Žebříčky nabývají velkého významu. Článek zkoumá jejich roli v souvislosti se současnou vědeckou politikou univerzit. Existuje dnes několik typů žebříčků: kvantitativní, další obsahující aspekty kvality výuky a webové žebříčky. V závislosti na druhu hodnocení se různé univerzity mohou umístit na velmi rozdílných pozicích. Strategickým cílem univerzit by mělo být srovnatelné umístění v různých systémech hodnocení, což značí, že různé oblasti dané univerzity jsou rovnoměrně rozvinuté. Univerzity, které chtějí konkurovat světovým univerzitám ve vědeckých výstupech, by měly své pracovníky podporovat, aby publikovali v mezinárodních časopisech., Rankings have become increasingly important. Th e role of rankings regarding the current scientifi c policy of a university is explored. Several ranking systems currently exist: quantitative ones, some including aspects of quality or education, and web-based rankings. Dependent on their nature, diff erent universities achieve a very diff erent ranking. A university’s strategic goal should be to have similar positions in diff erent ranking systems, indicating that diff erent fi elds at the university are equally developed. Universities that want to go the way of competing in research output with other universities in the world should facilitate their staff in regard to publishing in international journals., Assoc. Prof. Jitse P. van Dijk MD PhD, and Literatura
Nedostatečná saturace organizmu železem a následná anémie se může projevit zejména v těhotenství. Dle výsledků některých studií nemá více jak 50 % žen dostatečný přísun železa a anémií z nedostatku železa může trpět asi 15 % žen. U netěhotných k tomu přispívají ztráty krve při menstruaci, v těhotenství jsou potom nároky na potřebu železa zvý- šeny. Klinické důsledky anémie z nedostatku železa mohou vést k předčasnému porodu, perinatální úmrtnosti a poporodním depresím. K důsledkům na straně plodu a novorozence patří nízká porodní hmotnost a horší duševní a psychomotorická výkonnost. K úpravě deficitu železa obvykle dostačují perorální preparáty. Léčba by měla být zahájena při poklesu feritinu < 12 µg/l a saturaci transferinu < 20 %. Délka suplementace je individuální, ale obvykle trvá týdny, někdy i několik měsíců. Ženy, které denně užívají suplementaci železa v těhotenství, mají 1. nižší riziko anémie v době porodu, 2. vyšší hladiny hemoglobinu jak v době porodu, tak po šestinedělí. Ty, které užívaly vyšší dávky, měly vyšší hladiny Hb. 3. mají vyšší pravděpodobnost zvýšených hladin Hb ve druhém a třetím trimestru těhotenství. 4. mají o něco nižší riziko porodu dítěte s nízkou porodní hmotnostní a porodu před 37. týdnem těhotenství. 5. mají nižší riziko před- časného porodu před 34. týdnem těhotenství., Insufficient saturation of the organism with iron, and subsequent anemia can occur in particular during pregnancy. According to the results of some trials more than 50% of women have inadequate supply of iron and iron deficiency anemia may have about 15% of women. In non-pregnant women higher blood loss during menstruation decreases iron supply. The clinical consequences of iron deficiency anemia can lead to premature birth, perinatal and postpartum depression. The consequences for the fetus and neonate include low birth weight and poorer mental and psychomotor performance. Oral medication is usually sufficient treat the iron deficiency. Treatment should be initiated at the drop of ferritin < 12 mg/l and transferrin saturation < 20%. The length of supplementation is individual, but it usually takes weeks, sometimes months. Women who are taking daily iron supplementation during pregnancy have 1. lower risk of anemia during birth, 2. higher hemoglobin levels as during deliver and postpartum period. Those who took the higher dose, had higher levels of Hb. 3. have a higher probability of elevated levels of Hb in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. 4. have a slightly lower risk of delivering a baby with low birth weight and birth before 37. weeks. 5. have a lower risk of preterm birth before 34. weeks of pregnancy, Michaela Novotná, Pavel Calda, and Literatura
Meeting ZENITH 2010, konaný pod patronací CME v lednu ve Vídni, uvedl jak didaktické přednášky, tak diskuze o jednotlivých tématech a rozbory pacientů, léčených bisfosfonáty. Cílem setkání bylo hovořit o vědeckých podkladech použití bisfosfonátů a jejich protinádorovém účinku u pacientek s časnými formami karcinomu prsu, zvážit, zda tento účinek může být rozšířen i na jiné formy karcinomů. Diskutovat v rámci současných léčebných standardů o možnostech cílené léčby na kost. Jednání bylo příležitostí pro setkání a výměnu názorů s předními světovými odborníky., CME-certified 2010 ZENITH Meeting in Vienna effective balanced didactic presentations with many oportunities for participation through interactive, case-study-based workshops and panel discussions. The objectives of the meeting were to discuss the scientific radionale for the use of bisphophonates to achieve clinical anticancer benefits in patients with early breast cancer and discuss, if these benefits cancer be extened to patients with other cancer types and other topics. Discuss the role of current and emerging bone.targeted treatment options in the context of current standard of care for patients with cancer. This meeting was an oportunity to meet and discuss this topic with a wide variety of faculty and colleagues from around the world., and Zdeněk Mechl, Lenka Ostřížková
