Cíl: Cílem bylo určit a zobrazit typický rozsah plicních laloků a jeho krajní varianty. Metodika: Z 250 HRCT vyšetření hrudníku dospělých pacientů bez nálezu výraznější patologie jsme zjistili varianty rozsahu plicních laloků a následně jsme typické polohy a jejich krajní varianty promítli na prosté snímky. Výsledky: Na levé straně byla hranice mezi plicními laloky nejvýše dorzálně nejčastěji u čtvrtého žebra (45 %), s rozsahem od druhého po osmé žebro. Laterodorzálně bylo dolní rozhraní nejčastěji v úrovni šestého žebra (52 %), s rozsahem od čtvrtého po osmé žebro. Vpravo byla hranice mezi horním a dolním plicním lalokem nejčastěji nejvýše u pátého žebra (49 %), s rozsahem od čtvrtého po osmé žebro. Laterodorzálně byla dolní hranice nejčastěji v úrovni šestého žebra (50 %), s rozsahem od čtvrtého po osmé žebro. Vedlejší interlobium probíhalo nejčastěji v úrovni ventrálního konce čtvrtého žebra. Závěr: Průmět plicních laloků na snímcích se mezi jednotlivými osobami poměrně významně liší. I při kombinaci dvou projekcí jsou v obou plicích velké oblasti, kde se mohou překrývat průměty laloků. Vzhledem k velké variabilitě polohy interlobií snímky často neumožňují spolehlivou lokalizaci plicních lézí do laloků., Aim: To determine and depict typical extend of lung lobes and its border variants. Methods: HRCT examinations of the lung in 250 adult patients without major pathology were assessed to find out variants of lung lobes localizations. Afterwards we projected typical localizations and their extreme variants on the chest X-rays. Results: On the left side, the most frequent uppermost localization of the border between lung lobes was posteriorly at the fourth rib (45%), range from the second to the eighth rib. Posterolaterally the inferior border was most frequently at the sixth rib (52%), range from the fourth to the eighth rib. On the right side, the most frequent uppermost localization of the border between upper and lower lung lobes was posteriorly at the fifth rib (49%), range from the fourth to the eighth rib. Posterolaterally the inferior border was most frequently at the sixth rib (50%), range from the fourth to the eighth rib. Minor fissure was most frequently located at the level of anterior part of the fourth rib. Conclusion: The projection of lung lobes on the x-rays is considerably different among individuals. Even with two projections there remain extensive areas in both lungs, where the demarcations of lobes overlay each other. Due to the high variability of the position of interlobar fissures, x-rays often do not provide reliable localization of lung lesions into the lobes., Zuzana Sedláčková, Filip Čtvrtlík, Miroslav Heřman, and Literatura
The grasshopper Dichroplus pratensis Bruner is polymorphic and polytypic for a complex Robertsonian system. In this species, centric fusions induce changes in number and position of chiasmata, and thus potentially affect intrachromosomal genetic recombination and genetic variability. Males and females, from 23 populations covering most of the geographic range of the species and spanning 22 degrees of latitude, were studied. We analyzed chiasma frequency in relation to variability in six exomorphological characters. The chromosomal polymorphisms of D. pratensis are widely geographically distributed, and show a central-marginal pattern, in which the central populations (those occupying the ecologically optimal habitats) have high mean frequencies of different fusions per individual (F) of up to F = 3.00 and total chiasma frequencies as low as XT = 8.98 per cell, while those near the margins of the distribution (central Patagonia and the Andes) have very low levels of chromosomal polymorphisms [down to F = 0.00 in most geographically marginal locations), monomorphic karyotypes and high chiasma frequencies (XT = 11.66, in the southernmost (Rada Tilly, 45°57´S) and XT = 12.01 in the northernmost population (Volcán, 23°55´S)]. Increasing chiasma frequencies towards the margins of the range are positively and significantly correlated with increasing levels of morphological variability. The decrease in fusion polymorphism and the consequent increase in genetic recombination (both inter- and intrachromosomal) in the marginal areas, is a result of natural selection favouring higher levels of variability, which could be adaptive in ecologically harsher and changing environments.
The craniometric variability of skulls of the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) from different countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany) and different regions within Germany was studied. The aim was to study the variability in different regions and to see if differences between populations exist now and might have existed in former times also. The discriminant analyses were performed for females and males separately. The material was assigned to three different age classes and tests were attempted with all age classes. For the largest sample from Saxony-Anhalt, differences could also be observed between the three selected time periods (1900-1930, 1931-1960 and 1961-1990). Discriminant analyses were performed by keeping the sexes, age classes, and time periods separate
wherever the material allowed for it. Regional samples differed to some degree (depending on the set of samples used). Particularly the
samples from Austria, Belgium, and the Netherlands were more offset from the German samples; nevertheless, some overlap existed for the males of the third time period. The position of the small sample from the Rhineland was ambiguous in the different discriminant analyses but seemed rather to fall within the range of other German samples and not clearly in-between the German and the Dutch/Belgian samples. Overall variability, changes with time, and possible yearly fluctuations, as described in the literature, influenced the results and overlaid existing regional differences. The existence of a western subspecies could not be supported. The lack of substantial numbers of specimens illustrated the importance of collecting even the common species at all times for future research.
The morphometrical variability of Zonorchis clalhraium (Deslongschamps, 1824) from Apus apus in the Czech Republic, Z. rutshurensis (Baer, 1959) from Apus cajffer streubeli and Z. dureni Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960 from Hirundo ni-grita in Congo was studied. Zonorchis rulshurensis and Z dureni are considered to be synonyms of Z. clathratum. Lyperosomum oswuldoi Travassos, 1919 sensu Jaroń, 1969 is considered to beZ. clathratum, and L. clathratum (Deslongschamps, 1824) sensu Jaroń, 1969 is considered to be Stromitremu koschewnikovi (Skryabin et Massino, 1925).