The submitted article reconstructs the interactions between Richard
Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi as the originator of the Pan-Europe idea, and the Prague newspaper Prager Presse, during the time from August 1921 until autumn 1926. The account notes and comments not only upon Coudenhove-Kalergi writings published in the paper, but also the reviews of his books and reports on his public appearances. Thus the article traces, how the philosopher, who comes up with a particular interpretation of the situation in Europe after the World War I, becomes a leader of the international movement, a politician and a diplomat striving to gain support for a specific model of European organisation. The final section of this article deals with how the Czech translation of Coudenhove’s book Pan-Europa originated and the circumstances it was accompanied by. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
"Das zweite Auge der Geschichte ist die CHronologie". Unterlagen zum Chronologieunterricht in den Philosophieninstituten in Böhmen im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts.
"I make myself entirely available to minister in the borderlands." Efforts at post-war renewal and the personnel situation in the Litoměrice dioceses after WWII.
"Debemus caritatis operibus ferventer intendere". Forschungen zur Geschichte der Ordenskanoniker des hl. Augustinus in Böhmen und Mähren im Mittelalter in den zurückliegenden Jahrzehnten.
The "legacy" of Sigismund Jagiello. Emancipation fight between the estates of the Opava and Głogów duchies and their rulers towards the close of the middle ages.