Pro indikaci spinocelulárních karcinomů hlavy a krku je v rámci cílené léčby zaregistrován pouze jediný přípravek a sice cetuximab, jehož nižší toxicita je nespornou výhodou oproti chemoterapii. Díky vysokému počtu dosažených kompletních remisí u lokoregionálně pokročilých onemocnění v našem souboru máme zkušenosti s toutu léčbou velmi dobré. Současně s klinickým sledováním se rozvíjí i výzkum prediktivních markerů., Cetuximab whose lower toxicity is a clear benefit compared to chemotherapy is the only agent registered for the targeted therapy of squamous cell head and neck cancers. Given the high complete remission rate in locoregionally advanced disease in our cohort, our experience with this treatment is very good. In addition to clinical observation, research into predictive markers is under development., Jana Neuwirthová, Pavel Smilek, Rom Kostřica, and Lit.: 5
Nádory oblasti hlavy a krku představují v Evropě u mužů čtvrté nejčastější nádory. Nejvyšší výskyt je pozorován v zemích okolo Středozemního moře. Incidence nádorů orofaryngu v České republice je 0,91/100 000 obyvatel s mortalitou 0,65/100 000 obyvatel, nejvíce zastoupeným klinickým stadiem nádoru je klinické stadium IV (58,9 %). U nádorů patra je incidence 0,34/100 000 obyvatel s mortalitou 0,15/100 000 obyvatel. Nejvíce zastoupeným klinickým stadiem je také stadium IV (26,7 %). Postižení žen je výrazně nižší než u mužů, v ČR je poměr mužů k ženám přibližně 4:1. Z hlediska rizikových faktorů hraje rozhodující vliv kouření a konzumace alkoholu. Průměrný věk pacientů se pohybuje mezi 50 a 60 lety. V kazuistikách bude představen pacient s nádorem orofaryngu a pacient s nádorem měkkého a tvrdého patra a patrové tonzily. V obou případech šlo o pokročilé lokální nálezy bez vzdálených metastáz u „typických“ pacientů mužského pohlaví s dlouholetým abúzem alkoholu a tabakizmem., Head and neck tumours are the fourth most common cancer among men in Europe. The highest incidence is in the Mediterranean countries. The incidence rate of oropharyngeal cancer in the Czech Republic is 0.91/100 000 inhabitants with a mortality rate of 0.65/100 000 inhabitants; the most prevalent clinical stage of the tumour is clinical stage IV (58.9%). In palatine cancer, the incidence rate is 0.34/100 000 inhabitants with a mortality rate of 0.15/100 000 inhabitants. The most prevalent clinical stage is also clinical stage IV (26.7%). Women are significantly less affected than men, with the ratio of women to men being 4:1 in the Czech Republic. In terms of risk factors, smoking and alcohol consumption play a crucial role. The mean age of patients ranges from 50 to 60 years of age. The case reports present a patient with oropharyngeal cancer and another patient with cancer of the soft and hard palate and cancer of the palatine tonsil. In both cases, there were advanced local findings without distant metastases in “typical” male patients with a long-term alcohol and tobacco abuse., Tomáš Pokrivčák, and Lit.: 1
Incidence a prevalence cévní mozkové příhody (CMP) v České republice je ve srovnání s ostatními vyspělými zeměmi Evropy stále vysoká. CMP patří k nejčastějším příčinám úmrtí a je hlavní příčinou trvalé invalidity u dospělých. To má značný dopad na ekonomiku zdravotnictví, v případě trvalé invalidity i do sociální situace nemocného. Nové postupy a trendy v akutní péči, které jsou uplatňovány v komplexních cerebrovaskulárních centrech a iktových centrech, významně zvyšují šance pacientů na úspěšné vyléčení. Těžiště péče je však nutné přesunout od léčby k prevenci a ke zvýšení povědomí široké veřejnosti o CMP, zejména jak rozpoznat příznaky CMP a jak na ně správně reagovat. K tomu přispívají informační a edukační kampaně. Velmi významnou, nezastupitelnou, a stále nedostatečně využívanou možností s mimořádným vlivem jsou média. V České republice probíhá od roku 2005 kampaň "30 dnů pro prevenci a léčbu CMP", která navazuje na Světový den pro CMP "Stroke Awareness Day". V naší práci jsme srovnali počty mediálních výstupů publikovaných k problematice CMP v letech 2006–2008 a následně námi retrospektivně získaných za roky 2009–2011, s cílem zjistit, jakou pozornost tomuto závažnému onemocnění věnují média, jejichž zprávy by měly mít dopad na zvýšené povědomí veřejnosti o CMP., The incidence and prevalence of strokes in the Czech Republic in comparison with other developed European countries continues to be high. Strokes as such belong to the most common causes of death and permanent disability in the adult population. They constitute a significant impact on health care economy, especially in terms of of permanent disability, and the social situation of the patient. New practices and trends in treatment, which are applied in complex cerebrovascular and stroke centers significantly increase the chances of patients being successfuly cured. It is necessary to refocus from treatment to prevention and to increase public awareness of recognition of stroke symptoms and to educate the public on adequate response in such an eventuality. Although this is in principle supported by educational campaigns, the power of the mass media, with its extraordinary influence, remains unused to its full extent. Since 2005, the Czech Republic has promoted a campaign called "30 days for the prevention and treatment of stroke", which follows the global Stroke Awareness Day. In our study we have compared the number of published media items pertaining to this issue in 2006–2008 and 2009–2011, in order to ascertain the extent of media attention to this serious disease. These are conceived to have an impact on public awareness of strokes., Šárka Urbánková, Jiří Neumann, Hana Potměšilová, and Literatura
Human society needs still more intensive exploitation of all kinds of
transportation facilities. This need has already lasted for several decades and will be much more imperative in future. Mobility is one of the basic requirements for survival, besides the energy and food resources, health care and security. The requirements on transportation systems concern not only the quantitative and qualitative aspects of transportation activities, but still more also the aspects of their reliability and safety. This concerns not only the transported subjects or goods but also the environment.
The losses caused by failures of transportation activities reach even now a very high level and if not limited by systematic research and preventive activity, they will reach quite a tremendous level soon.
However, practically all the conternporary transportation vehicles, trains, ships and planes and also all the transportation systems need, for their proper operation, the interaction with human beings, which drive them, controls them or uses them and maintains them.
In spite of the fact that significant progress was made in recent years as concerns the transportation systems automation, the fully automatic transportation systam in use is still foreseen in the considerably far future.
Analyzing the reliability and safety of transportation, one finds that the activity of a human being is the weakest point. The technical reliability of almost all transportation tools has improved quite a lot in the past years; however, the human subject interacting with them has not changed too much, as for his/her reliability and safety of the respective necessary interaction.
Therefore there is a vital necessity to improve it and the possibilities how to implement it will stay more and more in the focus of our interest.
In this paper an overview of the related problems is made, the challenges for further research and development in this area are discussed and the outline of a vision, with respect to human interaction reliability, of optimized transportation systems is presented.
Currently it remains difficult to obtain robust microsatellite markers for Lepidoptera. In an attempt to overcome the problems associated with developing microsatellite markers for this insect order we combined (i) biotin-enrichment protocol, (ii) next generation pyrosequencing (through 454 GS-FLX Titanium technology) and (iii) the use of individuals collected from eight geographically distant European populations representing three subspecies of Euphydryas aurinia. Out of 96 stringently designed primer pairs, 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci amplified without obvious evidence of null alleles in eight individuals from different subspecies. Between five and seven of these loci showed full within population applicability and three revealed to be robust and transferable between populations and sub-species, providing a first step towards the development of a valuable and robust tool for studying conservation issues and evolution in E. aurinia populations. Nevertheless, as in most studies dealing with Lepidoptera microsatellites, null alleles were detected in most of the developed markers. Our results emphasize the need for further research in order to better understand the complex evolution and organization of Lepidopteran genomes. and Melthide Sinama, Vincent Dubut, Caroline Costedoat, André Gilles, Marius Junker, Thibaut Malausa, Jean-François Martin, Gabriel Nève, Nicolas Pech, Thomas Schmitt, Marie Zimmermann, Emese Meglécz.
This paper considers a variant of the bottleneck transportation problem. For each supply-demand point pair, the transportation time is an independent random variable. Preference of each route is attached. Our model has two criteria, namely: minimize the transportation time target subject to a chance constraint and maximize the minimal preference among the used routes. Since usually a transportation pattern optimizing two objectives simultaneously does not exist, we define non-domination in this setting and propose an efficient algorithm to find some non-dominated transportation patterns. We then show the time complexity of the proposed algorithm. Finally, a numerical example is presented to illustrate how our algorithm works.
In this paper, we are concerned with a civil engineering application of optimization, namely the optimal design of a loaded beam. The developed optimization model includes ODE-type constraints and chance constraints. We use the finite element method (FEM) for the approximation of the ODE constraints. We derive a convex reformulation that transforms the problem into a linear one and find its analytic solution. Afterwards, we impose chance constraints on the stress and the deflection of the beam. These chance constraints are handled by a sampling method (Probabilistic Robust Design).
We explore reformulation of nonlinear stochastic programs with several joint chance constraints by stochastic programs with suitably chosen penalty-type objectives. We show that the two problems are asymptotically equivalent. Simpler cases with one chance constraint and particular penalty functions were studied in [6,11]. The obtained problems with penalties and with a fixed set of feasible solutions are simpler to solve and analyze then the chance constrained programs. We discuss solving both problems using Monte-Carlo simulation techniques for the cases when the set of feasible solution is finite or infinite bounded. The approach is applied to a financial optimization problem with Value at Risk constraint, transaction costs and integer allocations. We compare the ability to generate a feasible solution of the original chance constrained problem using the sample approximations of the chance constraints directly or via sample approximation of the penalty function objective.