In this paper, an angular tracking control based on adaptive super twisting algorithm (ASTA) for a Twin Rotor System is presented. With the aim of implementing the ASTA control and taking into consideration the difficulties of measuring some of its states, a Nonlinear Extended State Observer (NESO) is employed to estimate the vector state and furthermore unmeasured dynamics. This scheme increases robustness against unmodeled dynamics and external disturbance, reducing modeling difficulties due to the fact that it is not necessary to know all the parameters of the system. Furthermore, an analysis of stability is provided, where sufficient conditions are given in order to guarantee the stability of the closed-loop system. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of the control scheme and illustrate its performance under external disturbance. and Na konci mezi autory uvedena podoba s diakritikou Jesús DeLeón-Morales
Attraction of first instar larvae of Spodoptera litura to different colours was studied to determine those that could be used as effective visual attractants for trapping the larvae during dispersal. The larvae were presented with cones of coloured paper. Each cone was placed in the center of a 15-cm Petri dish around the edge of which the larvae were released. Percentage of larvae arriving at the cone was recorded at 5-min intervals over a 15-min period. Differences in the percentages reflected differences in larval attraction to the different colours. The larvae were highly attracted to Foliage Green, Green Bice and Cadmium Yellow. The larvae arrived at the Scarlet Red, Ultramarine Blue, Gray, Orange, White and Black cones in percentages that were almost equal, but lower than at the Foliage Green, Green Bice and Cadmium Yellow cones. Arrival of larvae at the coloured cones increased with time, but their relative preference for different colours remained the same. This study shows that green and yellow can be used as visual attractants in Spodoptera litura larval traps.
Moths are frequently used as indicators of biodiversity or habitat quality. Light traps are the most effective and widely used method for gathering data on moth communities. Knowing the distance from which moths are drawn to a light trap is therefore essential for the ecological interpretation of such data. Two community-wide mark-release-recapture experiments were carried out in forest habitats in central Europe in order to investigate whether the percentage of marked moths recaptured at weak artificial light sources (2 × 15 W UV-light tubes) is dependent on the distance they were released from the light source. Altogether 2,331 moths belonging to 167 species were caught at light traps and released at distances of 2–100 m. Of these moths 313 returned to the light trap within 5 min of release. Percentage recapture was generally low (gross rate 13.4%) and strongly decreased with increase in the distance at which they were released. Percentage recapture was not significantly affected by ambient temperature or the sex of the moths. Only for the Geometroidea was the percentage recaptured slightly greater for the larger species. We found no significant differences between moth super-families with regard to the distance dependence of their attraction to light. Our data confirm that the radius of attraction of low powered light traps for moths is very small often even below 10 m. Thus, moths are good indicators of habitat quality and fragmentation as they are rarely attracted from distant habitats to such light traps., Christine Truxa, Konrad Fiedler., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
One focus of data analysis in formal concept analysis is attribute-significance measure, and another is attribute reduction. From the perspective of information granules, we propose information entropy in formal contexts and conditional information entropy in formal decision contexts, and they are further used to measure attribute significance. Moreover, an approach is presented to measure the consistency of a formal decision context in preparation for calculating reducts. Finally, heuristic ideas are integrated with reduction technique to achieve the task of calculating reducts of an inconsistent data set.
Pseudocysta pankreatu patří mezi nejčastější cystické léze pankreatu. Pseudocystu lze definovat jako tekutinovou intrapankreatickou, peripankreatickou nebo extrapankreatickou kolekci s definovanou stěnou vznikající nejčastěji na pokladě chronického nebo akutního zánětu pankreatu. Jde o poměrně častou komplikaci akutní nebo chronické pankreatitidy. V diagnostice má zásadní význam UZ pro svou neinvazivitu a dostupnost. Mezi další vyšetření vykazující nejvyšší přesnost, specificitu a senzitivitu patří MDCT a ERCP. Na základě MDCT a ERCP vyšetření lze stanovit klasifikaci a na základě této klasifikace následně algoritmus léčby. MDCT vyšetření by optimálně mělo předcházet ERCP. K odlišení od maligních cystických lézí pak prokazuje největší význam EUS s FNAB nebo aspirací obsahu se stanovením onkomarkerů a AMS v aspirátu. Funkční klasifikace pseudocyst je důležitým předpokladem pro úspěšný algoritmus léčby. Klasifikace vycházejí zejména z anatomického vztahu pseudocysty k pankreatickému vývodu a morfologii parenchymu pankreatu. V léčbě se uplatňují zejména perkutánní drenáž, endoskopické a chirurgické metody., The pseudocyst of the pancreas is one of the most common cystic lesions of the pancreas. The pseudocysts can be defined as intrapancreatic, peripancreatic or extrapancreatic fluid collections with a defined wall formed mostly on the basis of acute or chronic pancreatitis. This is a relatively common complication of acute or chronic pancreatitis. Sonography is essential for the diagnosis given its noninvasivity and availability. Other assessments that show the highest accuracy, specificity and sensitivity include MDCT and ERCP. The MDCT and ERCP assessments can be used to classify the pseudocyst; the treatment algorithm is then determined based on this classification. MDCT should ideally be preceded by ERCP. EUS-FNAB or aspiration with the determination of oncomarkers and AMS in the aspirate have been shown to be most important to distinguish the pseudocyst from malignant cystic lesions. Functional classification of the pseudocyst is an important prerequisite for successful algorithm of the treatment. The classification is based mainly upon anatomical relations of the pseudocyst to the pancreatic outlet and morphology of the pancreatic parenchyma. Percutaneous drainage, endoscopic and surgical methods are mainly applied in the treatment. The authors present a case report of a very rare extrapancreatic pseudocyst., and L. Havlůj, B. Mlýnek, R. Gürlich