Voluntary death, particularly when caused by oneself, defies easy understanding. The individual´s life carries immense value in the West and therefore a rather negative attitude toward death predominates. The attitudes towards death found in Confucianism, Buddhism and Shintó are substabtually different - the death of an individual is seen as a natural part of human life. The manner or style of leaving the world is, however, very important since it validates the life that preceded the event. This article focuses of the problem of voluntary death in Japan. It analyzes the Japanese expressions that specify various types of self-killing and deals with traditional religious and social factors that influence atttudes to self-sacrifice and suicide.
Although physical exercise is known to reduce size of infarction,
incidence of ventricular arrhythmias, and to improve heart
function, molecular mechanisms of this protection are not fully
elucidated. We explored the hypothesis that voluntary running,
similar to adaptive interventions, such as ischemic or remote
preconditioning, may activate components of pro-survival (RISK)
pathway and potentially modify cell proliferation. Sprague-Dawley
adult male rats freely exercised for 23 days in cages equipped
with running wheels, while sedentary controls were housed in
standard cages. After 23 days, left ventricular (LV) myocardial
tissue samples were collected for the detection of expression and
activation of RISK proteins (WB). The day before, a marker of
cell proliferation 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) was given to all
animals to detect its incorporation into DNA of the LV cells
(ELISA). Running increased phosphorylation (activation) of Akt,
as well as the levels of PKCε and phospho-ERK1/2, whereas BrdU
incorporation into DNA was unchanged. In contrast, exercise
promoted pro-apoptotic signaling - enhanced Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and
activation of GSK-3β kinase. Results suggest that in the rat
myocardium adapted to physical load, natural cardioprotective
processes associated with physiological hypertrophy are
stimulated, while cell proliferation is not modified. Up-regulation
of pro-apoptotic markers indicates potential induction of cell
death mechanisms that might lead to maladaptation in the longterm.
In recent years there has been a noticeable "rejuvenation" of pelvic organ prolapse. Inconsistency of the pelvic floor muscles, including the omission of sexual organs, is extremely common pathology, observed almost a third of women of reproductive age. The search for effective, convenient methods of contraception for this category of patients is an important problem of modern gynecology. We proposed a method of transvaginal voluntary surgical contraception, produced in conjunction with surgical treatment of descent and prolapse of the vaginal walls. Studied the nearest and long-term results of surgery in 50 women to which, during the surgical treatment of genital prolapse at the same time was performed transvaginal occlusion of the fallopian tubes. Control groups consisted of 30 women to which in the first step before surgical correction of pelvic organ prolapse have been performed minilaparotomy and voluntary surgical sterilization (VSS). Our method consists in penetrating into the abdominal cavity through the anterior vaginal vault, downgrading the fallopian tubes with a hook of Ramathibodi and tubal sterilization by Pomeroy method. Intra - and postoperative complications were not observed. In the late postoperative periods - the effectiveness of the method was 100%. Marked tendency to improve the quality of sexual life tells about the positive impact of elimination of genital prolapse with simultaneous DCA on the quality of life of women., Nigina Nasimova, and Literatura
Medical genetic research achieved in last decade many efforts leading to better understanding of inherited basis of human diseases. This will not be possible without the participation of patients and controls. However, the general understanding of the background and possibilities of genetic association studies is very low. It was confirmed by study of university of students. Because of the fair of misuses of the individual genetic information, significant part of participants refused the use of already donated blood samples for genetic testing but agreed with using of buccal swabs for the same analysis. To enhance the general knowledge’s of the population, leading to realistic expectations not just about genetic predictive power but also about the eventual risks in behind will be the major mission in the next years., V. Adámková ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The contribution explores the Prague origines of the first Prague and Austrian female author of the Enlightenment, Maria Anna Sager, born Rosskoschny (1719-1805). The reconstruction of the carreer of her father Anton Ferdinand Rosskoschny (1679-1734) at the Böhmische Statthalterei - he ended as "Registrator" and "Expeditor" - proves his social ambitions. On the other hand egodocuments of him conserved in the National Archives at Prague reveal the sorrows and the "stress" of the wellestablished fonctioner, not only his fear in front of the people, but also for his reputation, his family and his soul., Helga Meise., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Von Meyenburgovy komplexy jsou benigní jaterní léze složené obvykle z dilatovaných žlučových kanálků obklopených fibrózním stromatem. Jejich nález je většinou incidentální v rámci nečekaného intraoperačního nálezu. Předoperačním vyšetřením nebývají tyto drobné hamartomy většinou zachyceny. Suverénní diagnostickou metodou je peroperační kryohistologické vyšetření. Von Meyenburgovy komplexy nejsou ve většině případů patologicky či funkčně klinicky významné, ale u pacientů s ložiskovým jaterním postižením mohou představovat důležitou možnost, kterou je třeba mít na zřeteli v rámci diferenciální diagnostiky metastatických jaterních patologií., Von Meyenburg complexes are benign liver lesions usually consisting of dilated bile ducts surrounded by fibrous stroma. Their discovery is usually incidental and unsuspected during the early phase of the operative procedure. The sovereign diagnostic method is intraoperative frozen section examination. The complexes are not important as regards their clinical or functional significance. However, this uncommon entity should be taken into consideration in the framework of differential diagnosis of metastatic liver lesions., and R. Šefr, J. Silák, P. Fabian, M. Ondrák, L. Fiala, O. Zapletal
In the War of the Austrian Succession one of the major turning points was when Maria Theresa was crowned Queen of Bohemia, because this step strengthened the power of the Houseof Habsburg in Central Europe. For people who belonged to the Reformed Church in the Kingdom of Hungary, this meant that they had to live their lives under the rule of a Catholic monarch. Debrecen was the centre of the Reformed Church and the city prepared for this political situation: pastor Mihály Komáromi H. delivered a special sermon to celebrate the coronation. In this sermon he acknowledged the fact that the Habsburgs had right to the Hungarian throne and tried to use this political advantage to improve the situation of the Reformed Church. This sermon became so popular that a manuscript was made from it and it was a popular reading in the Reformed congregations of the countryside., Ádám Hegyi., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Vorikonazol je širokospektrální antimykotikum používané v profylaxi a léčbě závažných invazivních mykotických infekcí, nejenom u imunodeficientních pacientů. Vyznačuje se velkou variabilitou dosahovaných plazmatických koncentrací v důsledku rozdílné resorpce při perorálním podávání, rozdílnou metabolizací a četnými lékovými interakcemi. Dosavadní limitovaná literární data ukazují na možnost vztahu mezi plazmatickou koncentrací vorikonazolu a selháním antimykotické léčby nebo toxicitou tohoto léku. Cílem této přehledné práce je analyzovat skutečnou použitelnost monitoringu plazmatických koncentrací vorikonazolu v běžné klinické praxi., Voriconazole is an azol broad spectrum agent used in treatment and prophylaxis of invasive fungal infections. Due to different resorption, different metabolism and frequent drug interactions voriconazole exhibits a wide variability of its plasma concentrations. Some recent studies have shown a possible relationship between voriconzole plasma concentration and the therapeutic outcome of fungal infection and have described possible correlation between voriconazole concentration and drug toxicity, too. This review is focused on importance and usability of voriconazole plasma concentration measurement in routine clinical practice., Jana Diatková, Ludmila Malášková, Iva Kocmanová, Martina Tošková, Jiří Mayer, Zdeněk Ráčil, and Literatura
Užívanie tabaku patrí medzi najvýznamnejšie príčiny zbytočných a predčasných úmrtí v histórií ľudstva. Štúdie dokazujú, že fajčenie je vážnym medicínskym a spoločensko-ekonomickým problémom, ktorý v súčasnosti nadobudol charakter pandémie. Fajčenie je rizikový faktor participujúci na predčasných úmrtiach v dôsledku vzniku desiatky ochorení, predovšetkým onkologických, srdcovocievnych, chorôb tráviaceho traktu, ústnej dutiny. Fajčenie, ako návyk, sa významnou mierou podieľa sa vzniku chronickej obštrukčnej choroby pľúc, na ktorú zomiera viac fajčiarov ako na rakovinu pľúc, a ktorej výskyt je priamo závislý od prevalencie fajčenia cigariet. Vzhľadom na rôznorodosť a početnosť ochorení, ktoré fajčenie spôsobuje, sa účinky fajčenia na kožný systém často prehliadajú. Práca ako súborný referát poukazuje na negatívne zmeny na koži, ktoré fajčenie so sebou prináša, ale predovšetkým zdôrazňuje potrebu prevencie, ktorá je omnoho účinnejšia ako následná liečba. Súhrn výsledkov a záverov viacerých zahraničných a domácich literárnych štúdií zaoberajúcich sa problematikou fajčenia a kože potvrdzuje negatívne pôsobenie cigaretového dymu a jeho súčastí na kožu a jej zložky. Práca sa zameriava na etiologickú a patofyziologickú súvislosť fajčenia so vznikom karcinómu kože, starnutia kože a rozvojom chronického ochorenia kože – psoriázy. Práca predkladá užitočné preventívne rady, prečo s fajčením nezačať, ako s touto závislosťou čo najefektívnejšie skoncovať, prípadne na koho sa môže pri odvykaní obrátiť. V rámci prevencie príspevok zdôrazňuje potrebu dennej starostlivosti o kožu, samovyšetrovanie, ale aj dôležitosť mať dostatočné poznatky o škodlivých účinkoch fajčenia na kožu., Tobacco use is the most important cause of preventable and premature deaths in human history. Literature reviews confirm that smoking is a serious medical and socio-economic problem, which currently has the character of a pandemic habit. Smoking is a risk factor of premature deaths resulting from many diseases, e. g. cancer, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, oral cavity diseases. Smoking is an important risk factor also for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, where more smokers will die from this chronic condition as compared to mortality from lung cancer. Frequency of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is directly related to the intensity of cigarette smoking. The effect of smoking has a very high diversity of diseases caused by smoking, but the effects of smoking on the skin are often overlooked. Article is a summary review focused on negative changes on the skin caused by smoking. The paper particularly emphasizes the need for prevention, which is far more effective than curative treatment. Summary of results and conclusions of several foreign and domestic research studies focusing on the issue of smoking and skin, confirms the negative effect of cigarette smoke and its components on the skin and skin cutaneous complex. The work focuses on the etiological and pathophysiological association of smoking on skin cancer, skin aging and the development of chronic skin diseases – psoriasis. The article also provides useful preventive advice for smoking cessation and for early stages of smoking prevention. The paper also confirms the necessity and need for daily skin care, self-testing, but also the importance of a sufficient knowledge of the adverse effects of smoking on the skin., Jana Diabelková, Kvetoslava Rimárová, and Literatura
Ciel štúdie: Alzheimerova choroba (AD) je progresívna a ireverzibilná neurodegeneratívna porucha, ktorá vedie k demencii a smrti. Dochádza k masívnej strate neurónov, najmä v hipokampe a asociačných oblastiach neokortexu. Vysoká koncentrácia cirkulujúceho homocysteínu (Hcy) je považovaná za nezávislý rizikový faktor vzniku cievnej mozgovej príhody. Alzheimerova choroba (AD) sa bežne vyskytuje ako dôsledok mozgovej ischémie. Nedávne prospektívne štúdie ukázali, že hyperhomocysteinémia (hHcy) je silný, nezávislý rizikový faktor pre rozvoj demencie a AD. Molekulárne mechanizmy, ktoré zodpovedajú za rozvoj týchto patológii nie sú úplne objasnené. V práci sme skúmali účinok hHcy na zmeny MAPKs (mitogénom