The territory of the Polar Urals is characterized by significant forecast resources of natural zeolites. In case of their successful development, the resources of the zeolite deposits can provide a positive impact on the development of a number of industries in the adjacent regions of the Urals and Western Siberia. At the same time, the available data about the zeolite-bearing rocks of the Polar Urals present in published research paper and materials of geological funds is rather contradictory. The results of research performed by different scientific groups often contain opposed conclusions on the mineralogical composition, the content of the commercial component in the ore, as well as on the ore reserves calculation and the potential of commercial exploitation for the same mineral occurrences. In many respects, this situation can be explained by the complexity of the geological and geomorphological conditions of the territory under consideration, the remoteness of the promising mineral occurrences from large scientific and industrial centers, and the variety of ore occurrences. This work presents the study results of lithological–petrographic features and the material composition of the eluvial debris of the Middle–Late (Givetian–Frasnian) Devonian zeolite-bearing rocks of the volcanogenic-sedimentary origin within the Naunpe area of the Polar Urals., The main objective of the proposed research was to evaluate the economic feasibility of their development and possible directions for commercial exploitation of this type of ores. Research methods included petrographic study of samples of zeolite-bearing rocks in thin sections, SEM-EDS, determination of the total mineral composition by XRD and the chemical composition by XRF. Within the Naunpe area, the outcrops of zeolite-bearing rocks on the surface are represented by blankets and debris of small lumpy–gravel eluvial deposits with indistinct outlines. Macroscopically, zeolite-bearing eluvial deposits are represented by reddish or pinkish in color, massive and relatively homogenous rocks. The ore occurrences are well interpreted based on the remote sensing data. According to the results of petrographic, lithological, and mineralogical studies, three main rock types were distinguished among the eluvial debris deposits: zeolite-bearing crystallo–lithoclastic tuffs of the mafic, intermediate, and felsic composition, and also tuffoargillites, and siliceous rocks., and Crystallo–lithoclastic tuffs and tuffoargillites contain Ca-zeolites, represented mainly by laumontite (13.8–18.9 %), which fill small open spaces between crystallites and lithoclasts. Volcanic glass fragments and feldspars from tuffoargillites are replaced partially or completely by zeolites. The content of zeolites in these rocks is even lower (less than 10 %). The characteristic features of the studied zeolite-bearing rocks from the ores of the known deposits of the Polar and Subpolar Urals have higher contents of Fe2O3, CaO и Na2O and lower content of K2O. The obtained results show that the studied rocks are quite complex, diverse, and polygenetic, as well as their formation is a result of several stages of post-volcanic authigenic mineral formation. The rather low content of zeolite minerals in these rocks and high variability of the material composition decrease the industrial potential of that eluvial debris deposits as an object of mineral raw material base. At this, they can be considered as prospecting indicator for prospecting the areas with a similar geological structure.
This paper is inspired by recent results [15, 16] which have shown that a multiplicative generator of a strict triangular norm can be reconstructed from the first partial derivatives of the triangular norm on the segment {0} x [0,1]. The strict triangular norms to which this method is applicable have been called zero-reconstructible triangular norms. This paper shows that every continuous triangular norm can be approximated (with an arbitrary precision) by a zero-reconstructible one, and thus substantiates the significance of this subclass of strict triangular norms.
Zero-term rank of a matrix is the minimum number of lines (rows or columns) needed to cover all the zero entries of the given matrix. We characterize the linear operators that preserve zero-term rank of the
$m \times n$ real matrices. We also obtain combinatorial equivalent condition for the zero-term rank of a real matrix.
Metoda zesilování rozmítnutých pulzů vyvinutá Donnou Stricklandovou a Gérardem Mourouem v roce 1985 a oceněná letošní Nobelovou cenou za fyziku způsobila doslova revoluci v konstrukci laserových systémů s vysokým špičkovým výkonem. Maximální intenzita dnešních laserů je až milionkrát vyšší než před 30 lety a jejich využití je celosvětové. Petawattové laserové systémy se uplatňují v celé řadě experimentů z oblasti biologie, fyziky materiálů, urychlování částic či laboratorní astrofyziky. Českou republiku v této oblasti úspěšně reprezentují laboratoře ELI Beamlines v Dolních Břežanech u Prahy, kde jsou v současnosti v provozu dva unikátní laserové systémy terrawatové a petawattové třídy L1 Allegra a L3 HAPLS., The Chirped Pulse Amplification method, developed by Donna Strickland and Gérard Mourou in 1985, which was awarded this year's Nobel Prize in Physics, has revolutionized the field of high peak power laser systems. The maximum intensity of today's lasers is almost a million times higher than it was 30 years ago and their application is worldwide. Experiments using petawatt laser systems range from biology, material physics, and particle acceleration to laboratory astrophysics. The Czech Republic is successfully represented in this field by the ELI Beamlines facility located in Dolní Břežany near Prague, which houses two unique terawatt and petawatt class laser systems L1 Allegra and L3 HAPLS., Lucia Koubíková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy