The focus of this paper is the application of the genetic programming
framework in the problem of knowledge discovery in databases, more precisely in the task of classification. Genetic programming possesses certain advantages that make it suitable for application in data mining, such as robustness of the algorithm or its convenient structure for rule generation to name a few. This study concentrates on one type of parallel genetic algorithms - cellular (diffusion) model. Emphasis is placed on the improvement of efficiency and scalability of the data mining algorithm, which could be achieved by integrating the algorithm with databases and employing a cellular framework. The cellular model of genetic programming that exploits SQL queries is implemented and applied to the classification task. The results achieve are presented and compared with other machine learning algorithms.
Publikace vychází z údajů získaných v rámci Celopopulační studie užívání návykových látek a postojů k němu v ČR v r. 2008. Studie proběhla pod záštitou Národního monitorovacího střediska pro drogy a závislosti (součást Úřadu vlády České republiky) a ve spolupráci s tehdejším Centrem adiktologie 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze (nyní Klinika adiktologie 1. LF UK) a Lékařským informačn, [autoři Vendula Běláčková ... et al.], and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cíl: Zhodnocení zkušeností s celotělovou magnetickou rezonancí na 3T systému. Metodika: Vyhodnotili jsme celkem 279 vyšetření provedených na přístroji 3T (SKYRA, Siemens, Německo) provedených během 36 měsíců a posoudili jejich indikace a zejména možnost zobrazení skeletu, ale i parenchymových orgánů při indikacích mnoho četného myelomu, lymfomů a ostatních nádorových onemocnění. Výsledky: Nejčastější indikací zůstává myelom (228), u celkem 35 vyšetření lymfomů jsme získali kvalitní diagnostické zobrazení, které umožňuje posoudit nejenom postižení lymfatických orgánů včetně sleziny, ale i kostní dřeně a plic. Difuzní zobrazení bylo shledáno dostatečné diagnostické kvality, avšak výrazně prodlužuje celý diagnostický protokol. Závěr: Celotělové vyšetření na 3T MRI je plně diagnosticky využitelné při hodnocení stagingu i restagingu mnohočetného myelomu, lymfomů i ostatních nádorů jako je karcinom prostaty., Aim: Evaluation of the experience with whole body magnetic resonance on 3T system. Method: 279 examinations performed on 3T system (SKYRA, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) performed during 36 months were assessed according indications, possibility of imaging of the bone marrow, organs of the abdomen and lungs, when the indications are multiple myeloma, lymphoma or the other tumors. Results: The most frequent indication remains multiple myeloma (228), in 35 patients was performed lymphoma imaging with reached sufficient diagnostic imaging enabling assessment of the bone marrow, lymph nodes, lungs and parenchymatous organs. Diffusion weighted imaging on 3T is sufficient, but increases the imaging time significantly. Conclusion: Whole body imaging on 3T MRI is fully diagnostic in the evaluation of staging or restaging in multiple myeloma, lymhomas or the other tumors., Boris Kreuzberg, Jiří Ferda, Jan Kastner, and Literatura
We describe the centered weighted composition operators on L 2 (Σ) in terms of their defining symbols. Our characterizations extend Embry-Wardrop-Lambert’s theorem on centered composition operators.
The aim of this study was to compare the central and peripheral components of cardiorespiratory fitness during incremental to maximal exercise between older men who were either recreational athletes (RA) or leisurely active (LA) men, i.e., those who fall between trained and untrained. This was a crosssectional study in which all subjects completed an exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and ventilatory threshold (VT) were assessed using gas analysis, and central components of VO2max were assessed using a non-invasive thoracic bio-impedance device. VO2max (RA: 45.1±4.8 ml/kg/min; LA: 32.2±4.6 ml/kg/min, p≤0.001) and SV at maximal exercise (RA: 133.5±24.96 ml/beat; LA: 107.9±17.6 ml/beat, p=0.005) were higher in the RA group compared to the LA group. A plateau in SV occurred between 30-45 % of maximal exercise capacity in the RA group. No differences in SV were observed across workloads in the LA group. No differences in the calculated arterio-venous oxygen difference ((a-v)O2diff) were observed between groups. In conclusions, training volume appears to influence central components of cardiorespiratory fitness among a matched sample of older men who are neither trained nor untrained. This builds a case for increasing the volume of training to preserve cardiorespiratory fitness among older men., C. D. O'neill, D. S. Kimmerly, S. Dogra., and Obsahuje bibliografii
It is assumed that the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is associated with the central autonomic dysregulation, however, the studies are rare. Analysis of pupillary light reflex represents a non-invasive tool to provide information related to the central autonomic regulation; thus, we aimed to evaluate potential disturbances in the central autonomic integrity using pupillary light reflex examination in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We have examined 20 children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (10 boys, 13.0±2.3 years) and 20 age/gender-matched healthy subjects. Pupillary light reflex was examined at rest for both eyes using Pupillometer PLR-2000 (NeurOptics, USA). Evaluated parameters were: diameter of the pupil before the application of light stimulus and after illumination at the peak of the constriction, the percentual change of the pupil diameter during constriction, average constriction velocity, maximum constriction velocity and average dilation velocity. We found significantly lower percentual change of the pupil diameter during constriction for both eyes in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder group compared to controls (right eye: -25.81±1.23 % vs. -30.32±1.31 %, p<0.05, left eye: -25.44±1.65 % vs. -30.35±0.98 %, p˂0.05). The average constriction velocity and maximum constriction velocity were significantly shortened in left eye in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder group compared to controls (p˂0.05). Our findings revealed altered pupillary light reflex indicating abnormal centrally-mediated autonomic regulation characterized by parasympathetic underactivity associated with relative sympathetic predominance in children suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Vegetation analyses (phytosociological relevés) of 20 peat bogs arranged along an altitudinal gradient in the southern part of the Czech Republic, Central Europe, revealed relationships between vegetation and environmental gradients. Six of the peat bogs were investigated in detail. The bogs were dominated by Pinus rotundata, a species endemic to Central Europe, and its hybridogenous populations with P. mugo (the hybrid is called P. ×pseudopumilio), with increasing proportions of the latter at higher altitudes. Data were processed using indirect (DCA) and direct (CCA) gradient analyses. Environmental variables (depth of the water table, mean and minimum temperatures, precipitation, pH, conductivity, NH4 and PO4 concentrations, total P, but not total N nor NO3 concentration), as well as biotic characteristics of the sites, such as species composition, and growth form of the dominant pines, were closely correlated with altitude. Woody species, herbs and bryophytes responded to the altitude similarly. Results also indicated the unique characteristics of each bog.