aktivované proteínkinázy) dráhy v neurónových bunkách v korelácii s neurodegeneratívnymi zmenami v mozgu zvierat. Typ štúdie: Experimentálna. Názov a sídlo pracoviska: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta v Martine, Ústav histológie a embryológie, Malá Hora 4, 036 01 Martin, Slovensko Materiál a metódy: Pre naše experimenty sme použili dospelé laboratórne potkany (samce) kmeňa Wistar. Zvieratá boli rozdelené do dvoch skupín. V prvej skupine bol počas 14 dní subkutánne podávaný Hcy v dávke 0,45 μmol/g/zviera dvakrát denne. Druhá skupina bola bez ošetrenia Hcy. Po uplynutí tejto doby bola prvej aj druhej skupine navodená globálna ischémia štvorcievnym podväzom, a to 15minútová ischémia s reperfúziou 72 hodín. Výsledky: Výsledky ukázali, že ischemický inzult v kombinácii s indukovanou hHcy vedie k zvýšeniu smrti nervových buniek v mozgovej kôre. Analýza proteínov MAPKs Western blotom naznačuje, že IR aj hHcy ovplyvňujú hladinu MAPK/EKR a MAPK/p38 proteínov, ktoré sú spojené s prežívaním/smrťou nervových buniek. Záver: Tieto zistenia naznačujú, že ischemické poškodenie v kombinácii s indukovanou hHcy má u potkanov neurodegeneratívny účinok. Naše výsledky tiež poukazujú na to, že tento kombinovaný model poškodenia by mohol viesť k progresii AD-podobným patologickým črtám u laboratórnych zvierat., Objective: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disorder combined with massive neuronal loss, mainly in the hippocampus and association regions of the neocortex that results in dementia and death. A high circulating concentration of homocysteine (Hcy) is an independent risk factor for stroke. Commonly, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is frequently occurring as a result of stroke. A recent prospective study showed hyperhomocysteinemia to be a strong, independent risk factor for dementia and AD. The molecular mechanisms underlying these mechanisms are not fully understood yet. We investigated the effect of hHcy (hyperhomocysteinemia) on associated changes in MAPK/ERK (Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinases) pathways in neuronal cells correlated with neurodegeneration. Design: Experimental. Settings: Commenius University, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology, Mala Hora 4, 036 01 Martin, Slovakia Material and methods: For our experiments we used adult rats (male) Wistar. Animals were divided into two groups. The first group was treated by subcutaneous injection 0,45 μmol/g of Hcy in duration of 14 days before experiment. After this period both groups underwent global forebrain ischemia by 4-vessels occlusion. Thus, 15 minutes of ischemia was followed by reperfusion period of 72 hours. Results: The results showed that IR after induced hHcy may attenuate the neural cell death in forebrain cortex. Further Western blot study of MAPKs suggested that IR as well as hHcy affect number and level of MAPK/ERK and MAPK/p38 proteins, which are associated with survival/death of neural cells. 182 Klinická biochemie a metabolismus 4/2015 nútovej ischémie ihneď nasledovala 72 hodinová reperfúzia. Zvieratá s indukovanou hHcy Zvieratá v tejto skupine dostávali počas 14 dní pred experimentom subkutánne Hcy v množstve 0,45 μmol/g/zviera dvakrát denne podľa Mattého a kol. [13]. Zvieratá boli rozdelené do rovnakých dvoch podskupín A a B ako bolo uvedeno (Hcy-C a Hcy-IR-72h rep skupiny), pričom množstvo zvierat v skupinách, všetky podmienky počas operácie, celého trvania ischémie i reperfúzie, ako aj odobratie tkanív boli totožné s predchádzajúcou skupinou zvierat. Po ischémii, resp. po reperfúzii boli zvieratá usmrtené dekapitáciou a odobraté mozgové tkanivo bolo použité na prípravu homogenátov na izoláciu bielkovín, resp. na histologickú analýzu. Príprava homogenátu proteínov Tkanivá mozgov sa ponorili do 3 ml homogenizačného roztoku [0.32 mol.m-3 sacharóza + HEPES (4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperazine-1-ethanesulfonic acid); pH = 7.4 v pomer 1 : 10]. Na homogenizáciu sa po- Conclusion: These findings suggest that IR injury after induced hHcy have a neurodegenerative role on global brain ischemia in rats. Our results also indicate that this model of combined insults could lead to the progression of AD-like pathological features., Kovalská M., Kovalská L., Zeliesková M., Koprda O., Mešťanová V., Adamkov M., Lehotský J., and Literatura