The Podyjí NP has very diverse vegetation which results in the occurrence of rich butterfly communities. To date, 142 species of butterflies have been recordeed in this area, of which 19 species (13 %) are considered regionally extinct and three species (2 %) are only migrants, not native to the Czech fauna. The main cause of the decline in butterflies is the abandonment of traditional techniques of habitat management. To conserve and support butterfly diversity, the NP authority practices a wide range of management measures. and Milan Švestka.
Šumava lakes have been recovering over the last 30 years from acidification caused by high atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen. Regeneration was manifested by decreasing acidity and increasing biodiversity (except for fish). It was temporarily interrupted by Spruce Bark Beetle (Ips typographus) infestation in lake catchments. Spruce defoliation and changes in light and humidity conditions caused enhanced mineralization of soil humus layer resulting in nitrate leaching and also partial acidification (only temporary, within a few decades the lakes will profit from the release of nitrogen from the ecosystem). and Jakub Hruška a kol.
s welikau Pracý, a Pilnostj, z Rozličnych Starych , Tisstienych y Psanych knieh a spisuw Lekaržskych, Onde y Onde Porozdilnie Sebrano a w tento geden Spis vwedeno od Frantisska Jana Wawaka ... a mnie Janowy Prknowy, Ssafarži dobropolskemu, od nieg Pucžen i Pržepsan., Chybí strany 51-54, Název vytvořen katalogizátorem, Index Aneb Registržik (strany iv-xii), Gotika, v textu četné perokresby (vyobrazení rostlin), na straně 186 viněta s heslem Laus Domino DEO, ozdůbky, na začátku text ohraničen dvojitým rámcem CZ-PrAS, and Paginováno inkoustem uprostřed horních okrajů (arabsky), stránkové reklamanty CZ-PrAS