400 researchers and 200 master’s degree as well as postgraduate students are expected to work there. As of today, 56 research groups under five synergic research programmes are focused on obtaining more detailed understanding of organisms at the molecular level. Their results are oriented towards applied research and the development of new medical procedures to combat severe health problems., Isd., and Autor je podepsaný šifrou Isd.
Representatives of the Academy of Science of Czech Republic and Charles University have subscribed to the Founding Contract of the Biotechnological and Biomedical Center (BIOCEV) that will be situated in the vicinity of Vestec. and Luděk Svoboda.
Mezinárodní vědecký časopis rostlinných biologů, který vydává Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR, představoval v době svého založení, v roce 1959, jedno z mála dostupných spojení s mezinárodní vědeckou komunitou a zároveň nabízel i nastupující generaci prostor pro uplatnění prvních výsledků. Spojil iniciativu a entuziasmus Bohdana Slavíka s věhlasem nestora botaniků Bohumila Němce a v průběhu šedesátých let minulého století byl většinovým publikačním médiem nastupující vědecké generace zabývající se rostlinnou fyziologií, anatomií, cytologií, fyziologickou ekologií a fytopatologií. and Jan Krekule, Jana Pospíšilová.