The requirements of conservators who take care of historical monuments are that the materials for rehabilitation of old renders should have a composition as similar to the historical materials as possible and should provide improvement in durability. Fine and coarse sepiolite and synthetic zeolite pellets were chosen as additives in the development of lime mortars for conservation work, due to their unique adsorption properties providing water to the mortar system and acting as water reservoirs in conditions of low humidity. Flexural and compressive strength and the dynamic modulus of elasticity were studied at 28, 90 and 180 days of curing. Addition of both fine and coarse sepiolite and zeolite pellets caused improvement of mechanical strength of mortars, clearly evident at later ages of curing. Elasticity modulus ranged from 2.3 GPa to 3.6 GPa relating to a high deformation capability of mortars and confirming their suitability for use in conservation work., Slávka Andrejkovičová, Eduardo Ferraz, Ana L. Velosa, António S. Silva and Fernando Rocha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We determined burrow temperature variation for the Chinese pangolin in winter over a study period from 1 December 2009 to 28 February 2010, at Luofushan Nature Reserve, China. Our results show that the air temperature inside the burrow was stable with only a slight fluctuation, the diurnal variation amplitude was merely 0.0-0.5 °C (SD = 0.08 ± 0.09 °C, n = 90), and winter temperature fluctuated between 17.8-21.0 °C. On the contrary, air temperature outside the burrow fluctuated dramatically, the diurnal variation
amplitude ranging from 0.7-20.0 °C (SD = 4.99 ± 3.47 °C, n = 90); the seasonal temperature fluctuated between 4.6-38.3 °C. In winter,
the average temperature inside the burrow was 18.96 °C (SD = 0.91, n = 90), and significantly higher than the average temperature
outside the burrow (p < 0.01), which was 15.16 °C (SD = 3.85, n = 90). No significant relationship was found between the temperatures inside and outside the burrow, and the temperature changes outside the burrow had almost no significant influence on thermal conditions inside the burrow. It was therefore proposed that the most optimum ambient temperature for Chinese pangolins in winter was in the range of 18-21 °C.
Corpus contains recordings of communication between air traffic controllers and pilots. The speech is manually transcribed and labeled with the information about the speaker (pilot/controller, not the full identity of the person). The corpus is currently small (20 hours) but we plan to search for additional data next year. The audio data format is: 8kHz, 16bit PCM, mono. and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, project No. TA01030476.
The study investigates differences between three most widely used methods in voice training and therapy: Phonation into a resonance tube with the outer end in the air or submerged 2-10 cm in water (‘water resistance therapy‘ with bubbling effect), and phonation into a very thin straw. One female speech trainer served as subejct. Acoustic and electroglottographic (EGG) signals, and both mean and dynamic air pressures in the mouth cavity were registered for repetitions of [pu:pu], and for phonation into the tubes, while the outer end was randomly shuttered in order to get an estimate of subglottic pressure. Soft and normal phonations were recorded. Phonation threshold decreased with tube in air, suggesting that increased input reactance assists small amplitude oscillation of the vocal folds. Oral pressure (Poral) increased with increasing impedance offered by the tube and straw, most when the tube was 10 cm in water. In most cases subglottic pressure (Psub) increased relatively more than Poral, so that tranglottic pressure (Ptrans) was higher in the exercises compared to vowel. Contact quotient (CQ) from EGG increased, which may be due to increased Ptrans. In tube 10 cm in water Ptrans decreased and CQ increased suggesting increased adduction as compensation. Exercises that increase oral eir-pressure offer a possibility to train flottal and respiratory adjustments under the influence of increased flow resistance which may prevent excessively strong vocal fold collisions. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The contribution aims to provide material that can be used in development of more realistic physical as well as theoretical models of voice production. The experimental set-up methodology and the results of measurement of airflow rate, subglottal, oral and generated acoustic air pressures are presented together with the simultaneously measured flow-induced vibrations of a vocal folds replica, made of soft silicon rubber, and recorded by a high speed camera. The data were measured during ‘soft‘ phonation onset, given by the phonation threshold airflow rate, and during ‘normal‘ phonation for the airflow rate of about three times higher. A model
of the human vocal tract in the position for production of vowel [u:] was used, and the flow resistance was raised by phonating into a glass resonance tube either in the air or having the other end of the tube submerged under water, and by phonating into a narrow straws. The results for the pressures presented in time and frequency domain are comparable with the physiological ranges and limits measured in humans for ordinary phonation and for production of vocal exercises used in voice therapy. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
From the very first experiments performed with high intensity laser pulse interaction with matter it has been clear that laser produced plasma is a rich source of emitting high energetic particles and electromagnetic radiation in a broad spectral range. In this article a basic phenomenon of nonlinear processes of high intensity laser pulse interaction and related acceleration of particles in laser induced thermal plasma are outlined. possible applications of ultra-short mono-energetic electron beams (with divergence and small energy spread) which are generated during this interaction are also discussed., Už od vykonania prvých experimentov použitím intenzívneho laserového žiarenia s hmotou bolo zrejmé, že laserom indukovaná plazma je bohatým zdrojom vysokoenergetických častíc a elektromagnetického žiarenia v širokej škále spektrálnych oblastí. V článku je bližšie uvedená problematika nelineárnych javov počas vysokointenzívnych laserových interakcií a s tým súvisiacu aj akceleráciu častíc v laserom indukovanej termálnej plazme. Taktiež sú uvedené aj potencionálne možné aplikácie vysokoenergetických elektrónových zväzkov, které sú generované pri týchto interakciách a dosahujú rýchlosti blízke rýchlosti svetla., Richard Viskup, Peter Lukáč., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Kolobeh hmôt v zemskéj kôre a na jej povrchu je velmi výrazne ovplyvňovaný fyzikálnymi silami, ktoré na teleso planéty pôsobia zvonku - od účinku vektorov jej vlastného pohybu, cez gravitačné pôsobenie jej obežnice - Mesiaca a blízkych planét, až po fluktuácie prísunu energie z nám najbližšej hviezdy - Slnka. Rozoznanie záznamu týchto vplyvov v horninovom slede a porozumenie im je cestou vedúcou k spresneniu astronomickej časomernej škály a detailnejšiemu poznaniu procesov formovania Zeme a života na nej., Rock cycling both in the Earth‘s crust and on its surface is impressively controlled by physical forces that act on the body of our planet from the outside, i.e. from the effect of its own motion vectors, through the gravity of the Moon and nearby planets to fluctuations in the energy input from our nearest star, i.e. the Sun. The recognition of evidence of these influences in the rock sequence and their understanding is a method used to specify the astronomical time scale and to understand, in detail, processes of formation of the Earth and indeed life on it., Jozef Michalík., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Dozimetrie interního ozáření je oblast radiační ochrany, která se snaží stanovit dávku způsobenou přítomností radionuklidů v lidském těle. Popíšeme zde obecný přístup k hodnocení dávky a ukážeme přehled nových trendů v této oblasti. Pozornost je věnována především biokinetickým modelům a aplikacím matematických fantomů pro potřeby kalibrace měření in vivo., The assessment of the dose from internally incorporated radionuclides in a human body is the domain of internal dosimetry. This paper describes the general approach to dose assessment and discusses developments and new trends in the area. Special focus is given to biokinetic modeling and the application of mathematical models for calibration purposes of in-vivo measurements., Tomáš Vrba., and Obsahuje bibliografii